The Rise of the Chosen Ones. Joseph C. Parker

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The Rise of the Chosen Ones - Joseph C. Parker

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our body, that is until our mind becomes preoccupied. As our mind starts to drift out of the present moment and into the future or past, the subconscious mind takes over, and we go into a form of autopilot.

      The autopilot in your subconscious mind has been developing or programming itself over your lifetime. The conscious mind learns things or creates beliefs and then it transferred them to the subconscious mind for later use. For example, the process of tying a shoe needed to be learned at first, but once it was successfully transferred to the subconscious mind, you no longer had to think about it. Your fingers just performed the behavior using this beneficial mental program. It became automatic because you programmed yourself to do it.

      On the contrary, sometimes these automatic tasks performed by the subconscious mind can end up controlling us. For example, suppose you are on your way home from work or going to a place you know very well. You decide ahead of time to take a detour or stop along the way, but as you arrive, you find that you missed the turn to take the detour and have arrived at the place you know well instead. How did you forget to make the stop? It happened because your conscious mind got preoccupied with something else allowing your subconscious mind to take over and complete a program it understands well. Your subconscious mind took control of your behavior.

      This also can happen after you decide to become one of the self-chosen ones. Your conscious mind decides and is ready to make the changes. You have chosen yourself, set values, goals, and created a vision. You are ready to take action in alignment with your higher purpose, but then your mind gets preoccupied with something else. A random thought demands your attention or you take a mental break.

      Instantly, your subconscious mind takes over and runs an old ingrained program that says, “I’m not enough” or “What will other people think?” Your subconscious mind has not yet received your new thoughts and beliefs and is still working to keep you in the box. You begin to feel change is too difficult. This is when applying mental judo is required.

      Some of our mental programs are no longer beneficial to us. They need to be replaced, and the process is not easy. The negative programs have been in place a long time and may even be reinforced on a daily basis due to our environment or habits. For example, fear is a tough program to change. A few fears are rational, but most fears that stop people from action are an illusion.

      If you are in the habit of watching TV news, then you are being spoon-fed a constant stream of fear and examples of violence. This will add to your fears or reinforce them. Making changes to your daily habits and even who you spend time with may be necessary.

      Some people have developed a very negative outlook on life and complain about almost everything. They act like victims who are at the mercy of the economy, the government, their employers, or other people. They will spread their fears and doubts to everyone around them. Being in their presence is toxic to a self-chosen one.

      If you have one or more of these people in your life, then action is required. You cannot change them. They can only change themselves. You must separate yourself from them and find positive minded people for friends or spouses. If you are married to one of these people, your road ahead will be even more difficult. The key here is to identify and hopefully to remove any environmental factors that are reinforcing negative beliefs and programs.

      Your mental judo goal is to keep your conscious mind filled with new positive thoughts and ideas about yourself for as long as possible. Reinforce those ideas by looking for evidence of them in the real world. Meditate on those thoughts and repeat your mantra as often as possible. The longer you do this, the more you will transfer these beliefs to your subconscious mind. This process takes time and effort.

      You will also want to create a positive environment for yourself to expedite the transfer of beneficial beliefs about the world and yourself to the subconscious mind. Here is what I suggest: stop watching the TV news or reading the details of all the horrors of the world. Feeding yourself a stream of what’s wrong with the world will only keep you thinking negatively. If you must keep up with world events, just read the headlines or stick to articles and topics that make you feel good.

      Stay away from TV programs and video games that display or glorify violence. Violence in our world is not going to stop while we continue to support it with products or TV shows that display it in graphic detail. Violence only creates fear and fear is a dream killer.

      Lastly, you cannot obtain your dreams until you confront the fear walls that block your course. Fear walls are the edges of your comfort zone. As you expand your thoughts and take action towards your goals, you will hit many fear walls. It takes courage to push through them and obtain the rewards in accomplishments, belief, and confidence. Each time you push through a fear wall, your ability to do so becomes stronger.




       To develop your unstoppable personal belief, you will leverage the power of the planets in your solar system beginning with your own star.

      Now that you have declared yourself one of the self-chosen ones, you are in an exclusive group. Most people are still hoping to be chosen and are waiting for something outside of themselves to start their dreams in to motion. There is no more time to waste on waiting. Your decision to choose yourself allows you to move forward and take action on your goals. This is true empowerment.

      This chapter holds a framework you can use to understand the critical elements self-chosen ones use to obtain their dreams and become their best selves. This is provided because it is important to have a structured path to track your progress and growth. Just follow the path and your grand destiny awaits. In the next chapter, the chosen one’s levels of attainment will be discussed.

      During my research into personal development, I discovered there is a dynamics model that contains all the critical elements that fully-actualized chosen ones possess. You can think of the Dynamics Model as a set of planets orbiting an inner solar system. This solar system exists at the metaphysical layer inside your mind, and it helps us understand how the development concepts interrelate.

      The seven elements of the chosen one's Dynamics Model are:

       Believe in yourself

       Create yourself

       Infinite intelligence





      At the center of the dynamics model is the sun or star of your solar system. This is where all the heat, love, desire, belief, and energy come from that power your dreams, transforms your health and sustain your relationships. The star at the center of your solar system is the most critical element. All the other objects revolving in this system are there to support it and are utilized for transforming your life. This is where the mental judo of belief is applied, and its results made evident.

      Around the star of your solar system are six orbiting planets that contain the building blocks and tools used to transform your life. Each of these planets has a special purpose, and together they keep the entire system in balance and harmony. Growth in all these spheres is required to bring your life’s vision into existence. Ignoring a single planet’s growth can throw the entire solar system out of alignment. Your task is to grow your entire solar system into an ever-expanding galaxy. The larger your solar system becomes, the closer you are to your dreams and goals.

      Each of these elements has many subcomponents that will be explained later. Table 1 shows the inner solar system of the self-chosen ones. At its center is the heat source: Believe in yourself. This is the most critical of all elements. The orbiting planets bring balance to the system and support this belief as well as

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