The Brothers Karamazov - The Original Classic Edition. Dostoyevsky Fyodor

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The Brothers Karamazov - The Original Classic Edition - Dostoyevsky Fyodor

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have been at your Sylvester's. I used to stay there. Is Sylvester well?"

       The monk hesitated.


       "You are a senseless lot! How do you keep the fasts?"

       "Our dietary is according to the ancient conventual rules. During Lent there are no meals provided for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. For Tuesday and Thursday we have white bread, stewed fruit with honey, wild berries, or salt cabbage and wholemeal stira-bout. On Saturday white cabbage soup, noodles with peas, kasha, all with hemp oil. On weekdays we have dried fish and kasha with the cabbage soup. From Monday till Saturday evening, six whole days in Holy Week, nothing is cooked, and we have only bread and water, and that sparingly; if possible not taking food every day, just the same as is ordered for first week in Lent. On Good Friday nothing is eaten. In the same way on the Saturday we have to fast till three o'clock, and then take a little bread and water and drink a single cup of wine. On Holy Thursday we drink wine and have something cooked without oil or not cooked at all, inasmuch as the Laodicean council lays down for Holy Thursday: 'It is unseemly by remitting the fast on the Holy Thursday to dishonor the whole

       of Lent!' This is how we keep the fast. But what is that compared with you, holy Father," added the monk, growing more confident, "for all the year round, even at Easter, you take nothing but bread and water, and what we should eat in two days lasts you full seven. It's truly marvelous--your great abstinence."

       "And mushrooms?" asked Father Ferapont, suddenly. "Mushrooms?" repeated the surprised monk.

       "Yes. I can give up their bread, not needing it at all, and go away into the forest and live there on the mushrooms or the berries, but they can't give up their bread here, wherefore they are in bondage to the devil. Nowadays the unclean deny that there is need of such fasting. Haughty and unclean is their judgment."

       "Och, true," sighed the monk. [pg 183]

       "And have you seen devils among them?" asked Ferapont.

       "Among them? Among whom?" asked the monk, timidly.

       "I went to the Father Superior on Trinity Sunday last year, I haven't been since. I saw a devil sitting on one man's chest hiding under his cassock, only his horns poked out; another had one peeping out of his pocket with such sharp eyes, he was afraid of me; another settled in the unclean belly of one, another was hanging round a man's neck, and so he was carrying him about without seeing him."

       "You--can see spirits?" the monk inquired.

       "I tell you I can see, I can see through them. When I was coming out from the Superior's I saw one hiding from me behind the door, and a big one, a yard and a half or more high, with a thick long gray tail, and the tip of his tail was in the crack of the door and I was quick and slammed the door, pinching his tail in it. He squealed and began to struggle, and I made the sign of the cross over him three times. And he died on the spot like a crushed spider. He must have rotted there in the corner and be stinking, but they don't

       see, they don't smell it. It's a year since I have been there. I reveal it to you, as you are a stranger."

       "Your words are terrible! But, holy and blessed Father," said the monk, growing bolder and bolder, "is it true, as they noise abroad even to distant lands about you, that you are in continual communication with the Holy Ghost?"

       "He does fly down at times."

       "How does he fly down? In what form?"

       "As a bird."

       "The Holy Ghost in the form of a dove?"

       "There's the Holy Ghost and there's the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can appear as other birds--sometimes as a swallow, sometimes

       a goldfinch and sometimes as a blue-tit."

       "How do you know him from an ordinary tit?"


       "He speaks."

       "How does he speak, in what language?" "Human language."

       "And what does he tell you?"

       "Why, to-day he told me that a fool would visit me and would ask me unseemly questions. You want to know too much, monk." [pg 184]

       "Terrible are your words, most holy and blessed Father," the monk shook his head. But there was a doubtful look in his frightened little eyes.

       "Do you see this tree?" asked Father Ferapont, after a pause. "I do, blessed Father."

       "You think it's an elm, but for me it has another shape."

       "What sort of shape?" inquired the monk, after a pause of vain expectation.

       "It happens at night. You see those two branches? In the night it is Christ holding out His arms to me and seeking me with those arms, I see it clearly and tremble. It's terrible, terrible!"

       "What is there terrible if it's Christ Himself ?" "Why, He'll snatch me up and carry me away." "Alive?"

       "In the spirit and glory of Elijah, haven't you heard? He will take me in His arms and bear me away."

       Though the monk returned to the cell he was sharing with one of the brothers, in considerable perplexity of mind, he still cherished at heart a greater reverence for Father Ferapont than for Father Zossima. He was strongly in favor of fasting, and it was not strange that one who kept so rigid a fast as Father Ferapont should "see marvels." His words seemed certainly queer, but God only could

       tell what was hidden in those words, and were not worse words and acts commonly seen in those who have sacrificed their intellects for the glory of God? The pinching of the devil's tail he was ready and eager to believe, and not only in the figurative sense. Besides he had, before visiting the monastery, a strong prejudice against the institution of "elders," which he only knew of by hearsay and believed to be a pernicious innovation. Before he had been long at the monastery, he had detected the secret murmurings of some shallow brothers who disliked the institution. He was, besides, a meddlesome, inquisitive man, who poked his nose into everything. This was why the news of the fresh "miracle" performed by Father Zossima reduced him to extreme perplexity. Alyosha remembered afterwards how their inquisitive guest from Obdorsk had been continually flitting to and fro from one group to another, listening and asking questions among the monks that were crowding within and without the [pg 185] elder's cell. But he did not pay much attention to him at the time, and only recollected it afterwards.

       He had no thought to spare for it indeed, for when Father Zossima, feeling tired again, had gone back to bed, he thought of Alyosha as he was closing his eyes, and sent for him. Alyosha ran at once. There was no one else in the cell but Father Paissy, Father Iosif, and the novice Porfiry. The elder, opening his weary eyes and looking intently at Alyosha, asked him suddenly:

       "Are your people expecting you, my son?" Alyosha hesitated.

       "Haven't they need of you? Didn't you promise some one yesterday to see them to-day?"

       "I did promise--to my father--my brothers--others too."


       "You see, you must go. Don't grieve. Be sure I shall not die without your being by to hear my last word. To you I will say that word, my son, it will be my last gift to you. To you, dear son, because you love me. But now go to keep your promise."

       Alyosha immediately obeyed, though it was hard to go. But the promise that he should hear his last word on earth, that it should be the last gift to him, Alyosha, sent a thrill of rapture through his soul. He made haste that he might finish what he had to do in the town and return quickly. Father Paissy, too, uttered some words of exhortation which moved and surprised him greatly. He spoke as they left the cell together.

       "Remember, young man, unceasingly," Father Paissy began, without preface, "that the science of this world, which has become

       a great power, has, especially in the last century, analyzed everything divine handed down to us in the holy books. After this cruel analysis the learned of this world have nothing left of all that was sacred of old. But they have only analyzed the parts and overlooked the whole, and indeed their blindness is marvelous. Yet the whole still stands steadfast before their eyes, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Has it not lasted nineteen centuries, is it not still a living,

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