Unmanned Aircraft Design. Mohammad Sadraey H.

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Unmanned Aircraft Design - Mohammad Sadraey H.

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against some figures of merit.

      In design evaluation, an early step that fully recognizes design criteria is to establish a baseline against which a given alternative or design configuration may be evaluated. This baseline is determined through the iterative process of requirements analysis (i.e., identification of needs, analysis of feasibility, definition of UAV operational requirements, selection of a maintenance concept, and planning for phase-out and disposal). The mission that the UAV must perform to satisfy a specific customer should be described, along with expectations for cycle time, frequency, speed, cost, effectiveness, and other relevant factors. Functional requirements must be met by incorporating design characteristics within the UAV and its configuration components.


      As an example, Table 1.3 illustrates three scenarios of priorities (in percent) for military UAV designers. Among ten figures of merit (or criteria), grade “1” is the highest priority and grade “10” is the lowest priority. The grade “0” in this table means that, this figure of merit is not a criterion for this designer. The number one priority for a military UAV designer is UAV performance, while for a homebuilt UAV designer cost is the number one priority. It is also interesting that stealth capability is an important priority for a military UAV designer, while for other three groups of designers, it is not important at all. These priorities (later called weights) reflect the relative importance of the individual figure of merit in the mind of the designer.

      Design criteria may be established for each level in the system hierarchical structure. The optimization objectives must be formulated in order to determine the optimum design. A selected UAV configuration would be optimum based on only one optimization function. Applicable criteria regarding the UAV should be expressed in terms of technical performance measures and should be prioritized at the UAV (system) level. Technical performance measures are measures for characteristics that are, or derive from, attributes inherent in the design itself. It is essential that the development of design criteria be based on an appropriate set of design considerations, considerations that lead to the identification of both design-dependent and design-independent parameters, and that support the derivation of technical performance measures.

      Table 1.3: Three scenarios of priorities (in percent) for a military UAV designer


      In the early stages of design and by employing brainstorming, a few promising concepts are suggested which seems consistent with the scheduling and available resources. Prior to committing resources and personnel to the detail design phase, an important design activity—feasibility analysis—must be performed. There are a number of phases through which the system design and development process must invariably pass. Foremost among them is the identification of the customer-related need and, from that need, the determination of what the system is to do. This is followed by a feasibility study to discover potential technical solution, and the determination of system requirements.

      It is at this early stage in the life cycle that major decisions are made relative to adapting a specific design approach and technology application, which has a great impact on the life-cycle cost of a product. In this phase, the designer addresses the fundamental question of whether to proceed with the selected concept. It is evident that there is no benefit or future in spending any more time and resource attempting to achieve an unrealistic objective. Some revolutionary concepts initially seem attractable, but when it comes to the reality, it is found to be too imaginary. Feasibility study distinguishes between a creative design concept and an imaginary idea. Feasibility evaluation determines the degree to which each concept alternative satisfies design criteria.

      In this phase, the designer addresses the fundamental question of whether to proceed with the selected concept. Feasibility study distinguishes between a creative design concept and an imaginary idea. Feasibility evaluation determines the degree to which each concept alternative satisfies design criteria.

      In the feasibility analysis, the answers to the following two questions are sought: (1) Are the goals achievable?; or are the objectives realistic?; or are the design requirements meetable? and (2) Is the current design concept feasible? If the answer to the first question is no, the design goal and objectives, and design requirements must be changed. Hence, no matter where is the source of design requirements; either direct customer order or market analysis; they must be changed.

      An aircraft chief designer should be capable of covering and handling a broad spectrum of activities. Thus, an aircraft chief designer should have years of experiences, be knowledgeable of management techniques, and preferably have full expertise and background in the area of “flight dynamics.” The chief designer has a great responsibility in planning, coordination, and conducting formal design reviews. He/she must also monitor and review aircraft system test and evaluation activities, as well as coordinating all formal design changes and modifications for improvement. The organization must be such that facilitate the flow of information and technical data among various design departments. The design organization must allow the chief designer to initiate and establish the necessary ongoing liaison activities throughout the design cycle.

      A primary building block is organizational patterns is the functional approach, which involves the grouping of functional specialties or disciplines into separately identifiable entities. The intent is to perform similar work within one organizational group. Thus, the same organizational group will accomplish the same type of work for all ongoing projects on a concurrent basis. The ultimate objective is to establish a team approach, with the appropriate communications, enabling the application of concurrent engineering methods throughout.

      Figure 1.2: UAV main design groups.

      There are two main approaches to handle the design activities and establishing design groups: (1) design groups based on aircraft components, and (2) design groups based on expertise (Figure 1.2). If the approach of groups based on aircraft components is selected, the chief designer must establish the following teams: (1) wing design team, (2) tail design team, (3) fuselage design team, (4) propulsion system design team, (5) landing gear design team, (6) autopilot design team, (7) ground station design team, and (8) launch and recovery design team. The ninth team is established for documentation, and drafting. There are various advantages and disadvantages for each of the two planning approaches in terms of ease of management, speed of communication, efficiency, and similarity of tasks. However, if the project is large, such as the design of a large transport aircraft, both groupings could be applied simultaneously.

      UAV Design is an iterative process which involves synthesis, analysis, and evaluation. Figure 1.3 demonstrates the design process block diagram. Design (i.e., synthesis) is the creative process of putting known things together into new and more useful combinations. Analysis refers to the process of predicting the performance or behavior of a design candidate. Evaluation is the process of performance calculation and comparing the predicted performance of each feasible design candidate to determine the deficiencies. A design process requires both integration and iteration. There is an interrelationship between synthesis, analysis, and evaluation. Two main groups of design activities are: (1) problem solving through mathematical calculations, and (2) choosing a preferred one among alternatives.

      Figure 1.3: The UAV life-cycle.


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