The Doppler Method for the Detection of Exoplanets. Professor Artie Hatzes

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The Doppler Method for the Detection of Exoplanets - Professor Artie Hatzes

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7.10.1 Using the Lomb–Scargle Periodogram

       7.10.2 Using the Fourier Amplitude Spectrum

       7.10.3 Bootstrap Randomization

       7.11 Finding Multiperiodic Signals in Your Data

       7.12 Required Number of Observations

       7.13 Frequency versus Period


       8 Keplerian Orbits

       8.1 Orbital Parameters

       8.2 Describing the Orbital Motion

       8.3 The Radial Velocity Curve

       8.4 The Mass Function

       8.5 Mean Orbital Inclination

       8.6 Eccentric Orbits

       8.6.1 Observing Biases Caused by Eccentric Orbits

       8.6.2 Eccentric Orbits in the Fourier Domain

       8.6.3 Keplerian Periodograms

       8.7 Calculating Keplerian Orbits

       8.7.1 Transiting Planets

       8.8 Dynamical Effects

       8.8.1 Dynamical Stability

       8.8.2 Planet Interactions

       8.9 Barycentric Corrections


       9 Avoiding False Planets: Rotational Modulation

       9.1 Introduction

       9.2 Spots

       9.3 Plage and Faculae

       9.4 Granulation and Convective Blueshift

       9.4.1 The Sun Viewed as a Star

       9.4.2 Velocity Spots

       9.5 Testing for Rotational Modulation

       9.5.1 Determining the Rotation Period of the Star

       9.5.2 Evolution of Statistical Significance

       9.5.3 Amplitude Variations


       10 Avoiding False Planets: Indicators of Stellar Activity

       10.1 Activity Indicators

       10.1.1 Ca II H & K

       10.1.2 Hα

       10.1.3 Na D

       10.1.4 TiO Bands

       10.1.5 Hydroxyl 1.563 μm Absorption

       10.2 Line Depth Ratios

       10.3 Spectral Line Shapes

       10.3.1 Line Bisectors

       10.3.2 Line Widths

       10.4 Chromatic RV Variations

       10.5 Use of Individual Lines

       10.5.1 Radial Velocities

       10.5.2 Convective Blueshifts versus Line Strength

       10.6 Radial Velocity Jitter

       10.6.1 RV Jitter and Orbit Fitting

       10.6.2 Sources of Jitter

       10.6.3 Stellar Oscillations

       10.6.4 Activity Jitter

       10.7 Activity Cycles

       10.8 Concluding Remarks


       11 Dealing with Stellar Activity

       11.1 Fourier Filtering

       11.1.1 The Pitfalls of Prewhitening

       11.2 High Pass Filtering

       11.2.1 Local Trend Fitting

       11.2.2 Floating Chunk Offset

       11.3 Gaussian Processes

       11.4 A Short Comparison of Filtering Methods


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