Search-Based Applications. Gregory Grefenstette

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Search-Based Applications - Gregory Grefenstette

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the transaction is completed to avoid conflicts and overwrites IT Information Technology, a generic term covering all aspects of using computers to store and manipulate information JDBC Java Database Connectivity, a Java version of ODBC Join In a relational database, gathering together data contained in different tables JSON JavaScript Object Notation, a standard for exchanging data between systems Key-value store A data storage and retrieval system in which a key (identifying an entity) is linked to the one or more values associated with that entity. This allows rapid lookup of values associated with an entity, but does not allow joins on other fields Mash-up A software application that dynamically aggregates information from many different sources, or output from many processes, in a single screen MDM Master Data Management, a system of policies, processes and technologies designed to maintain the accuracy and consistency of essential data across many data silos Metadata Typed data associated with a document, for example, Author, Date, Category Mobile Web Web pages accessible through a mobile device such as a smartphone MySQL A popular open source relational database Normalized relational schema A model for a relational database that is designed to prevent redundancies that can cause anomalies when inserting, updating, and deleting data NoSQL Not Only SQL, an umbrella term for large scale data storage and retrieval systems that use structures and querying methodologies that are different from those of relational database systems OBI Operational Business Intelligence, data reporting and analysis that supports decision making concerning routine, day-to-day operations OCR Optical Character Recognition, a technology used for converting paper documents or text encapsulated in images into electronic text, usually with some noise caused by the conversion ODBC Open Database Connectivity, a middleware for enabling and managing exchanges between databases Offloading Extracting information from a database application and storing it in a search engine application OLAP Online Analytical Processing, tools for analyzing data in databases OLTP Online Transaction Processing Ontology A taxonomy with rules that can deduce links not necessarily present in the taxonomy Partition tolerance Means that a distributed database can still function if some of its nodes are no longer available Performance The measure of a computer application’s rapidity, throughput, availability, or resource utilization PHP PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, a language for programming web pages PLM Product Lifecycle Management, systems which allow for the management of a product from design to retirement Plug-and-play Modules that can be used without any reprogramming, “out of the box” POC Proof of concept, an application that proves that something can be done, though it may not be optimized for performance Portal A web interface to a data source Primary key In a relational database, a value corresponding to a unique entity, that allows tables to be joined for a given entity RDBMS Relational database management system Redundancy Storing the same data in two different places in a data base, or information system. This can cause problems of consistency if one of the values is changed and not the other Relational model A model for databases in which data is represented as tables. Some values, called primary keys, link tables together Relevancy For a given query, a heuristically determined score of the supposed pertinence of a document to the query REST Representational State Transfer, protocol used in web services, in which no state is preserved, but in which every operation of reading or writing is self sufficient RFID Radio Frequency Identification, systems using embedded chips to transmit information RSS Really Simple Syndication, an XML format for transmitting frequently updated data R tree An efficient data structure for storing GPS-indexed points and finding all the points in a given radius around a point RDF Resource Description Framework, a format for representing data as sets of triples, used in semantic web representations SBA Search Based Applications, an information access or analysis application built on a search engine, rather than on a database. SCM Supply Chain Management Scalability The desirable quality of being able to treat larger and larger data sets without a decrease in performance, or rise in cost Search engine A computer program for indexing and searching in documents Semantic Web Collection of web pages that are annotated with machine readable descriptions of their content Semi-structured data Data found in places where the data type can be surmised, such as in explicitly labeled metadata, or in structured tables on web pages SEO Search engine optimization, strategies that help a web page owner to improve a site’s ranking in common web search engines SERP Search engine results page, the output of a query to a search engine Silo An imagery-filled term for an isolated information system SMART system An early search engine developed by Gerald Salton at Cornell SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol, a format for transmitting data between services Social media Data uploaded by identified users, such as in YouTube, FaceBook, Flickr
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