Играем и говорим на английском языке. Сказки про животных. Ольга Майба

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Играем и говорим на английском языке. Сказки про животных - Ольга Майба

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and asks them about the hare. Nobody knows about it. Suddenly, he sees the hare; it is sleeping into a box.)

      – Oh! I find it at last. It’s here, into the box. Whom does this box belong to? It’s my box! Why did it get here? Unfortunately, I forgot to lock a door. I’m sorry. Fortunately, I find it. Let’s go home, the lost thing.

      The Zoo-keeper will be pleased.

      3. Drawing. Ask «What can be red?» Let children draw all the red things they remember. Praise them for small wins.

      It is the hot day today (7)

      Учитель говорит, что в зоопарке животным не так хорошо, как в лесу или возле реки.

      Мы можем нарисовать реку на большом листе бумаги, и разместить наших зверей возле неё.

      Давайте так и сделаем.

      – We will draw a big river. Our animals live in a forest. It’s a hot day today. A lion is hot.

      – I am thirsty. I would like to drink!

      – Go to the river. It is there. (A child puts the toy by the river.) – Drink, Lion.

      The lion drinks and says,

      – Thank you very much. I am fine.

      A zebra is hot.

      – I am thirsty. I would like to drink.

      – Go to the river. It’s there. (A child puts the toy by the river.) – Drink, Zebra.

      The zebra drinks and says,

      – Thank you very much. I am O.K.

      We play with all toys by the same way and a child repeats all words.

      2. All the animals are by the river. Some of them are domestic animals, and some of them are wild.

      Domestic animals live in a farm and people care of them, feed them and keep them. What are the

      domestic animals?

      – What domestic animals can you see by the river? (I see a cow, a goat, a sheep, an ox, a cat, a dog and others.)

      – Right! Victoria, take a cat and put it on the right side of the river. Well done! Put all domestic animals on the right side of the river. (A child does this act) Well, what are on the right side?

      (She names them.) We put these animals separately in order the wild ones can not eat them. Can a sheep live with a tiger? (No, it can’t.)

      Can a lion live with a donkey? (No, it can’t.) All the wild animals are on the left side of the river. What can you see on the left side of the river?

      Show me and name all the wild animals. (A child does it.) Good for you. All the animals will speak to each other and make friends in our stories and tales, and they will help each other in difficult situations.

      3. Let’s sing the song.

      I can see a zebra, (a donkey, a moose, a jaguar, a deer and so on)

      You can see it too;

      I can see by the river,

      You can see at the Zoo.

      A hare is afraid of… (8)

      Маленький зайчонок хочет гулять в лесу, но вот беда, он боится всех зверей.

      Мы расставим деревья и зверей и будем играть.

      – Good morning, children. Will we play with our plastic toys? (Yes, we will.) Let’s start. Our animals are very polite; they greet each other every day as we do. A monkey turns to a lion and


      – I am Monkey. What are you?

      – I am Lion. What are you?

      (Every animal sings its greeting and turns to the next one.)

      2. – What can you see in the forest? I can see the blue sky, the green trees, the green bushes and green grass. A lot of butterflies, flies, bees are flying above the trees. There are mushrooms, berries in the wood. A little hare is alone in the wood. It is afraid to be alone and wants to find somebody to play.

      – I’m a little hare. I want to walk in the wood, but I’m afraid of all the animals. I’m afraid of a tiger, of a lion, of a leopard, and even an elephant. Where are they? The tiger is by the river; an elephant is near the tree; a monkey is on the tree. (It is on the bank of the river, under the bush, on the stone and in the river. A child answers where they are.)

      The hare comes up to the bush and sees the lion,

      – Oh, I am afraid of the lion!

      – Don’t be afraid of the lion; it will be your friend.

      – It’s O.K. I will look for somebody else. (It goes further. It sees a bear under the tree.)

      – Oh, I’m afraid of the bear; it can eat me.

      – Don’t be afraid of the bear; it will be your friend.

      – It’s O.K. I will look for somebody else. (I t goes further and sees a wolf (a fox, a leopard, an elephant and so on. It says the same words and at last it meets a sheep.)

      – Good morning, Sheep. How are you?

      – Morning. I am fine and you?

      – Thanks, I am fine… I’m alone and I’m afraid of all the animals except you. Be my friend; let’s play together.

      – Poor thing! Don’t be afraid of somebody; we will live together and nobody can eat you. Be quiet!

      3. Drawing.

      – Children, do you like this story? I like it. Let’s draw a hare in the wood. Take your pencils and draw a picture. What color will be your hare? What color will be the grass?

      Are flowers red or blue? Let’s start. (After drawing a teacher asks her pupils.)

      – What, is it? Where is a hare? What’s its color? What color are the flowers? Your picture is very nice. Good for you!

      See you later. Good bye.

      You know all the colors (9)

      Мы будем учить стихотворение, чтобы запомнить все цвета. Какие цвета ты знаешь? Какой твой любимый цвет?

      – Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you again. How are you? You drew very well yesterday. You know all the colors. We will learn the rhyme about colors. Listen to me.

      Red, red, touch your head.

      Black, black, touch your back.

      Blue, blue, touch your shoe.

      Green, green, touch your chin.

      Brown, brown, touch the ground.

      – I have some sheets of paper. Here you are. What color are they? We see the red sheet of paper, the black, the blue, the green and the brown sheets of paper. Show me the red sheet of paper. Right!

      Show me the black sheet of paper. (It’s blue, green and brown.)

      2. The

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