The Prosperity & Wealth Bible. Kahlil Gibran

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The Prosperity & Wealth Bible - Kahlil Gibran

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band. If we could realize that He is the Universal Mind that holds all supply, that will give us the toy of our childhood or the needs of maturity, that all we need to obtain from Him our Heart’s Desire is a right understanding of His availability — then we would lose all our fears, all our worries, all our sense of limitation.

      For Universal Mind is an infinite, unlimited source of good. Not only the source of general good, but the specific good things you desire of life. To It there is no big or little problem. The removal of mountains is no more difficult than the feeding of a sparrow.

      And to one — like the Master — with a perfect understanding, the “miracle” of raising Lazarus from the dead required no more effort than the turning of the water into wine. He knew that Universal Mind is all power — and there cannot be more than ALL. He knew that “To know God aright is life eternal.” And Jesus knew God aright, so was able to demonstrate this knowledge of life eternal in overcoming sin, disease and death. For it is one and the same law that heals sin, sickness, poverty, heartaches, or death itself. That law is the right understanding of Divine Principle.

      But what does this ability to perform “miracles” consist of? What is the power or force by which we can prove this ability? Perhaps the simplest way is to begin with the realization that Universal Mind is man’s working power.

      The Science of Thought

      Can you stretch your mind a bit and try to comprehend this wonderful fact — that the ALL POWERFUL, ALL-KNOWING, EVERLASTING CREATOR and Governor of the infinite universe, “Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance,” is your working power? In proportion as we understand this fact, and make use of it, in that same proportion are we able to perform our miracles.

      Your work is inspired to the extent that you realize the presence of Universal Mind in your work. When you rely entirely on your own conscious mind, your work suffers accordingly. “I can of mine own self do nothing; for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do bear witness of me.” The miracles of Jesus bear witness of the complete recognition of God the Father as his working power.

      And mind you, this inspiration, this working of Universal Mind with you, is available for all of your undertakings. Mind could not show Itself in one part of your life and withhold Itself from another, since It is all in all. Every rightly directed task, no matter how insignificant or menial it may appear to you, carries with it the inspiration of Universal Mind, since by the very nature of omnipotence, Its love and bestowals must be universal and impartial, “and whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as to the Lord.”

      Too many of us are like the maiden in the old Eastern legend. A Genii sent her into a field of grain, promising her a rare gift if she would pick for him the largest and ripest ear she could find; His gift to be in proportion to the size and perfection of the ear.

      But he made this condition — she must pluck but one ear, and she must walk straight through the field without stopping, going back or wandering hither and thither.

      Joyously she started. As she walked through the grain, she saw many large ears, many perfect ones. She passed them by in scorn, thinking to find an extra-large, super-perfect one farther along. Presently, however, the soil became less fertile, the ears small and sparse. She couldn’t pick one of these! Would now that she had been content with an ordinary-sized ear farther back. But it was too late for that. Surely they would grow better again farther on!

      She walked on — and on — and always they became worse — ‘till presently she found herself at the end of the field — empty handed as when she set out!

      So it is with life. Every day has its worthwhile rewards for work well done. Every day offers its chance for happiness. But those rewards seem so small, those chances so petty, compared with the big things we see ahead. So we pass them by, never recognizing that the great position we look forward to, the shining prize we see in the distance, is just the sum of all the little tasks, the heaped up result of all the little prizes that we must win as we go along.

      You are not commanded to pick out certain occupations as being more entitled to the Lord’s consideration than others, but “Whatsoever ye do.” Whether it be in the exalted and idealistic realms of poetry, music and art, whether in the cause of religion or philanthropy, whether in government, in business, in science, or simply in household cares, “whatsoever ye do” you are entitled to and have all of inspiration at your beck and call. If you seem to have less than all, it is because you do not utilize your gift.

      “Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one; and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor. For we are laborer’s together with God.” “All things are yours; and ye are Christ’s and Christ’s is God’s.”

      How shall you take advantage of this Universal Supply? When next any need confronts you, when next you are in difficulties, close your eyes for a moment and realize that Universal Mind knows how that need can best be met, knows the solution of your difficulties. Your sub-conscious mind, being part of the Universal Mind, can know this, too. So put your problem up to your subconscious mind with the sublime confidence that it will find the solution. Then forget it for a while. When the time comes, the need will be met.

      Dr. Winbigler corroborates the working out of this idea in the following:

      “Suggestions lodged in the mind can effect a complete change, morally and physically, if mankind would become in spirit ‘as a little child,’ trusting in God implicitly, the greatest power would be utilized in the establishment of health and equilibrium, and the results would be untold in comfort, sanity, and blessing. For instance, here is one who is suffering from worry, fear, and the vexations of life. How can he get rid of these things and relieve this suffering? Let him go to a quiet room or place, twice a day, lie down and relax every muscle, assume complete indifference to those things which worry him and the functions of the body, and quietly accept what God, through this law of demand and supply, can give. In a few days he will find a great change in his feelings, and the sufferings will pass away and life will look bright and promising. Infinite wisdom has established that law; and its utilization by those who are worried and fearful will secure amazing results in a short time.

      “The real reason for the change is found in the possibility of recovery by using the laws that God has placed within our reach, and thus securing the coveted health and power for all that we want and ought to do. The subliminal life is the connecting link between man and God, and by obeying His laws, one’s life is put in contact with infinite resources and all that God is able and willing to give. Here is the secret of all the cures of disease, and the foundation for the possibility of a joyful existence, happiness and eternal life. Suggestion is the method of securing what God gives, and the mind is the agent through which these gifts are received. This is not a matter of theory, but a fact. If anyone who is sick or who desires to he kept well will have stated periods of relaxation, open-mindedness, and faith, he can prove the beneficial and unvarying result of this method.”

      Chapter 15 — The Master of Your Fate

      Where will you be at 65? Five men in six at the age of 65 are living on charity. Just one in twenty is able to live without working at 65.

      That is what the American Bankers Association found when it took one hundred healthy men at 25 and traced them to 65.

      These hundred were healthy to start with. They all had the same chance for success. The difference lay in the way they used their MINDS. Ninety-five out of one hundred just do the tasks that are set them. They have no faith in themselves — no initiative — none of the courage that starts things. They are always directed or controlled by someone else.

      At 65, where will you be? Dependent or independent? Struggling for a living — accepting charity from someone else — or at the top of the heap?

      “I am the Master of my fate.”

      Until you have learned that, you will never attain life’s full success. Your fate is in your own hands. You

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