The Prosperity & Wealth Bible. Kahlil Gibran

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The Prosperity & Wealth Bible - Kahlil Gibran

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of the Spirit Realm realities that being recognized and patiently waited for, have the strange power of materializing themselves in our outward life conditions.

      We must assiduously cultivate Faith in ourselves. No man ever becomes truly successful who is deeply impressed with his own weakness or inferiority. It is the confident, hopeful men who carry with them the thought-vibration: “I can and I will” who win in life’s battle.

      If a man could keep his poor opinion of himself to himself, even then it would cripple him in his life work, but the more surely does it do so because every one’s fear thoughts however zealously he may seek to hide them in language or conduct create an atmosphere of doubt, timidity and fear about him that radiates into the minds of all who come in contact with him.

      Thoughts and Moods are Catching. No man can keep his thoughts entirely to himself. The air of negativity of doubt and irresolution with which multitudes of men surround themselves finds its way into other minds and becomes a barrier to success at every point.

      This lack of confidence in yourself, however, is most disastrous in its effects upon yourself, as it is a frost which kills all the budding plans, purposes and hopes which are so essential to success. Get rid then,

      I beg of you, of all false notions as to the limitations of your own powers for while it is quite true you have only developed these powers to a very limited extent, and there seems to be a very great difference between your life and the “lives of great men remember there is absolutely no limit to the extent to which your powers may be unfolded. You are vitally connected with the Storehouse of Divine Wisdom, Power and Strength and can draw at will and to any extent for “in God we live and have our being.” Potentially, therefore, you have more ability, undeveloped and unused, in your nature than all men of all the ages have ever exhibited.

      Cultivate, too, Faith in “the Power that makes for Righteousness/’ in the angelic wisdom and help, in a Higher Guiding Intelligence in your life, in “Destiny,” or your “Guiding Star” as the Great Souls, who have been World Leaders, have done.

      Cultivate absolute faith, too, in the Laws (which you are now mastering) of Financial Success and remember that the throne of God is no more stable, the revolution of the sun no more certain, the law of gravitation no more a fixture, than is the operation of these fixed laws of financial increase.

      With faith in self, in your fellows, in the Law, hold your head erect, assert to your own soul your Mastery of Conditions, and with the confidence of the “I can and I will” spirit, enter life’s arena.

      Helen Wilmans, of whose remarkable career we shall have more to say later, declares: “I made myself over completely. From being like a limp rag, I became sufficiently positive to conquer all my environments.” In another place she declares, “I became as a God and knew that no power could come against me.”

      Claim for Yourself Unlimited Power, Wisdom

      Until a man gets at least a glimpse into the depths of human nature he can never realize himself or life’s possibilities. So long as he measures himself and sets limitations on his forces, so long will he limit his achievements and all his life expressions.

      The True View is that no one can measure Man’s Greatness (that is your greatness) any more than he can fix a limit to God’s Greatness. Man as child of God, started on eternal progression, is germinally at least, a god, and the clearer his vision of this truth, the more constant his recognition of this fact, the faster will divinity manifest in his character and life. Every man (that means you) contains germinally at least not only all the attributes of human greatness (all the talent, ability, genius which men have ever given expression to in history) but also the fulness of divinity. The human race is a family of the Gods.

      You have, therefore, not one talent but the whole ten of human endowment. You have Genius, which is but concentrated energy and persevering will power. You have “all power” even as Jesus declared of himself. You are more than able to conquer. Hold this thought: it means success.

      Lesson 2 — Principles and Methods of Success: Keep Body and Mind in Tip-Top Condition

      If the mind is weakened by worries, vain regret, forebodings, or your mental forces spent in the inharmonious vibrations of envy, hatred, distrust or malice; or if the body is weakened by violation of natural law, or by excesses, over indulgence in appetite, passion, etc.; or if the mind and body are not in harmonious relation on Nature’s plan for their harmonic working, do not expect success. He who cannot conquer the world within, cannot conquer the world without. He who cannot regulate himself cannot rule over conditions and other people. The promise is: “He that over-cometh shall inherit all things” but it is also said that a house divided against itself cannot stand.

      In the first-class condition of mind and body and their harmonious working on Nature’s Plan, which we shall presently explain, is developed the power to tide one over difficulties, to triumph over conditions of inheritance, poor environment and seemingly insuperable obstacles and win one’s way steadily to the heights of success.

      This strength in constant increase can be brought into your life if you will keep a free and clear mind, in a healthy and vigorous body, working in harmony with the Divine Plan of Nature.

      Do you ask me what that Plan is? It is revealed in the location of the organs of the brain, where you find those representing the appetites and passions at the base of the brain; those representing intellectual powers higher up and nearer the crown; those representing the spiritual faculties in the crown of the head. This shows that the body is subject to the mind, both mind and body should be subservient to the spiritual nature.

      On this plan you can organize your life and secure harmony, and harmony means peace and power, without which you can never conquer the world.

      A life and character built upon any other plan must be discordant, weak, chaotic since the spiritual nature can never take a subservient place. It is God’s plan of organizing your life. Make the mind positive, therefore, toward the body; the spiritual nature should rule all departments of the life. Let Reason dictate how time, money, energy, be spent, just how far appetite should be indulged, hours for labor, sleep, recreation, and through all life’s activities let there run a High Spiritual Purpose to make the most and best of life for yourself and accomplish the most good for humanity.

      Avoid All Waste of Time, Money, Energy

      Closely related to the above is the careful conservation of life’s resources, and opportunities. It has been said by some one that ‘‘time is money,” but time is infinitely more than money. Time improved spells character and character means destiny, so the wasting of time is infinitely greater prodigality than the waste of money.

      Let no reader mistake me: I am no advocate of constant work, believing that rest, recreation and amusement are as necessary as food and exercise, especially to real workers. Yet it is the unfortunate fact that most of the recreation and amusement are not sought by the workers but by the idlers. Good judgment must determine when the mind and body need recreating, and time and money thus spent are not wasted but used to good advantage.

      But so much time and money are needlessly spent by multitudes, where mind and body do not require the sacrifice, that it seems pitiable, from the standpoint of self-improvement, to see so much of life frittered away. The hours spent needlessly by men and boys, if improved in study or practice, would soon mean greater efficiency in labor, better wages, shorter hours, and comfort if not affluence.

      Money spent on cigars, occasional drinks, or other useless expenditures, if saved and invested, would soon give the very capital required as the foundation of a fortune.

      And how much human strength and magnetic force is wasted by many in idle talk, or senseless activity, or sensual indulgence, that would give vigor to the blow, conviction and power to the statement, or charm and winning force to the personality, if conserved in place of wasted.

      Thousand of men go to business every day depleted of the very vital and magnetic forces necessary to success, because they have not had moral courage

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