Sensei of Shambala. Book IV. Anastasia Novykh
Читать онлайн книгу.magnitude of the earthquake on the Richter scale, but also the precise date when it would happen.
“Well, I see,” uttered Sensei.
“What do you mean?” cautiously inquired Victor.
“If Ariman said so, then, it has already happened.”
“In which sense?” Ruslan didn’t get it. “How? It’s the future!”
Sensei only sighed heavily, obviously because of such a naivety of the guy and replied, “You see, those who possess the power perceive this world in a different way than ordinary people. What you felt the moment he was talking about it, it was the power put in this event. That is this event, though it is distanced by the future, it has already happened. Especially if it concerned the natural element.”
“How can it be?” the guys were surprised.
Sensei smiled sadly and said, “A thought is able to move planets, not just influence natural elements.” And in a while he added, “Well, if he said it, it means, the millions will get to know about that.”
“Sensei, I hear it from you not for the first time,” Nikolai Andreevich uttered with a smile. “How can these millions get to know if we don’t tell it anybody?”
“It’s doesn’t concern you, the main thing is that he uttered it aloud. Make no nevermind about the functioning of this mechanism. What is going to be, will be.”
“Right, the most difficult thing in this world is not to listen to Ariman,” Victor made his conclusions.
“The most difficult thing in this world for a human is not to fall under his Animal nature. And the most important is to win a victory over himself,” remarked Sensei.
“It seems, Ariman also spoke about that,” Ruslan expressed his bewilderment.
Sensei just shook his head and explained, “ ’A victory over yourself’ in interpretation of Ariman means to live for the sake of accumulation of material things, to give up everything for the sake of money, stepping over the lives of other people in order to get power and leadership. But this is a substitution, a deceit, an illusion of the welfare which turns to the total defeat of your soul. Since a human following the way of Ariman wants to be a king of this world. And he even doesn’t think of what is awaiting for him after death. For him the other world, the world of soul is somewhere there, he doesn’t know where. “Does that higher world exist at all?” due to Ariman’s attempts it turns to a big question for a human. And this material world, it’s right here, here and now. It seems to be real for him. And all this substitution happens as a human doesn’t remember the beauty of the higher world, the world of God. He can recollect it only reaching Nirvana, that is the highest spiritual state. But as far as a human doesn’t achieve it, as far as he doesn’t step over his Animal, he will spend this life in illusions, in dreams of his significance in this world, in fact in vain, as whatever peaks does he reach in this world, with the time these achievements turn into nothing.
“And the real victory over yourself is to win an egoist in yourself, the desire to be a “king” of this world. This world is just a trap for stupid people who take the illusion for reality and in this way bringing tortures and sufferings to their soul.”
“And is that true about the Archons?” asked Stas.
“Yes,” answered Sensei.
“That is they are shaman, witch-doctors, pagan priests?”
“No, they were like that before, in ancient times, and moreover not all of them. And now they are those people who bind together in their lodges and secret societies world capital, politics and religion.”
“You mean world bankers or what?” Volodya was surprised about his guess.
“I mean those who control them,” specified Sensei.
Eugene even whistled after this message.
“I wonder what kind of secret societies are there?” inquired Volodya.
“In different times they were known under different names. For example, one of the first powerful circles of the Archons was known since ancient times as “Freemasons”. Many branches originate from this trunk. There are the so called “Brotherhood of the Snake”, the “Brotherhood of the Dragon”, “Illuminati”, “Masons” and other secret societies. Till now historians try to clear out which originated from which. But they get confused more and more. Why? Because the goal of the Archons is to mix up everything and to confuse so that nobody would be able to find out and to get at the roots of the true essence of all of these secret societies. And their essence is simple. The uppermost majority of secret societies are just pawns in hands of the Archons for manipulations of Ariman.
“Ariman just plays on weaknesses of people. One of these weaknesses is the subconscious inclination of people to secrets. And this way they touch upon not only the spiritual strive of a human, his desire to break the chains of reincarnation with the help of secret knowledge, but mostly his primitive egoistic ambitions to possess this knowledge for the sake of power over other people. That’s why the uppermost majority of secret societies flourish under the Archons. And taking into account that people not only want to possess secret knowledge but to create their own “empire” around them, we see that today practically the whole world is ruled by the secret world government – the Archons.”
Sensei became silent and Volodya pondering for a while said, “Frankly speaking, even taking into account all my knowledge and experience of the army officer, I have never heard about that, especially about secret societies of such a level. Would you be so kind to elucidate a bit on this issue,” and seeing doubts of Sensei he added, “As people say, it’s better to know the enemy than to be unaware of it.”
In reply Sensei said, “The Archons aren’t enemies. They are miserable people who by mistake chose dust and temporary values instead of eternal ones. Their choice was made towards the matter, or to be more precise, in favour of Ariman. A human always invents some enemies as for the most part he can’t solve the internal conflict between his Animal and Spiritual natures. And relations between the groups of people and the countries are just the enlarged overblown copy of this conflict. However in reality the most cruel enemy for a human is he himself, or to be more precise, his own Animal nature. You can’t fight with it in usual ways as the bigger the confrontation will be, the stronger will be aggression from the side of the Animal, as you draw your attention to this conflict. You can win it only due with you unwillingness to get provoked and tempted by the Animal nature, and by concentration on spiritual and useful for you soul things. Then, if you take such an internal position and will follow it sincerely, you won’t have in external world enemies, and your life will turn to a fascinating game. After all, we live here temporarily, let’s say, we are guests here.”
“Right, but this world is a trap of Ariman, isn’t it?! How can you live in it if you want to become Free?” asked Yura with agitation.
“Whatever conditions you are in, whichever obstacles you destiny brings you, you should live the way as it befits a Human. That is you should become a Human and help people around you. The main thing in this life is to be free spiritually inside, free from this material world, to strive to God without turning aside from this way. Then you will be able to be maximally useful to people and to live the life worth of Human. And that’s the great secret! Be a human here and now in this egoistic, material world. Be like a Lotus which grows up in the dirty swamp but despite of it becomes ideally pure! You are a Human and you have His grain!
Our group held our breath and listened to these words of Sensei.
“Well, in order to become a Human in this world you have to possess really a great will-power and courage so that to keep thoughts pure, not stained by the dirt of this swamp,” agreed Nikolai Andreevich. “A human is mainly attracted to live the same way like most of the people in this world. That’s why he is often inclined to made egoistic deeds, that’s why we swim in dirt and quiet our Conscience by phrases “everybody does this way”, “everybody lives like that”.” And in a while he added, “What is the Archons concerned… Frankly speaking, it would be also quite interesting for me listen to the information about these