Organization Development. Donald L. Anderson
Читать онлайн книгу.Development DefinedMaking the Case for Organization DevelopmentWhat Organization Development Looks LikeExample 1: Increasing Employee Participation in a Public Sector OrganizationExample 2: Senior Management Coaching at VodaphoneExample 3: Team Development in a Cancer CenterExample 4: A Future Search Conference in a Northern California CommunityExample 5: A Long-Term Strategic Change Engagement➡ Profiles in Organization Development—Marvin WeisbordWhat Organization Development Is NotManagement ConsultingTraining and DevelopmentShort TermThe Application of a ToolkitWho This Book Is ForOverview of the BookAnalyzing Case StudiesSummaryQuestions for DiscussionFor Further Reading➡ Case Study 1: Every Coin Has Two Sides
4 Chapter 2 • History of Organization DevelopmentLaboratory Training and T-GroupsAction Research, Survey Feedback, and Sociotechnical SystemsSurvey FeedbackSociotechnical SystemsManagement PracticesQuality and Employee Involvement➡ Profiles in Organization Development—Robert J. MarshakOrganizational CultureChange Management, Strategic Change, and ReengineeringOrganizational LearningOrganizational Effectiveness and Employee EngagementAgility and CollaborationSummaryQuestions for DiscussionFor Further Reading
5 Chapter 3 • Core Values and Ethics of Organization DevelopmentDefining ValuesWhy Are Values Important to the OD Practitioner?Core Values of Organization DevelopmentParticipation, Involvement, and EmpowermentThe Importance of Groups and TeamsGrowth, Development, and LearningValuing the Whole Person➡ Profiles in Organization Development—Frederick A. MillerDialogue and CollaborationAuthenticity, Openness, and TrustChanges to OD Values Over Time and the Values DebateChallenges to Holding Organization Development ValuesStatement of Organization Development EthicsSummaryQuestions for DiscussionFor Further ReadingExercise: What Would You Do?Appendix➡ Case Study 2: Analyzing Opportunities for Organization Development Work at Northern County Legal Services
6 Chapter 4 • Foundations of Organizational ChangeLevels and Characteristics of Organizational ChangeModels of Organizational Change: Systems Theory and Social Construction ApproachesOrganizations as SystemsThe Value of Systems Theory for OD PractitionersModels of Organizational Change Consistent With a Systems Theory Approach➡ Profiles in Organization Development—W. Warner BurkeOrganizations as Socially ConstructedThe Value of the Social Construction Approach for OD PractitionersApproaches to Organizational Change Consistent With a Social Construction PerspectiveNew Paradigms in ODSummaryQuestions for DiscussionFor Further ReadingExercise: Using Organizational Change Models➡ Case Study 3: “I Just Can’t Work With Her:” Team Conflict in the Northeast Sales Division
7 Chapter 5 • The Organization Development Practitioner and the OD ProcessThe Consulting Relationship and Types of ConsultingExpert ModelDoctor–Patient ModelMechanic ModelThe Organization Development Consulting ModelOD Practitioners: Who Are They and Where Do They Work?Internal Versus External Consulting: Advantages and Disadvantages➡ Profiles in Organization Development—Matt MinahanEthical Issues for Internal and External ConsultantsThe Organization Development Consulting ProfessionBecoming an OD ConsultantSkills and Competencies for OD ConsultantsThe OD Consulting Process and Action ResearchA Dialogic Approach to OD➡ Profiles in Organization Development—Gervase R. BusheSummaryQuestions for DiscussionFor Further Reading
8 Chapter 6 • Entry and ContractingEntryEthical Issues During the Entry StageWho Is the Client?➡ Profiles in Organization Development—David W. JamiesonContractingWhat Is Contracting?The Purpose of ContractingSuccess in the Contracting MeetingRecontractingEthics in ContractingContracting as Data GatheringSummaryQuestions for DiscussionFor Further ReadingExercise: Contracting
9 Chapter 7 • Data GatheringThe Importance of Data GatheringPresenting Problems and Underlying ProblemsData Gathering ProcessData Gathering MethodsInterviewsFocus GroupsSurveys/QuestionnairesObservationsUnobtrusive MeasuresCreating a Data Gathering Strategy and Proposing an ApproachEthical Issues With Data GatheringSummaryQuestions for DiscussionFor Further ReadingExercise: Data Gathering➡ Case Study 4: Proposing a Data Gathering Approach at TLG Solutions
