The Prosperity & Wealth Bible. Kahlil Gibran

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The Prosperity & Wealth Bible - Kahlil Gibran

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and disease.

      Science shows that it is possible to accomplish any good thing. But distrust of your ability to reach the goal desired often -holds you back and failure is the inevitable result.

      Only by understanding that there is but one power — and that this power is Mind, not circumstances or environment — is it possible to bring your real abilities to the surface and put them to work.

      Few deny that intelligence governs the universe. It matters not whether you call this intelligence Universal Mind or Providence or God or merely Nature. All admit Its directing power. All admit that It is a force for good, for progress. But few realize that our own minds are a part of this Universal Mind in just the same way that the rays of the sun are part of the sun.

      If we will work in harmony with It, we can draw upon Universal Mind for all power, all intelligence, in the same way that the sun’s rays draw upon their source for the heat and light they bring the earth.

      It is not enough to know that you have this power. You must put it into practice — not once, or twice, but every hour and every day. Don’t be discouraged if at first it doesn’t always work. When you first studied arithmetic, your problems did not always work out correctly, did they? Yet you did not on that account doubt the principle of mathematics. You knew that the fault was with your methods, not with the principle. It is the same in this. The power is there. Correctly used, it can do anything.

      All will agree that the Mind, which first brought the Life Principle to this earth — which imaged the earth, itself and the trees and the plants and the animals — is all-powerful. All will agree that to solve any problem, to meet any need, Mind has but to realize the need and it will be met. What most of us do not understand or realize is that we ourselves, being part of Universal Mind, have this same power. Just as the drop of water from the ocean has all the properties of the great bulk of the water in the ocean. Just as the spark of electricity has all the properties of the thunderbolt. And having the power, we have only to realize it and use it to get from life any good we may desire.

      In the beginning all was void — space — nothingness. How did Universal Mind construct the planets, the firmaments, the earth and all things on and in it from this formless void? By first making a mental image on which to build.

      That is what you, too, must do. You control your destiny, your fortune, your happiness to the exact extent to which you can think them out, VIZUALIZE them, SEE them, and allow no vagrant thought of fear or worry to mar their completion and beauty. The quality of your thought is the measure of your power. Clear, forceful thought has the power of attracting to itself everything it may need for the fruition of those thoughts. As W. D. Wattles puts it in his “Science of Getting Rich”:

      “There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imagined by the thought. Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.”

      The connecting link between your conscious mind and the Universal is thought, and every thought that is in harmony with progress and good, every thought that is freighted with the right idea, can penetrate to Universal Mind. And penetrating to it, it comes back with the power of Universal Mind to accomplish it. You don’t need to originate the ways and means. The Universal Mind knows how to bring about any necessary results. There is but one right way to solve any given problem. When your human judgment is unable to decide what that one right way is, turn to Universal Mind for guidance. You need never fear the outcome, for if you heed its advice you cannot go wrong.

      Always remember — your mind is but a conductor — good or poor as you make it — for the power of Universal Mind. And thought is the connecting energy. Use that conductor, and you will improve its conductivity. Demand much, and you will receive the more. The Universal is not a niggard in any of its gifts. “Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.”

      That is the law of life. And the destiny of man lies not in poverty and hardship, but in living up to his high estate in unity with Universal Mind, with the power that governs the universe.

      To look upon poverty and sickness as sent by God and therefore inevitable, is the way of the weakling. God never sent us anything but good. What is more, He has never yet failed to give to those who would use them the means to overcome any condition not of His making. Sickness and poverty are not of His making. They are not evidences of virtue, but of weakness. God gave us everything in abundance, and he expects us to manifest that abundance. If you had a son you loved very much, and you surrounded him with good things which he had only to exert himself in order to reach, you wouldn’t like it if he showed himself to the world half-starved, ill-kempt and clothed in rags, merely because he was unwilling to exert himself enough to reach for the good things you had provided. No more, in my humble opinion, does God.

      Man’s principal business in life, as I see it, is to establish a contact with Universal Mind. It is to acquire an understanding of this power that is in him. “With all thy getting, get understanding,” said Solomon.

      Happy is the man that findeth wisdom,

      And the man that getteth understanding.

      For the gaining of it is better than the gaining of silver.

      And the profit thereof than fine gold.

      She is more precious than rubies:

      And none of the things thou canst desire are to be compared unto her.

      Length of days is in her right hand:

      In her left hand are riches and honor.

      Her ways are ways of pleasantness,

      And all her paths are peace.

      She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her.

      And happy is every one that retaineth her.



      When you become conscious, even to a limited degree, of your oneness with Universal Mind, your ability to call upon It at will for anything you may need, it makes a different man of you. Gone are the fears gone are the worries. You know that your success, your health, your happiness will be measured only by the degree to which you can impress the fruition of your desires upon mind.

      The toil and worry, the wearisome grind and the backbreaking work, will go in the future as in the past to those who will not use their minds. The less they use them, the more they will sweat. And the more they work only from the neck down, the less they will be paid and the more hopeless their lot will become. It is Mind that rules the world.

      But to use your mind to the best advantage doesn’t mean to toil along with the mere conscious part of it. It means hitching up your conscious mind with the Man

      Inside You, with the little “Mental Brownies,” as Robert Louis Stevenson called them, and then working together for a definite end.

      “My Brownies! God bless them!” said Stevenson, “Who do one-half of my work for me when I am fast asleep, and in all human likelihood do the rest for me as well when I am wide awake and foolishly suppose that I do it myself. I had long been wanting to write a book on man’s double being. For two days I went about racking my brains for a plot of any sort, and on the second night I dreamt the scene in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde at the window; and a scene, afterward split in two, in which Hyde, pursued, took the powder and underwent the change in the presence of his pursuer.”

      Many another famous writers have spoken in similar strain, and every man who has problems to solve has had like experiences. You know how, after you have studied a problem from all angles, it sometimes seems worse jumbled than when you started on it. Leave it then for a while — forget it — and when you go back to it, you find your thoughts clarified, the line of reasoning worked out, your problem solved for you. It is your little “Mental Brownies” who have done the work for you!


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