Lifespan Development. Tara L. Kuther

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Lifespan Development - Tara L. Kuther

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      Chapter 3

       Updated coverage of Prenatal Development

       New coverage of Contextual and Cultural Influences on Prenatal Care

       New feature on Brain and Biological Influences on Development: Pregnancy and the Maternal Brain

       Updated coverage and reorganized Principles of Teratology section to combine Developmental Delays and Sleeper Effects as Complicated Effects

       Updated and reorganized Types of Teratogens

       Updated and retitled Ethical and Policy Applications of Lifespan Development: Maternal Drug Use While Pregnant as Applying Developmental Science: Maternal Drug Use While Pregnant

       Divided and expanded Childbirth and the Newborn into two sections

       New Childbirth section includes new coverage of Medication During Delivery, Cesarean Delivery, Natural Childbirth, and Home Birth

      Chapter 4

       Updated coverage and streamlined presentation of Growth Norms, Breastfeeding, Solid Food, and Malnutrition

       Updated coverage and retitled Ethical and Policy Applications of Life Span Development

       Updated and streamlined coverage of Failure to Thrive

       Updated coverage of Processes of Neural Development

       New coverage of The Cerebral Cortex

       Updated coverage of Experience and Brain Development

       New coverage of Sleep and Brain Development

       Updated coverage of Imitation to address recent criticism

       Updated Lives in Context: Pain and Neonatal Circumcision

       Updated coverage of Intermodal Perception and expanded to include discussion of affordances

       Updated coverage and added new examples to Motor Development During Infancy and Toddlerhood

       New feature on Brain and Biological Influences on Development: Hand Preference and Language Development in Infancy

       Updated and expanded Motor Development as a Dynamic System

      Chapter 5

       Updated and expanded coverage of Deferred Imitation Tasks

       Updated and expanded coverage of Core Knowledge Theory: An Alternative Perspective

       Updated coverage of Organization of the Information Processing System, Attention, and Memory

       Updated coverage of Categorization and retitled as Infants’ Thinking

       New feature: Brain and Biological Influences on Development: Poverty and Development

       Updated Information Processing Approach to Intelligence with new examples and retitled as Intelligence as Information Processing

       Updated and expanded coverage of Prelinguistic Communication and First Words and Learning Words: Semantic Growth

       Updated coverage of Learning Theory and Language Development and Nativist Theory and Language Development

       Updated, reorganized, and expanded coverage of Interactionist Perspective on Language Development, including Biological Contributions to Language Development and Contextual Contributions to Language Development

       New feature: Cultural Influences on Development: Culture and Language Development in Infancy

      Chapter 6

       Updated Cultural Influences on Development: Father–Infant Interactions, retitled from Lives in Context: Attachment to Fathers, and moved from later in the chapter

       Reorganized Infants’ Emotional Experiences, creating sections with new coverage of Basic Emotions and Self-Conscious Emotions

       Updated and rewrote Parental Interaction, integrating Interactive Play and Test of Wills

       Updated and rewrote Social Referencing

       Updated and revised Emotional Display Rules and Stranger Wariness

       New Lives in Context feature on Maternal Depression and Emotional Depression, emphasizing the emotional effects of ongoing reciprocal interactions over infancy

       Updated Styles of Temperament and expanded to include Mary Rothbart’s model

       New feature on Brain and Biological Influences on Development: Trauma and Emotional Development

       New coverage of Cultural Differences in Temperament

       Expanded Bowlby’s Ethological Perspective on Attachment to include new coverage of Infants’ Signals and Adults’ Responses and Secure Base, Separation Anxiety, and Internal Working Models

       Updated coverage of Attachment-Related Outcomes

       Updated and expanded section on Cultural Variations in Attachment Classifications

       Reorganized and updated Self-Concept and Self-Recognition to distinguish Self-Awareness and Emerging Self-Concept

       Updated coverage of Self-Control

      Chapter 7

       New feature on Lives in Context: Picky Eating

       Updated and reorganized coverage of Brain Development in Early Childhood and moved to Physical Development in Early Childhood

       Updated and revised coverage of Gross Motor Skills and Fine Motor Skills

       Piaget’s Cognitive-Developmental Theory: Preoperational Reasoning reorganized to include Characteristics of Preoperational Reasoning and Evaluating Preoperational Reasoning

       Rewrote and added new coverage of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory and added Guided Participation and Scaffolding, Zone of Proximal Development, and Evaluating Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory

       Revised coverage of Attention

       New coverage of Working Memory and Executive Function

       Updated and reorganized coverage of Memory

       New coverage of Conceptions of Moral, Social, and Personal Issues

       New feature on Cultural Influences on Development: Culture and Theory of Mind

       Ethical and Policy Applications of Life Span Development: Project Head Start integrated into Early Childhood Education Interventions

      Chapter 8

       Updated coverage of Psychosocial Development in Early Childhood

       New Cultural Influences on Development: Children’s Participation in Household Work

       Updated and rewritten coverage of Self-Concept

       New coverage of Self-Esteem

       Updated and reorganized Empathy and Prosocial Behavior to include sections on Prosocial Behavior, Influences on Prosocial Behavior, and Aggression

       Updated and expanded discussion of Influences on Prosocial Behavior to include Biological Influences, Emotional Influences, Family Influences, and Contextual Influences

       Updated and rewritten coverage of Aggression

       Updated coverage of Culture, Context, and Parenting

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