Leading from the In-Between. John McAuley

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Leading from the In-Between - John McAuley

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       Leading From the In-Between: Crossing Bridges with Emerging Leaders

      Copyright © 2015 John McAuley

      All rights reserved

      Printed in Canada

      International Standard Book Number: 978-1-927355-56-5 soft cover

      E-book ISBN: 978-1-927355-57-2 EPUB

      Published by:

      Castle Quay Books

      19-24 Laguna Pkwy, Lagoon City, Brechin, Ontario, L0K 1B0

      Tel: (416) 573-3249

      E-mail: [email protected] www.castlequaybooks.com

      Edited by Marina Hofman Willard, and Lori Mackay

      Cover design by Clear Space Design & Communications Inc. and Burst Impressions

      Printed at Essence Printing, Belleville, Ontario

      All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission of the publishers.

      All Scripture quotations are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION ®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

      Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

      McAuley, John, 1964-, author

      Leading from the in-between : crossing bridges with emerging leaders /by John McAuley ; contributions by Brenda Melles ; foreword by Phil Geldart.

      Issued in print and electronic formats.

      ISBN 978-1-927355-56-5 (pbk.).--ISBN 978-1-927355-57-2 (epub)

      1. Leadership. I. Melles, Brenda, author II. Title.

      HD57.7.M317 2015 658.4'092 C2015-900646-5 C2015-900647-3


      In this important and wise book, Leading from the In-Between, John McAuley provides an expert, tested answer to the question “What explicit and heart-filled path can best prepare emerging leaders to succeed with the challenges and opportunities that lie before them?” This book is a must-read for anyone committed to leadership development.


      Author of Change Your Questions, Change Your Life and Teaching that Changes Lives

      To be an effective mentor to young emerging leaders today, Leading from the In-Between is a must-read. John truly lives what he teaches, and his passion to share his leadership experiences comes from a humble heart of a godly leader you can trust.


      President of Lead222

      In Leading from the In-Between, John McAuley shares practical insights from years of experience. This book “from the trenches” for others “in the trenches” will make you a better leader and a more effective developer of other leaders.


      President of Missio Nexus

      I love this book and fully agree with John’s key message, the need to develop leaders with both character (EQ) and competence (IQ). Specializing with Gen Y in the workforce for both non-profit and Fortune 500 companies, I’ve seen first-hand the importance of developing both of these vital areas (IQ & EQ) as we encourage tomorrow’s leaders. John also makes a keen observation on the power of mentoring in this process, as we have never seen mentoring play such a key role for leaders as in this century, where young people are increasingly turning to their workplace as their new “extended family.” Thought-provoking and relevant, with much needed wisdom—I highly recommend this book!


      Parenting/Gen Y Expert

      Business and leadership books are their own industry these days. But John McAuley’s contribution to the genre is an important addition. In the first place, John’s life experiences are unique and significant to the topic. Secondly, leadership skills for young people have never been so important and needed. This is a must-read for those interested in the next generation and those who want to see how adversity can be overcome for the betterment of all.


      Member of Parliament, Parry Sound-Muskoka

      Defining leadership is a lot like trying to catch the wind. We see the trees swaying. We experience how the wind feels, but it is still elusive. Leading from the In-Between captures the elusive dynamics of leadership. The conceptual triads that frame John McAuley’s leadership vision are grounded in what really happens at Muskoka Woods. Implementing the recommended leadership practices will keep you from being blown off course.


      Author and Cultural Analyst


      To my parents—Edward and Myrtle McAuley

      And to Muskoka Woods founders—Jack and Marie Boddy

      I lead today because you are my bridge to “life to the full.”

      To Lori, Kasi and Jake

      You are the daily inspiration that shapes my world.



      Author’s Note



      Chapter 1: Be the Bridge

      Key messages: Growing up in the in-between

      What is this book about?

      Building the right substructure

      The end goal of leadership development for emerging leaders


      Chapter 2: Character—Being Honest and True

      Key messages: Shaping whole-person character in emerging leaders

      Practicing affirmation

      Embracing authenticity

      Cultivating attunement

      Character is not perfection

      Chapter 3: Competence—Doing the Right Things the Right Way

      Key messages: Building basic foundations of competence for emerging leaders

      Self-knowledge—to make mature choices

      Collaboration—to mobilize collective strengths

      Complexity—to navigate systems, culture and diversity

      Cultivating the basics so other competencies can grow

      Chapter 4: Cadence—Sustaining Leadership by Keeping in Step with Yourself, Others and God

      Key messages: Understanding cadence and singing from a bigger song sheet

      Walking the learner path with a disposition of openness

      Staying awake to frameworks with a disposition of awareness


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