Ah This!. Osho

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Ah This! - Osho

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esoteric mediums under her, so she is learning a few esoteric numbers. Seven is really dangerous!

      And your guess is right. Seven women will lead you to the seventh hell. That is the last, rock bottom, you cannot fall below that. Vivek must have suggested it so that once you have fallen to rock bottom, you start rising back up because there is nowhere else to go.

      You say you have lost three kilos in weight. Your weighing machine is not functioning well. You must have lost more! It is really strange why women are called the weaker sex. They are not. Man is the weaker sex.

      Danny discovered his wife was cheating with another guy, so he went to this guy’s wife and told her about it. “I know what we will do,” she said, “let’s take revenge on them.”

      So they went to a motel and had revenge on them. She said, “Let’s have more revenge.” And they kept having revenge, revenge…

      Finally Danny said, “That’s enough revenge. I have no more hard feelings left.”

      Be a little careful. This is just the beginning!

      A couple wakes up after the first night of their honeymoon. She sits up in bed, looks at her husband who is lying naked next to her and says in a surprised voice, “Darling, did we use him all up in one night?”

      This happens to almost every new male sannyasin in the beginning. Finding so many women here he goes crazy. But within a few weeks he comes to his senses and then a totally reverse process sets in. First he chases women. After a few weeks the women start chasing men and they start escaping.

      Many women have reported to me, “What has happened here to male sannyasins? They don’t seem to be much interested in women. They don’t approach women, they avoid them. Rather than taking the initiative, they escape. The moment they see a woman chasing them, they escape.”

      What happens in the ordinary world is that man has enough to imagine, to fantasize about because society does not allow you many relationships with women; only one woman. And you get tired, you get bored. Your mind starts roaming around. All the women who don’t belong to you look tremendously beautiful, just stunning because they are not available. Your mind starts fancying. Your mind goes into trips.

      Here it is totally different. This commune lives the future now. This is how it is going to be all over the world sooner or later. This commune heralds a new consciousness. A consciousness rooted in freedom. Up to now you have lived in a deep slavery, psychological slavery.

      When you get freedom, in the beginning, you rush into it madly. You start doing all kinds of things that you always wanted to do but you were not permitted to do. Then soon things settle. You become aware that all women are alike, just as all men are alike. Maybe there are differences, but they are peripheral. Somebody has black hair and somebody has blonde hair and somebody has blue eyes and somebody has black eyes: just peripheral differences.

      But as you become more and more aware of many people, as you become related to many people, one thing becomes absolutely clear to you: that all men are alike, almost alike, so are all women. Then settling starts: then you start settling with one woman, with one man, in a more intimate relationship.

      That intimacy is not possible in the outside world because your mind will always go on thinking that your woman, your man, has not got that which others have. And there is no way to find out the truth. Here the way is available, you can find out the truth. Once the truth is known, you start settling with one person. This settlement is not enforced. This is not a legal arrangement. You will not be punished if you separate; nobody is preventing you from separating.

      But, still, now you start a totally different kind of journey, a new pilgrimage of intimacy: unimposed intimacy. And now you see that the deeper you want to enter the other person, the more time is needed. Patience is needed, many kinds of situations are needed.

      Physical penetration is sex, which is a very superficial thing. Psychological penetration is love, which is far deeper; far more significant, far more beautiful, far more human. The first is animal, the second is human. And then there is a third kind of penetration when two consciousnesses meet, merge, melt into each other. I call that prayer.

      Move toward prayer because only prayer will give you real contentment. Only prayer will make you aware of the divinity of the other person, of the godliness of the other person. And seeing the godliness of the other person, of your beloved – you will become aware of your own godliness.

      Love is a mirror. A real relationship is a mirror in which two lovers see each other’s faces and recognize God. It is a path toward God.

      The fifth question:


       I am born British and so is my friend! Any hope?

      Nobody is born British. It is a disease that happens later on. We learn it, it is not innate. Just like nobody is born German or Indian. These are structures that are imposed on us later on, after birth. These are social ways of enslaving your psyche, your being. Every society imposes certain forms, rules, regulations. Every society gives you a shape, a form, a face, a facade.

      Nobody is British and nobody is German and nobody is Indian. Hence these structures can be dropped. One can slip out of them.

      The only thing needed is awareness. We are so unaware that we become one with the structure, identified with it. We start thinking that we are it. And that’s where the disease becomes a permanent phenomenon; it becomes chronic. Otherwise, one can slip out of being British or Hindu or Mohammedan or communist as easily as the snake gets out of its old skin and never looks back.

      Secondly, not all British are British, not all Germans are Germans, not all Indians are Indians. You can find a few Indians here. My sannyasins or my would-be sannyasins are not Indians. They have slipped out of the Indian prison. Now, there are so many Germans here. And when I go on telling jokes against Germans they laugh as relaxedly as you laugh. They don’t feel hurt.

      When I say something against the British, the British are the happiest. They are happy because they must feel jealous of the Germans. I go on hitting the Germans so much! I have a certain soft corner for Haridas, Govinddas, etcetera. I go on hitting them. And the British must feel a little lost, lagging behind!

      My sannyasins belong to no race, to no country, to no religion. That’s what my sannyas is all about: getting out of all kinds of prisons, becoming simply human; declaring one’s universality, declaring that “The whole earth belongs to us.”

      As sannyasins grow slowly, slowly into millions, we are going to create trouble. When I have got enough sannyasins I will tell you, “Now you can burn your passports and move freely from one country to another because freedom of movement is a birthright.”

      It is so ugly that you cannot move from one country to another country easily. They create so many barriers. When you pass the boundary of one country to another, you immediately become aware that you have been in a prison and you are entering another prison. The prison is big, so when you are inside you don’t know about it.

      The person who has never left India will not be aware that he is living in a big prison. But when you leave the country then you know how difficult it is. How you are tortured for hours, how many papers you have to fill in, how many things you have to do before you can get out, over the border. Then you know that this is a prison. And you have to do the same thing in the other country. These countries are big prisons.

      The hope is that when there are millions of sannyasins and we have created enough orange energy in the world, we will break all these barriers.

      But remember always, not all Germans are Germans, not all British are British, not all Indians are Indian. That is the only hope. There are a few who are in the prison but not part of it. It is just an accident that they are born in India, an accident that they are born in England; otherwise they are free souls. They are the real hope for humanity, the real hope for the future.

      This English sportsman had been abroad and returned to his home without notice. While walking through the corridor with his

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