Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom. Nikolay Starikov

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Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom - Nikolay Starikov

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to improve the relations between Germany and the USSR, but the old mistrust towards Germany is not yet extinct. My general impression is that the Soviet Government is determined to sign an agreement with England and France…' We can read this… in Churchill's book. (Churchill W. The Second World War. Volume 1: The gathering storm. London: Cassell, 1964). But contemporary liars in history only try to sound plausible to the ignorant. They appeal to emotions. But once you open a book, even by Churchill, who was not particularly friendly to Russia, all accusations dissolve as mist in the morning. Do not believe liars in history. Read books and judge for yourself.


Not only were the Polish not preparing to protect themselves against Hitler but they were actually planning an attack themselves. But all their fortifications were on the Russian border, not German. For more information on what the Polish government did to ruin their own country see: Starikov N. Who Forced Hitler to Attack Stalin? St. Petersburg: Piter, 2010 (In Russian).


In my next book, if I have enough time and am in sufficient health, I will write about the reasons for the tragedy that happened on 22nd June, 1941.


Narochnickaya N. A., Falin V.M. The Score of the Second World War. Who started the war and when? Moscow: Veche, 2009. P. 27.


Ibid. P. 212.


Ibid. P. 91.


The Second Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR was held on 12-24 December, 1989.


NarochnickayaN. A., Falin V.M. The Score of the Second World War. Who started the war and when? Moscow: Veche, 2009. P. 115.


Ibid. P. 115.


I dedicated another book, 'Who Forced Hitler to Attack Stalin?' (St. Petersburg: Piter, 2010), to detailed demonstration of this statement. It is impossible to give all arguments within this book. Therefore, we will confine ourselves to a brief listing.


According to Churchill, they produced as many weapons as the whole British Empire altogether.


The war between Russia and Germany was to break out on the grounds of Transcarpathian Ukraine. This region was once a part of Austria-Hungary, then Czechoslovakia and then Slovakia. Hitler was going to annexe it as a part of the Reich, and that would have served as an excuse for a war. Both the USSR and Germany had parts of the Ukraine. Instead, the Führer gave the Transcarpathian region to the Hungarians in March 1939. And immediately the West decided to punish him, and Poland forgot about its friendship with the Reich. Within literally 24 hours.


Narochnickaya N. A., Falin V.M. The Score of the Second World War. Who started the war and when? Moscow: Veche, 2009. P. 148.


Ibid. P. 148-149.


Here are just some facts. Great Britain was Japan's ally during the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905. As a result of the war. Japan annexed Korea, which went unnoticed by the Anglo-Saxons. After the Japanese invasion of China, despite enormous casualties on the Chinese side, Great Britain blocked all accusations of Japan's aggression as a member of the League of Nations. In total, between 1931 and 1945 as a result of the Japanese aggression, 35 million people died in China (Narochnickaya N. A., Falin V. M. The Score of the Second World War. Who started the war and when? Moscow: Veche, 2009. P. 54). And finally, while the delegations from England and France were getting ready for negotiations in Moscow, on 24th July 1939 London and Tokyo signed a treaty which completely recognised the existing situation in China'. This was a blessing for a war with Russia. For a full-scale war…


Russia did not lose the war with Japan in 1905. We were forced to sign a peace treaty! Russia was forced to do that by means of revolutionary action, strikes, terrorist attacks and 'mutinies' in the fleet. All revolution was the result of excellent work of the foreign special services. For example, the mutiny on the Potemkin started with a soup in which the sailors found living worms. Their indignation was just – they were being fed rotten food! And it did not occur to anyone that boiling the soup would have surely killed the worms and there was no way they could still be alive. Someone purposely threw living worms into the food AFTER it had been cooked. And this is just one of the examples: the most telling one. The peace negotiations were initiated by… Japan. Two days after the battle of Tsushima the Japanese offered a peace treaty. Because they realised that it was impossible to win a long war with Russia. You can read more on how the English were forcing Nikolas II to sign the peace treaty with the help of the revolutionaries (and most importantly, why?) in: StarikovN. Who funds disintegration of Russia. From Decembrists to Mujahids. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2010.


NarochnickayaN. A., Falin V.M. The Score of the Second World War. Who started the war and when? Moscow: Veche, 2009. P. 81.


NarochnickayaN. A., Falin V.M. The Score of the Second World War. Who started the war and when? Moscow: Veche, 2009. P. 149.


For more information on this subject see: Starikov N. Cherchez la Oil. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2010.


Narochnickaya N. A., Falin V.M. The Score of the Second World War. Who started the war and when? Moscow: Veche, 2009. P. 150.


Very often, to demonstrate Stalin's silliness or cowardice, people mention the trains full of crops which crossed the Russian-German border up until 22 June. But it was not due to cowardice or fear; the USSR was paying back its loan. Or do those who condemn Stalin not pay their loans back? First, Germany supplied machines, weapons and a lot of other things to the USSR, and then the USSR paid the debt back over several years. It was a bargain. It is not the USSR that financed Hitler, but Hitler who financed the USSR. Stalin squeezed everything possible out of Hitler. Who can say exactly how much of the loan we paid back before the beginning of the war and how much was left? Who remembered our debt in 1946 when the loan contract expired? If this is not a victory of the Russian diplomacy, then what is a victory?!


Bulok A. Hitler and Stalin. Smolensk: Rusich, 1994. P. 237.


Falin V. The Second Front. Anti-Hitler Coalition: conflict of interest. Moscow: Centrpoligraph, 2000. P. 121.


The Year of Crisis. 1938-1939: Documents and Materials: 2 Volumes. Moscow: Izdatelstvo politicheskoy literatury, 1990. V. 2. P. 303.


Narochnickaya N. A., Falin V.M. The Score of the Second World War. Who started the war and when? Moscow: Veche, 2009. P. 93.


Fest J. Adolf Hitler: In 3 volumes. Perm: Aleteya. V. 3. P. 160.


Ibid. P. 233-234.


Narochnickaya N. A., Falin V.M. The Score of the Second World War. Who started the war and when? Moscow: Veche, 2009. P. 152. Hitler was vegetarian and did not drink.


For some reason those who write about the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact make it sound like Hitler, once he had signed the treaty, was ready to be 'friends' with Russia forever. For a man as cynical as Hitler, a treaty was nothing but a paper. And he was not going to adhere to it forever from the very beginning. He could have easily exchanged it or traded it for more preferences from his beloved Britain. This is what happened in reality. By 25th May Hitler had already sent Dalerus, who was a Swedish manufacturer, a relative and a friend of Goering's, to London. And up until 1st September, 1939 active work on diplomatic channels was taking place. But the English decided that Hitler's word was worth nothing and therefore declared war against him: in actual fact, they were not pursuing any war, and promised to stop it provided that Hitler would fulfil his obligations and attack Russia. And they kept pushing Hitler until he finally gave London satisfaction on 22 June 1941.

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