Pilgrim's Progress, The The. John Bunyan

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Pilgrim's Progress, The The - John Bunyan

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Besides the King of glory hath told thee, that he that “will save his life shall lose it.”45 And, “He that cometh after me, and hateth not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.”46 I say, therefore, for man to labour to persuade thee, that that shall be thy death, without which, THE TRUTH hath said, thou canst not have eternal life; this doctrine thou must abhor.

      Thirdly, Thou must hate his setting of thy feet in the way that leadeth to the ministration of death. And for this thou must consider to whom he sent thee, and also how unable that person was to deliver thee from thy burden.

      Now Christian looked for nothing but death, and began to cry out lamentably; even cursing the time in which he met with Mr. Worldly Wiseman; still calling himself a thousand fools for hearkening to his counsel; he also was greatly ashamed to think that this gentleman’s arguments, flowing only from the flesh, should have the prevalency with him as to cause him to forsake the right way. This done, he applied himself again to Evangelist in words and sense as follow:

      CHRISTIAN: Sir, what think you? Is there hope? May I now go back and go up to the wicket-gate? Shall I not be abandoned for this, and sent back from thence ashamed? I am sorry I have hearkened to this man’s counsel. But may my sin be forgiven?

      Then did Christian address himself to go back; and Evangelist, after he had kissed him, gave him one smile, and bid him God-speed. So he went on with haste, neither spake he to any man by the way; nor, if any asked him, would he vouchsafe them an answer. He went like one that was all the while treading on forbidden ground, and could by no means think himself safe, till again he was got into the way which he left, to follow Mr. Worldly Wiseman’s counsel.


      “He that will enter in must first without

      Stand knocking at the Gate, nor need he doubt

      That is A KNOCKER but to enter in;

      For God can love him, and forgive his sin.”

      He knocked, therefore, more than once or twice, saying—

      “May I now enter here? Will he within

      Open to sorry me, though I have been

      An undeserving rebel? Then shall I

      Not fail to sing his lasting praise on high.”

      At last there came a grave person to the gate, named Good-will, who asked who was there? and whence he came? and what he would have?

      CHRISTIAN: Here is a poor burdened sinner. I come from the City of Destruction, but am going to Mount Zion, that I may be delivered from the wrath to come. I would therefore, Sir, since I am informed that by this gate is the way thither, know if you are willing to let me in?

      GOOD-WILL. I am willing with all my heart, said he; and with that he opened the gate.

      So when Christian was stepping in, the other gave him a pull. Then said Christian, What means that? The other told him. A little distance from this gate, there is erected a strong castle, of which Beelzebub is the captain; from thence, both he and them that are with him shoot arrows at those that come up to this gate, if haply they may die before they can enter in.

      Then said Christian, I rejoice and tremble. So when he was got in, the man of the gate asked him who directed him thither?

      CHRISTIAN: Evangelist bid me come hither, and knock, (as I did); and he said that you, Sir, would tell me what I must do.


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