The History of Virginia, in Four Parts. Beverley Robert

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The History of Virginia, in Four Parts - Beverley Robert

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108 Hops growing wild, 109 18. Great variety of seeds, plants and flowers, 109 Two snake roots, 109 Jamestown weed, 110 Some curious flowers, 111 19. Creeping vines bearing fruits, viz: melons, pompions, macocks, gourds, maracocks, and cushaws, 112 20. Other fruits, roots and plants of the Indians, 114 Several sorts of Indian corn, 114 Of potatoes, 115 Tobacco, as it was ordered by the Indians, 116

       CHAPTER V.


§21. Great plenty and variety of fish, 117
Vast shoals of herrings, shad, &c., 117
22. Continuality of the fishery, 118
The names of some of the best edible fish, 118
The names of some that are not eaten, 118
23. Indian children catching fish, 118
Several inventions of the Indians to take fish, 119
24. Fishing hawks and bald eagles, 121
Fish dropped in the orchard, 121

       CHAPTER VI.

      Wild Fowl and Hunted Game.

§25. Wild Water Fowl, 123
26. Game in the marshes and watery grounds, 123
27. Game in the highlands and frontiers, 123
Of the Opossum, 124
28. Some Indian ways of hunting, 124
Fire hunting, 124
Their hunting quarters, 125
29. Conclusion, 126

       BOOK III.

      Indians, their Religion, Laws and Customs, in War and Peace.

       CHAPTER I.

      Persons of the Indians, and their Dress.

§1. Persons of the Indians, their color and shape, 127
2. The cut of their hair, and ornament of their head, 128
3. Of their vesture, 128
4. Garb peculiar to their priests and conjurors, 130
5. Of the women's dress, 131

       CHAPTER II.

      Matrimony of the Indians, and Management of their Children.

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