Forbidden Fruit - The Original Classic Edition. Anonymous Anonymous

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Forbidden Fruit - The Original Classic Edition - Anonymous Anonymous

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of my hands found its way inside her night chemise, and grabbed the heaving globes of her bosom, moulding them and playing with the saucy nipples which stuck up as firm as my Cock, which was in a fiery state of expectation.

       "Now, go away do, you impudent boy, where have you learnt such tricks,

       Percy?" she whispered as she faintly attempted to push me away.

       "Nowhere, only I do so like to feel and kiss you, Mary, you are so warm and soft, and kiss so nicely my dear;" as I was gently sliding

       into the bed beside her.

       "What makes you like kissing so? Don't Mamma or auntie Gertie kiss you enough, you silly boy."

       "Oh, but that's different, I can't feel them all over, as I do you; as I hugged my body close to hers, those palpitating bosoms now

       beating against my breast."

       "How queer you make me feel, Mary. Don't you notice my affair stiff and hard against you belly; let us lay close to each other, and

       your warm flesh against mine," pulling up her chemise to her waist.


       "How is it you have hair there, dear, and I have none about mine!" My hand was groping to get a finger in her slit, and if possible to

       touch the spot I knew so well.

       "No, Percy, you mustn't put your hand there, that thing of yours is hard against my belly. Put it away do."

       "Between your legs, Mary, I seem to fell sure that is the place; let me lay between your legs and rub my belly against yours; how hot

       you are there!" Both my hands were trying to force open her thighs, which she kept firmly closed. "You shan't--you shan't, you bad boy, what do you mean by such goings on, Percy?"

       A sudden frenzy impelled me to exert all my strength; little by little, I got one leg between hers, as I pushed her over on her back.--"I will," I said, grinding my teeth in desperation; "You shall let me, Mary; now, don't fight so, it's no use."

       We struggled on in silence, she was almost a strong as myself, but panting for breath she was gradually mastered by my dogged resolve to win my way:--"Oh, oh, you shan't, indeed you shan't;" as I got a finger fairly in her slit, which was quite moist and slimy, as no doubt the ardour of our struggles had brought on an emission.

       The head of my Cock at last got lodged just inside the moist lips of her vulva; she gave a tremulous shudder, and I thought the victory was won, but with quite sudden desperation, she rolled herself almost on her side, but I clasped one arm firmly round her waist, and the other hand gave her buttocks such a savage pinch, that with a sharp "Oh! oh!" her bottom heaved up a little, and I felt my champion gain a little way in; again she struggled desperately, and actually bit my shoulder, but that only made me more savage.

       Slowly I pushed up to her last virgin defence. "You shan't, Oh Percy, you'll ruin me, do get away; you'll kill me.--Oh--Ah-r-r-re!" as struggling and wriggling to resist me, her motions actually helped to accomplish the rape, for thrusting fiercely just as she heaved a little to throw me off, the hymen was broken, and my Cock triumphed over that stubbornly contested virginity.

       So ignorant was I of the ethics of copulation that I had no idea of the irreparable damage I had done to poor Mary.

       "There, I told you I would, you couldn't prevent me getting into you, my dear, and how lovely it feels now I am there; my Cock is inside you, and your Cunt holds, it so delightfully tight". I kissed her again and again, and began to move by instrument inside her, but she only responded by heartbroken sobs, and her face was wet with tears.

       "What is the matter dear, don't you like it; what a struggle we had, but that only added to the fun of the thing; have I indeed hurt you

       so much? Cheer up and join in the game now."

       "Ah, Percy," she sobbed, "you have robbed me of the only jewel I possessed; I can never get married now, any one could know some one had broken through my hymen;" and she sobbed bitterly, so much so, that I was really distressed, and ashamed of my violence.

       "Oh! what have I done? Do tell me Mary, don't cry so, dry up your tears, you know I love you."

       "And so I do you Percy, my own boy; and, oh, I was so afraid it would happen some day. Now, kiss me and tell me truly, who taught you to be so rude; you must have had a lesson from your Auntie Gertie whilst I was away. I know what she is, so hot, so lustful; she wants every man and boy she can get; I know your Papa pokes her, and so does your cousin Mr. Shore, and even when she goes

       out for a ride with our groom Parsons, or a walk by herself, she takes a small syringe and a bottle of lotion in her pocket, in case of accident, but I know what sort of accident she means. Now, tell me, and I'll keep your secret: but never let her suspect I know, or I should lose my place. Now, Percy, I'm sure she taught you. Tell me truly, dear."

       Certain that I could not hide the truth from the dear girl, I confessed as to my aunt, but nothing more. "Mary dear," I said, "we will keep our secret to ourselves, she will never suspect you."

       "Oh, you little love, you shall be all mine; that cat, beautiful as she is, shan't have you," she said, squeezing me in her arms, and kissing me rapturously.--"All mine, and I feel it throbbing inside of me, Percy, push again now, gently at first, as I feel rather sore, perhaps it will soon get easier. Ah, that's it, how nice, draw out nearly, and then in again softly, dear; that's it, how, lovely! Oh! what is that shooting into me, like a spurt of hot balm, right up to my heart?--Oh! Oh! I'm coming too!" she sobbed in ecstasy--"what

       divine pleasure--how you pushed at that moment--go on, dear, don't stop, it's too ravishing to waste a moment!" as she instinctively

       entwined her legs over me, and wriggled her bottom in excess of pleasure, as our love juices mingled in her womb; then at last she


       stretched herself out at length, her Cunt closely nipping Cupid's battering ram, her arms tightly holding me almost like a vice, her

       lips played with mine in long kisses, our tongues darting into each other's mouths in the most luscious manner, all the while the inner folds of her tight fitting sheath kept me prisoner, and treated my Cock to the most delicious contractions and pressures, till I was so inflamed, Cupid's charger plunged on his mad career once more, making my dark beauty writhe and squirm in the excess of her ec-static emotion; several times we seemed to stop by mutual consent, and lay for a while enjoying those heavenly sensations. After thus delaying the final crisis to the uttermost, the moment came when the life flood could no longer be kept back, and our simultaneous emission drowned the organs of love so profusely that our thighs were deluged as we continued to churn in the creamy overflow.

       This finished our game for the night, and when my eyes opened in the morning she lay naked by my side, having thrown off her blood-stained chemise. She was awake. "Ah! Percy, my love, I thought you would never wake, but I did not like to touch you: see what a mess the bed is in--it was a real rape--you would never have done it if I had been strong enough--But now, oh, how I love my boy!"

       The sight that met my eyes did indeed give evidence of something awful--blood stains--patches of dried semen, discoloured by blood.

       "My God, Mary, what will you do? We shall be found out."

       "Kiss you for it, Percy. Don't be afraid, I will change the sheets and make it right," gluing her lips to mine, as if she would suck my

       breath away, whilst one of her hands found out my now standing champion ready for the fray.

       "Let me have it again, dear, before I get up; I want you so much."

       "Well then, Mary my love, try Auntie Gertie's plan; kneel across me and help yourself, whilst I lay on my back and enjoy the sight of

       your beautiful body as you ride up and down on my Cock; oh, I do think a dark girl like you beats all fair beauties."

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