10 Chapter 8 • Diagnosis and FeedbackDiagnosis: Discovery, Assessment, Analysis, and InterpretationFinding Patterns by Analyzing DataDeductive Analysis: Using Models for DiagnosisInductive Analysis: Pulling Out Key ThemesStatistical AnalysisInterpreting DataSelecting and Prioritizing ThemesFeedbackStructuring the Feedback MeetingPresenting Data in the Feedback Meeting➡ Profiles in Organization Development—Peter BlockResistanceThinking Differently About ResistanceWorking With Client ResistanceEthical Issues With Diagnosis and Giving FeedbackSummaryQuestions for DiscussionFor Further ReadingExercise: Feedback and Resistence➡ Case Study 5: Sorting Through the Data From Logan Elementary School
11 Chapter 9 • An Introduction to InterventionsInterventions DefinedWhy Interventions FailConsequences of Failed InterventionsConsiderations in Selecting the Right Intervention StrategyStructuring and Planning Interventions for SuccessPracticalities in Intervention DesignThe Change Agent’s Role in the InterventionEthical Issues With InterventionsOverview of Intervention TechniquesSummaryQuestions for DiscussionFor Further Reading
12 Chapter 10 • Individual InterventionsIndividual Change and Reactions to ChangeIndividual Instruments and AssessmentsThe Myers-Briggs Type IndicatorCoaching➡ Profiles in Organization Development—Judith H. KatzMentoring360 FeedbackCareer Planning and DevelopmentThe Classic View: Stages of the CareerThe Contemporary View: Boundaryless CareersChoosing a Career Direction and Identifying Work InterestsSetting Career GoalsDeveloping Career Transitions and New Employment RelationshipsSummaryQuestions for DiscussionFor Further ReadingExercise: Individual Intervention (Coaching)➡ Case Study 6: Individual Type Styles at the Parks Department
13 Chapter 11 • Team InterventionsDefining TeamsWhat Makes a Successful Team?Special Types of TeamsSelf-Directed Work TeamsVirtual TeamsCross-Functional TeamsTeam DevelopmentTeam-Building InterventionsWhat Is Team Building?Data Gathering for Team Interventions➡ Profiles in Organization Development—Dick Axelrod➡ Profiles in Organization Development—Emily M. AxelrodTeam Start-Up and Transition MeetingsConfrontation MeetingsRole Negotiation and Role AnalysisWork RedesignWorkoutIntergroup InterventionsAn Intervention to Resolve Intergroup ConflictVariations on Intergroup InterventionsSummaryQuestions for DiscussionFor Further ReadingExercise: Team Intervention (Facilitation and Team Development)➡ Case Study 7: Solving Team Challenges at DocSystems Billing, Inc.
14 Chapter 12 • Whole Organization and Multiple Organization InterventionsCharacteristics of Contemporary Large-Scale InterventionsStrategic Change InterventionsStrategic Planning and Real-Time Strategic ChangeScenario PlanningSearch Conferences and Future Search➡ Profiles in Organization Development—Sandra JanoffQuality and Productivity InterventionsTotal Quality ManagementReengineeringSix SigmaInterventions in Mergers and AcquisitionsOrganization Development in M&A IntegrationTarget 1: Individual IntegrationTarget 2: Team IntegrationTarget 3: Cross-Team/Department IntegrationTarget 4: Organizationwide IntegrationTransorganization or Interorganization DevelopmentDialogic OD Consultation and InterventionsRole of the OD Practitioner in Dialogic OD InterventionsExamples of Dialogic OD PracticesIntroducing Dialogic OD SuccessfullyFurther Areas for Development of Dialogic ODPositive Organizational Scholarship and Appreciative InquirySummaryQuestions for DiscussionFor Further Reading➡ Case Study 8: The Future of the Crossroads Center
15 Chapter 13 • Organization Culture and Design InterventionsOrganizational Culture Assessment and ChangeOrganization DesignCommon Organizational StructuresLateral Capability➡ Profiles in Organization Development—Amy KatesTests of a Good DesignSummaryQuestions for DiscussionFor Further ReadingExercise: Whole Organization Intervention (Organization Design)➡ Case Study 9: Reorganizing Human Resources at ASP Software