The Curtain. David T Maddox

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The Curtain - David T Maddox

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the responsibilities, Samson assigned himself number 3, the actual investigation. This was where he belonged by experience and where he wanted to work. He assigned Sally Johnson to number 1, change the public perception because she had a take charge personality that engendered confidence and was good before people. The other responsibilities were divided among Troy Dallas, Greg Petersen and Todd Wilson, the remaining team members.

      Dallas was assigned number 2, public involvement, and was directed to organize an effort to use the public to both help with the investigation and prevent future attacks. The goal was to shift the public’s focus from fear of the shooter to working together to catch the shooter. Petersen, a former Army ranger, was assigned number 4, the rapid response team, and was directed to organize swat teams to respond immediately 24/7 with all possible force to any additional attacks. If they could kill the shooter, it would send a message to the public and to those who might be considering a similar reign of terror. Samson had no interest in catching the shooter and having to have to deal for years with lawyers, courts and the press who would victimize and excuse the shooter’s conduct. He had seen enough of that over the years. This time, he wanted a graphic example of immediate justice – an eye for an eye. They needed a body.

      Wilson, the old man, was assigned number 5, containment, and was directed to utilize all available sources of intelligence, informants, wiretaps, warrantless searches, profiling, preventive arrests, detention, liberal interrogation techniques, etc. to address potential future threats. The last thing the public would tolerate was more violence. If individual rights had to suffer for a time, that was a small price to pay to prevent future violence and protect the public. They would buy into it. To live with a sense of safety was more important than to be free.

      The five agreed to put together their own teams, to flesh out what would be required for each functional area and to gather again tomorrow afternoon to share their plans. They were encouraged. Although they had been working furiously for months now, the political intervention of the mayor and governor provided the backdrop on which to base a total “whatever it takes” effort. The gloves were off. This had to end, and they had just been given the freedom to bring it to an end whatever the cost.

      Keeping this investigation under his control was important to the future of the Dark Master’s plans, so Argon took the time to unknowingly join the five. Already present were four Keepers and numerous Tempters on assignment. The Tempters were another of the dark wisps who were able to attach themselves to the human creatures by their invitation. As silly as it seemed, Argon thought, the human creatures’ fleshly desires and wants provided the opportunity to influence them in ways that could ultimately lead to their destruction.7 For those under the influence of a Keeper, there was no limitation on what could be done once temptation was accepted, and Tempters were not limited to those under the influence of a Keeper. When a temptation was accepted by a servant of the Enemy, at a minimum the Tempter would be able to limit their usefulness and cause them to have difficulty hearing the voice inside.8

      Tempters went by the names of their temptations, and there were multiple millions of them with the same name, for the Dark Master simultaneously attacked multiple targets in different geographic locations with the same temptations at the same time. Names such as Doubt, Fear, Lust, Impurity, Liar, Hatred, Anger, Discord, Envy, Jealously, Pride, Riches, Pleasures, Worry, Tolerance, Activity, Ease, Excess and Gluttony to name a few.9 They were an interesting, diverse and sometimes inconsistent group, but useful to advance the Dark Master’s agenda of chaos, deception and death.

      The Tempters were seemingly a great advantage to the forces of darkness. Even a Guardian was prohibited from obstructing the work of a Tempter once the temptation had been accepted. Unless a target actively opposed the temptation or admitted they had succumbed and cried out for help, the Guardian could only watch and await a changed heart.10 What was really frustrating to the Guardian was the knowledge that the Tempter’s purpose was to attach himself to the target and create an insatiable appetite for the particular fleshly desire. Worse yet, a victory over a Tempter was often short-lived. Tempters were free to return with their temptations at what they viewed to be a more opportune time, and they could, and did, target the most holy and pure of all the Enemy’s servants. No one was immune from attack. The Dark Master had himself tempted Jesus continually.11

      “The really wonderful thing about temptation as an offensive weapon,” Argon said to Zaccur, who had just returned, “is that the Enemy really is holy and just and must respond to one who accepts temptation in a way that is consistent with who He is. When the Son, Jesus, became one of the human creatures, He revealed that the Enemy considers even accepting thoughts of committing an action the same as having fully succumbed to the temptation and committed the act. Jesus said lust equals adultery and anger equals murder.12 Can you believe that? He made it almost too easy. Throw in a little “righteous” confusion and these human creatures ignore what Jesus said and convince themselves that the act is all that matters. When that happens, they can be led into almost any thought as long as you stop short of trying to make them do it. They think they are perfectly fine, but the Enemy sees their thoughts as evil and thus their usefulness to advance His purposes is limited. Those without the light inside are easily drawn into acts following temptation. We actually rule the world through temptation. It’s fun – a game which these fools are too stupid to see.”

      “And you, as the ruler of a city, can order Tempters to attack humans so they can be used for our purposes?” Zaccur asked enviously, wanting to have this authority himself someday.

      “Absolutely,” Argon responded, again his pride causing him to ignore any possible future threat by Zaccur. “Look at this crowd trying to find the shooter. See the one that Lust has? Lust has been all over this human for years. He is so into pornography that it is beyond addiction. He can’t look at a woman – any woman – including Sally Johnson without a sexually explicit fantasy going off in his mind. Think about what interesting possibilities that offers,” he said smiling.

      “Yes, but don’t you see that she is not alone and she has the light inside,” Zaccur observed. “Can that be overcome?”

      “We will see what the strength of her faith is,13” Argon responded. “She must be the focus of the fight to control this group. She is a bad influence and will be a bad example. Perhaps we can motivate a rape. After all, she is only a woman.”

      Zaccur was right again to consider her a threat. The forces of light were not entirely unrepresented that afternoon. A Guardian was present, standing over Sally Johnson as she received her direction from the light within. Sally was also blessed to be under the influence of several Providers, members of the forces of light, who under the direction of the Holy Spirit both negate the Tempters and enable the servants of the light to accomplish His purposes by providing them with specific abilities. Like the Tempters, they took their names from what they were intended to accomplish in and through those to whom they had been given. Their names included Faith, Boldness, Wisdom, Discernment, Truth, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control, Purity, Contentment, Perseverance, Humility, Servant and Love.14

      The specific lineup at 1632 Washington Avenue that afternoon included several Tempters, named Doubt, Fear, Anger, Envy, Jealously, Lust and Pride, who had four targets to work with. But, also present were Providers for Sally Johnson named Wisdom, Peace, Faithfulness, Humility and Love. The Tempters tried to attach themselves to Sally Johnson but failed. Her faith was strong. Like Jesus had, she rejected their advances. The battle was on.

      “Johnson is the concern,” Argon continued, “but fortunately she is only one and she is a woman. She is not in charge of the investigation. Even so, the Dark Master must know” so Zaccur was off again to carry the news.

      Public events would be required to accomplish the investigators’ agenda, and thus, the teams headed by Sally Johnson and Troy Dallas would need to work together to some extent. It was agreed, as a goal, to set a press conference for next Tuesday to announce the new efforts, and a community forum for next Friday to initiate public involvement, hoping to begin to change public perception. Much would be out of their control between now and then, but they had to move forward and they couldn’t announce what wasn’t yet decided. Tomorrow’s meeting would

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