Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom. Nikolay Starikov

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Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom - Nikolay Starikov

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was present – the USSR did not stand behind its contestants; every effort was exerted for production of nuclear weapons;

      ● the economical sovereignty was present – the food-coupons were abolished, the country was recovering;

      ● the cultural sovereignty was present: songs, values, cult-figures – all of them were of Russian provenance.

      In 1980 only four sovereignties were left:

      ● recognition, flag, emblem and anthem were present;

      ● the diplomatic sovereignty – the ability to conduct an independent international policy was present;

      ● the military sovereignty was present – the USSR still did not stand behind its contestants, having joined the armament race, adhering to the law of the talion, rather than to the principle of sufficient cause[9];

      ● the economical sovereignty was present – food shortages occurred, but nobody went hungry.

      Yet the cultural sovereignty had vanished: everyone was chasing after the foreign rags and chewing gum. The West – is the 'regent of dreams'. The West was considered something advanced, whereas our own country was disrespected as a backward 'sovok' (from 'soviets').

      It is the loss of cultural sovereignty that became the starting point of the tragedy of Russia – the USSR. We started with losing our cultural sovereignty under Khrushchev – Brezhnev, then the military sovereignty under Gorbatchev. Unilateral reductions of the newest missiles, withdrawal of troops everywhere and the termination of the Warsaw pact[10] are the hallmarks of this process. As a result, the economical sovereignty shrunk immediately, instantaneously. Ration books and coupons emerged; the life became dependent on the credits from the West. The gold reserve of the USSR disappeared without a trace. The 'gold of the communist party' was hunted for by the democrats, whereas they never cared for the 'Gold of USSR'. Because the only place where this gold could have gone was the West. There were no other possible destinations.

      And finally, the last thing we lost was the diplomatic sovereignty, as the destiny of the country was decided not within but without the country's participation. Yet the process of demolition did not rest there. The subsequent shameful dissolution of the USSR with violation of all thinkable laws, the notorious agreement in Belavezhskaya Pushcha (Bialowieza forest) was the bottom-line of a complete loss of the diplomatic sovereignty. The freezing point had been reached. Immediately after the session, as three politicians who had violated the results of the referendum on retaining of the USSR decided to dissolute it, Boris Yeltsin dialled Washington and reported what had happened![11] Just like in the TV-game 'Who wants to be a millionaire?' – the first call is to the friend!

      And after you have lost everything – what do you need your life for? And so the USSR vanished literally a few days after it had lost the remnants of its sovereignty…

      By 1992 all we had was the international recognition:

      ● a beautiful flag, emblem and the recognition by the West of the new – strongly curtailed – borders of our country;

      ● no diplomatic sovereignty left – Russia gives up all its friends just like that – for patronizing compliments on its steady move towards democracy;

      ● no military sovereignty left – we started disarming unilaterally;

      ● there was no trace of the economical sovereignty – the country could supply itself with nothing, the whole industry was being sold out at no price;

      ● no cultural sovereignty left – we were actively talking over foreign values.

      Yet Carthage shall be destroyed, shall it not? Wiped off the map. So the process of our sovereignty should have been brought to the final point, and this final point should be the complete decay of the country. By the end of the nineties that proved to be a terrible reality: the Ural republic under Eduard Rossel – the republic with the completely autonomic state structure, as well as numerous presidents of the autonomy republics and districts were already present. By 1999 Russia's sovereignty was reduced to a flag, emblem and the internationally recognized territory. It is this fifth sovereignty that we were sentenced to be deprived of. It would have meant a break-up of Russia into minor states; it would have meant a war and chaos. The signal for this scenario was given by Basayev's invasion of Dagestan. The country was completely ready to be surrendered. Yet it was not…

