New Time. Leslie Scalapino

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New Time - Leslie Scalapino

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      it’s enervating to ‘unmake’ sole connections apparently formed in one’s (cubicles) by having to be in an other ground of them only — as one (only)

      the physical body has nothing to do with this

      interpretative is the ‘fixing’, and as such distortion of phenomenal activity (per se, not simply fixing the view of actions)

      an ‘outside’ outwardly-articulating ‘social’ interpretation which qualitatively changes the object of its consideration — as does the inner ‘warp’, which warps in order to see its own reverberation — is there

      he’s/someone’s not interested in anything, a corpse

      he doesn’t die — he just lay on himself — while living (?)

      so there’s not light life

      a man having me over, a woman who’s there whom he considers to have higher rank (than ‘mine’), which conception flatters him

      as a pair substantiating his social order which is arbitrary

      not abandonment

      The rib cage floating in the shock occurs later, not chronologically — so that concentrating one at first chooses a moon bounding floating — in sheets of pouring rain, as that occurs. A man clothed in black in the black, sneaking as feet placed side-by-side, like a big fox carrying a stick that floats out horizontal on his shoulder (dragged behind) with his wild eyeballs seen — our (my) wild eyeballs catch in the black

      We’re running outside tearing after him like bats on the boards a line — in bare feet by torrents of pouring snow in the sky — rather than the moon as chosen bounding. As one’s sole movement’s

      silk black iris that’s chest/thorax lifted off (set down;

      weighing) it doesn’t come

      from them — is lifted off breathing, outside of one —

      that is, one — weighed: not in the air, it is in the air

      thorax black silk iris not image, breathing — in the air, yet weighed — weighed is it being lifted off

      (the frame weighed), it in the air

      black of night isn’t dependent

      they appear — there


      having to be ground under, socially — for nothing — hit on, as insignificant yet not to ridicule — being so, by them, when a woman say is carried (by them) never ridiculed so it is not of one —

      people don’t hate everyone. some while participating never did.

      the physical body didn’t


      the place is always. what’s coming is people attacking as sustaining their being in existence.

      the one black oar parting the blue in fact — it is conditional on spring. I am.

      bud — outside — but which is fully open — because outside of one as occurring lightly

      a ‘burst’ that’s from one being returned to oneself — after one being away (outside). the outside is one’s awareness

      The writing is not narrative ‘telling’ the story or stories of events. Rather, it is movements, a movement that was a ‘real’ event where all is fictional as phenomena. So history is scrutinized by phenomena, observed as minute, particular — and thus ‘fictive’ as haphazard moving.

      Biography that is not ‘completed/whole’ ‘a life’, poems, fictions, not-illustrating, are not an early form, undeveloped narrative, but as mere movements are subject to scrutiny by phenomena, are ‘the life’s’ construction per se.

      The motions of a small poem, of a sole event, of whatever nature — social repression, yet as movement (as written) — are not events compared to each other or ‘event’ually showing a whole construction — of themselves (even) — not imposed, but sole movements’ ‘fictive’

      one thinks — (young) — living to endure poverty. starving people. because of that being the physical body, in fact.

      there’s no poverty of the physical frame of anyone.

      so if there’s any there’s no basis


      Why would they dismiss it because it’s not the same?

      It exists because it’s not the same

      running with bare feet, the snow falling, after the man clothed in black in the black sky — is the neck cut out

      in their (other’s) existence — one’s neck cut out

      blossoms blossomed. in time.

      ‘Undermining’ this, by seeing its appearance — places the individual doing so in the light of aberration (viewed by others, but also increasingly in the act of aberration by seeing (its) appearance) which may be regarded by a ‘viewer’ — as merely ‘personal’, not theoretical (which, as interpretive, assessment, is at that moment ‘authority’ itself)

      if there’s no overriding structure, “There is no character-simulacrum for it to reside in.”

      economic poverty (not being special) of them, one, is that being the physical body, per se. throughout.

      which isn’t inner.

      from the waist — so that, turned the bulb that’s oneself (thorax) — only — then — doesn’t have any existence — turned (wherever one turns)

      as conception — at waist of magnolia buds that exist in the day really

      sewing the black silk irises — not when one turned at waist

      sewing them, they

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