The Prosperity & Wealth Bible. Kahlil Gibran

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The Prosperity & Wealth Bible - Kahlil Gibran

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if you will but reach for it. And you need have no fear that somebody else will beat you to your handle — for there is a handle for every single person in your town.

      Opportunity is Everywhere.

      Not in New York, or Chicago, or San Francisco alone, but in Kokomo, Indiana, Reading, Michigan, and Tacoma, Washington. The handles are everywhere. Just hunt them out and GRASP one and don’t let it get away from you. And after you have a handle, lift The Cup and drink from its priceless contents.

      Opportunity is Everywhere.

      Think of The Cup. Think of its many Handles. When something comes up that ought to be done but that you don’t want to do — DO it. That’s a Handle. When something happens that takes you from your planned out Task — have no fear. That’s a Handle. Get a GRIP upon it. Always look for one of the Handles. And get in the habit of using them. This is the way to learn that —

      Opportunity is Everywhere.


      Put your Dreams to Work.

      The right kind of a Dream is the Advance Agent of a Deed. Dreams are Pictures of things in the mind that the man of Initiative works out and completes. The world’s Doers have always been Dreamers.

      Put your Dreams to Work.

      But when you Dream, Dream near home. Castles in Cathey can be of no use to you. Dreaming of your neighbor’s nicely piled woodshed doesn’t saw up your own wood in your own yard.

      Put your Dreams to Work.

      Plan out your Dreams. And as you have them index them so that you will know where to find them when you want them. Sandpaper them so that you will see what they are made of more clearly. Get them in both your hands and hold them up squarely in front of your face so that you may get their full measure. Then give them a Pick or a Shovel or a Pen. Get them into Action.

      Put your Dreams to Work.

      Forget your Dreams of Yesterday. Get your Dreams of To-morrow into work To-day. Then To-morrow they will have grown into Deeds.

      Put your Dreams to Work.


      Excuses are little Knock-out Drops that a man uses to Dumbfounder and Bedazzle his own conscience on special occasions.

      An Excuse never Excuses an Excuse.

      People never try to Excuse things that they themselves believe to be right. When you do your Best you are conscious of a Contentment that the very act itself produces. If there is any chance for an Excuse, the thing excuses itself.

      An Excuse never Excuses an Excuse.

      Your Brain may be unschooled — but the Brain is there. Elihu Burritt probably never was inside a college, but he became famous as the “Learned Blacksmith.’’ He found time in his shop to learn forty languages! He offered no Excuses for an untrained mind. The word Excuse is not in the dictionary of the Willing and the Determined.

      An Excuse never Excuses an Excuse.

      Did you ever use an Excuse as a prop that it did not fall down? Excuses hamper. Excuses form Stumbling Blocks over which you are sure to fall unless you kick them aside and forget them. Excuses are Unnatural. They wear false faces. They never look to you as they really are. And an excuse never answers anything. The next time you feel Uke making an Excuse — don’t! For —

      An Excuse never Excuses an Excuse.


      You who read this little talk, have Things locked up in your Brain that nobody else on earth has or ever has had. And you hold the Key, too. Although the Almighty is in a big business, creating millions of Human Beings, year after year, nobody has ever yet discovered a duplicate Human Being. Every Human Being is an “original.” So, if there is any Envying to be done, let the other fellow do it. YOU —

      Be too Big to bother with Envy.

      Now, Envy is begrudging some other fellow his Good Fortune. To be Envious is to stagnate your own growth. The Envy that you have for the Winning of somebody else takes away in just that measure Winning on your own part. Envy is Self-robbery.

      Be too Big to bother with Envy.

      Call to your own mind the Big doers. Are they Envious people? No — they are too Busy to Envy. If they took the time to Envy they could not have used their best abilities to Achieve.

      Be too Big to bother with Envy.

      You would never Envy if you would but realize the Accumulated Power that comes by profiting from the Success of other people. Be glad of the Big Luck of somebody else. Be wise enough to let its Inspiration lift you up. Individual Success is not stationary. It has no limitations. Congratulate your friend to-day and he may be put in the position to congratulate you to-morrow and be happy of the chance.

      Be too Big to bother with Envy.


      There are two ways of Seeing. One with the Eyes and one with the Mind. Helen Kellar recently stated in a public address that there were many people more Blind than she. She was right. The Blind are those who WILL NOT see.

      Keep your Eyes and Mind wide Open.

      Joseph Pulitzer, the late Blind Editor of the New York World, made his newspaper great not until after he became Blind. Prescott wrote his greatest Histories with Sightless Eyes. P. S. Henson, the great Preacher, with but one Eye, has Seen more and learned more than most people would with a dozen Eyes. The Blind many times See most.

      Keep your Eyes and Mind wide Open.

      Use your Eyes. See Things. And after you See them, make Friends out of them. No two people See Things exactly the same. Watt saw latent Power in the Steam that came out of his mother’s Tea Kettle. Franklin saw another kind of usefulness snapping from the tail of his Kite. The followers of these men saw enough to adapt and force Civilization ahead by scores of years.

      Keep your Eyes and Mind wide Open.

      Many of the really Big Things in this world have not yet been Seen. You, at your humble task To-day, may See some of them, or shadows of them. And if you do, persist in Seeing. There is always this one great way to Learn and Grow — to resolve on Seeing everything that can be Seen. But your Eyes are only half. To See with your Mind is the other half.

      Keep your Eyes and Mind wide Open.


      Hope is Heart — in full health. When Hope begins to dicker away, then’s the time to flash C. Q. D.

      Accumulate Hope.

      It is just as easy to become a bankrupt in Hope as to become a bankrupt in Money. Hope is a mixture. It is made up of equal parts of Courage, Will, Work and Faith. Innoculate your system with these things and Hope will hover about you, lead you on, defend you — make you a Factor in the work of the world.

      Accumulate Hope.

      Perhaps you are one of the people who measure Hope in mere Money, crude Ambition, and flabby Fame. Hope is not material. Hope is Eternal, just like the Stars. And if you are not digging away at a job that has an Ever-living Atmosphere to it, then change your job without delay.

      Accumulate Hope.

      Hope brightens the Eye, squares the Jaw and stiffens the Backbone. Hope is the invisible picture of Success. Hope, Hope, Hope —

      Accumulate Hope.


      Kick to Grow.


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