      The turn of 2000 marked the beginning of the gradual restoration of the Complete State Sovereignty. The previous process had been reversed. What was lost last was regained first. The whole thing began with restoration of diplomatic sovereignty, i.e. with the second Chechen operation. I am speaking about the right of the country to have control over its own territory, whatever the opinion of the international community may be. I am speaking about maintaining friendship with those countries, whose friendship is profitable for Russia. I am speaking about repelling an aggressor in the South Ossetia. Let us face it – it was not the Georgian president but the USA standing behind, who was chinned by the Russian troops. With my own eyes I saw reports from the South Ossetian capital… a corpse of a black soldier in the NATO uniform. It was shown a couple of times – then these shots disappeared from the broadcast. A military advisor, killed in the battle. It is not by chance, that in the Soviet tanks, that had been in arsenal of the Georgian army and were captured in Tskhinvali, the labels inside the machine were written in English…

      By 2011 we had:

      ● recognition, flag, emblem and anthem;

      ● partial diplomatic sovereignty – we have to bargain with the USA and act with caution on it;

      ● the military sovereignty is being restored, this process may be slow, but it is talking place;

      ● we are still missing economic sovereignty.

      The cultural sovereignty still stays out, yet it is on the rebound. Like after the cruel disease we come to ourselves, recover from amnesia and finally realize how meanly we were deceived by the 'perestroika foremen'. Once again our youth starts to be proud of our country. Patriotism has apparently grown in the last ten-fifteen years; the times when our tourists felt ashamed to confess that they are from Russia, are over. This does not sound like a huge progress, does it? No, it does not, the progress is indeed very little. Annoyingly little. Yet the direction is right, however slow the tempo may be.

      The objective of the management and the government of Russia shall be acquisition of Complete State Sovereignty of Russia.

      How can we get rid of the deficiency of State Sovereignty? How then to restore the Complete State Sovereignty? The road out of trouble is the same as that into trouble, yet travelled in the opposite direction. We see that the restoration of Complete Sovereignty involves all five components of sovereignty. Now we have got the first, the second (nearly), the third and the fifth ones. The matter depends on the fourth sovereignty – the economic one. In order to achieve something, one has to have a clear understanding of what one wants to achieve. The structure of today's world is a financial one par excellence. Today's chains consist not of iron and shackles, but of figures, currencies and debts. That's why the road to freedom for Russia, as strange as it may seem, lies in the financial sphere. Today we are being held back from the progress at our most painful point – our rouble. Exactly in the same manner as the lack of sovereignty had formerly been symbolised by the enemy soldiers in the streets of our towns, now the defeat of those towns is testified by the enemy's currency, which is entirely soft. As our sovereignty was threatened by the enemy's soldiers, we had our army to oppose this threat. Today the enemy's soft currency shall be opposed by our, Russian currency.

      Here I anticipate a reasonable question: is this currency not ours anyway? Does the rouble not belong to us? Well, our rouble, the Russian currency unit, is – just to put it delicately – in a way, not quite ours. And this situation is the most serious obstacle to our country's development.

      Let us examine this situation.


      About the Federal Reserve System

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For no apparent reason, merely out of considerations for prestige, the USSR strived to maintain the military balance up to the last decimal place. I.e. if the USA had 4000 nuclear warheads, we had also to have 4000, even though 2500 nuclear devices were enough to destroy all flesh on the Earth several times.


It was dissolved on 1st July 1991. As Gorbatchev was told that there were no guarantees of NATO dissolution, and it was necessary to get such first, he replied: 'What will the West need NATO for, once we have dissolved the Warsaw pact?' The West played up to him readily. On the 19-21 November, on the plenary meeting of the heads of OSCE countries in Paris, the Charter for a New Europe was adopted: 'The era of confrontation and division of Europe has ended… New partnership will be built… Security is indivisible' (Utkin, A. General Secretary's Betrayal. M.: Algoritm, 2010. P. 96.). Where is this declaration now? Who executes it? Who observes it?

Since we have touched upon the Eastern Europe – please, note that none of the former USSR allies became neutral, i.e. independent. All of them entered NATO. That confirms once again the old truth: if you do not control something, this 'something' will be controlled by somebody else. And this 'somebody' will never be neutral. If you renounce your control over something, this control will be just taken over by your rival. That is all.


Gorbatchev learned about the dissolution of the country which he had been ruling, from mass-media. He was very offended by the fact that Yeltsin did not call him but George Bush.