Belief. Gary L. Varnell

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Belief - Gary L. Varnell

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He exemplifies what it is to be a good human being and he does this with a belief system that sets him apart from most. That is why he is so likeable, so approachable and so successful. And to know the challenges Gary overcame in his youth suggests that he can relate to so many of us, both those who were given a chance and more importantly, those who may have been less privileged. If you haven’t been as fortunate as me to know Gary personally, and you are looking for the key to finding success from within yourself, then I highly recommend you get to know him through his book, which speaks to those who want to get more out of life and to believe in themselves like no other. I am so happy that Gary is able to share so much to so many through his words.”

       -Ronald L. Ginter, ChFC,Personal Financial Advisor for Ameriprise Financial

      In “Belief: The Foundation to Success”, Gary Varnell reveals the central truth behind personal achievement. In my experience having led thousands of financial advisors throughout my 30 year career, I can say with confidence that the key to success is a fire in the belly kept alight by a strong faith in one’s ability to do the hard work. This is an inspiring read, well worth the time.

       -Kim Webb, General Partner, Edward Jones

      Made For Success Publishing

      P.O. Box 1775 Issaquah, WA 98027

      Copyright © 2015 Gary Varnell

      All rights reserved.

      In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher constitutes unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at [email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

      Distributed by Made For Success Publishing

      Consulting Editor: Amber McClendon

      First Printing

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data

      Varnell, Gary

      Belief: The Foundation of Success

      p. cm.

      eBook ISBN: 978-1-61339-856-2

      ISBN: 978-1-61339-854-8

      LCCN: 2015916820

      Printed in the United States of America

      For further information contact Made For Success Publishing

      +14255266480 or email [email protected]





      Ideas About Success


      My Story Begins


      Vision of Success


      Pursuing Plan B


      Belief, Choices and Perseverance


      The Principles


      Final Thoughts


      First I want to thank my wife, Donna Lynn Varnell, for her love and support. Without her support my dream to write this book and to pursue my passion of public speaking would not have been possible. She helped me tremendously with creating the title and by suggesting ideas and changes to make the book better. Donna is the love of my life, my best friend and soul mate. She makes me a better man.

      Thank you to my daughter, Amber Lynn McClendon. Amber and I sat for hours discussing content and she helped me formulate my ideas for this book. I wanted to spend time with Amber and help her reach one of her goals in life, which is to become a published author. We are doing this together so she can learn how to create her own success.

      I want to thank my son, Brandon Varnell; he has written and self-published several books and helped me to get started with publishing this book.

      Greg Provenzano, I wanted to thank you for your leadership and your personal mentorship. What I have learned from you helps me be a better husband, business professional, leader, speaker and mentor to others.

      Jeremy and Mindy Deeble, thank you for your mentorship, friendship and support in my MLM business and in my personal life. I also want to thank you for allowing me to share your story of success and belief in this book.

      Thank you to my friend, John Lang, for allowing me to interview you and share some information about your road to success. You have always been supportive of me and have inspired me to move forward on this project.

      I want to thank my friend, Todd Stottlemyre, for allowing me to tell a small segment of his success story. I also want to thank him for his inspiration and confidence in me to move forward with this book and public speaking.

      I want to thank my friend, Corey Yasuto Gaines, for allowing me to share his road to success. Corey and I shared a similar background and road to success.

      Sherrie Sampson and Michael Campbell, thank you both for being so supportive and such good friends of Donna’s and mine. Thank you for sharing some excellent ideas to add to this book in order to make it more impactful.

      Larry Raskin, I wanted to thank you for your mentorship on mental toughness and on leadership. You have had a big influence on my life personally and professionally.

      I also wanted to thank Cavalier Franco LoFranco for the time you spent with me mentoring me and sharing your wisdom on personal growth.

      Thank you to Lou Burgess for giving me quotes and advice on the book and on public speaking.

      And most of all, I want to thank my mother and father, Betty June Varnell and John Henry Varnell. My success in life is in part based on what I learned and experienced through them. I am the man I am today, because of their love, support and belief in me. They instilled many of the success principles in me, even though they didn’t really know these principles on a formal basis. They learned them from their personal application in life.


      “Be grateful for what you have in life but don’t settle for it! Be happy with who you are, but don’t get too comfortable. To have more in life and be more in life, you must believe more to become more; then you’ll do more, which means you’ll have more.”

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