The Power of Mesmerism: A Highly Erotic Narrative of Voluptuous Facts and Fancies, by Anonymous - The Original Classic Edition. Anonymous Anonymous

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The Power of Mesmerism: A Highly Erotic Narrative of Voluptuous Facts and Fancies, by Anonymous - The Original Classic Edition - Anonymous Anonymous

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her bosom.

       After continuing the passes for a short time longer, her brother, still keeping his eyes fixed on her, gradually allowed her hands to slip away from his, and fall on her lap. He appeared intensely excited, his nostrils were dilated, he breathed hard, and his eyes seemed to burn in their sockets.

       He gently laid Ethel down on her back, and after waiting to satisfy himself that she was in a fast mesmeric sleep, he placed one throbbing hand on her hip, and gradually raising it till he found the lovely prominence of one charming bosom, then his other hand sought its companion, and he pressed those heaving hills of snow which he felt perfectly under her thin muslin dress. He next knelt down by her side, and brought her breasts fully to view; they were indeed lovely, the two little pink nipples were stiffly erected, and seemed wooing to be kissed. She wore no stays, and his hand wandered over her lovely velvety skin down to her enchanting belly. Then rising, he leant forwards and gradually raised her dress in front.

       First, her lovely ankles were seen, then her swelling calves, beautifully shaped knees, and glorious thighs. Frank felt faint and sick, and was compelled to desist from further exploration till he had somewhat recovered.

       In a few moments he gently separated those divine thighs, and his eyes were riveted on his sister's darling little cunt, which now lay fully exposed to view. Two lovely coral lips, which were slightly parted, moist and throbbing, first met his gaze. He separated them yet further with his finger and saw the exquisite clitoris perfectly visible. Utterly unable to resist the temptation, he glued his lips to the lovely spot, and titillated the clitoris with his tongue. Almost immediately she began to writhe and twist about, and he felt her balmy emission flow into his mouth as she spent with low moans. He then desisted, and releasing his bursting prick commenced slowly to frig himself, while gazing on the exquisite beauties exhibited to his view. With spasmodic jerks the semen flew from him while he moaned with pleasure.

       Now fearing discovery, he carefully wiped his sister's cunt with his handkerchief, which he madly kissed afterwards, and adjusted her dress, removed all traces of his own spending, and proceeded to awaken his sister. Placing her in a sitting position against a tree, he recommenced his passes, this time in a contrary direction, and she soon after opened her eyes.

       After looking at him vaguely for a moment, she flung her arms round his neck, and kissed him. "Oh," she said, "I have been asleep,

       and had such a delicious dream." "Has your headache gone?" said he.

       "Oh," she replied, "I did have a headache, but not a symptom of it remains."

       She was evidently utterly unconscious of all that had taken place, and her brother suggested they should resume their walk.

       At breakfast Mrs. Etheridge said, "You have had a walk betimes this morning, my children, and you are both looking quite rosy."

       So they were, but she little knew the cause.

       After breakfast Mr. Etheridge addressed himself to his son, "Your mamma and myself are obliged to go to Lynton this afternoon on family business, and I fear we shall not be able to return until late, but I have no doubt you will be able to amuse yourself; Ethel will,

       I am sure, do her best to keep you from getting dull on your first arrival at home, after so long an absence."

       When they had started, Frank accompanied Ethel into her sitting room, and begged her to sing and play for him, in order that he might hear what progress she had made.

       She at once complied with his request, and he sat by her side watching with glaring eye the rise and fall of her lovely bosom as she

       sang him a charming little song, full of simple natural tenderness. He was, in fact, lusting madly for his own sister, and why not?

       In the earliest history of our own race incest was no sin; why should we now consider it as such? On the other hand what can be more intensely exciting than the knowledge that one is indulging every feeling of lasciviousness conjointly with one united so nearly by ties of blood and kindred.

       When she had finished he burned to enjoy her, but dared not, and with an effort he left the room, saying that he had some letters to



       He went to his bedroom, but on his way thither he saw the adjoining door open and recognized a dress his sister had worn on the previous evening hanging against the wall. Her bed was still unmade, her nightdress was lying on it, and by the side of the bed a pair of drawers that she left there on changing her underlinen. He rushed to the bed, kissed the nightdress, and literally glued his lips to that portion of her drawers which had covered her darling little cunt. He was so excited that he could scarcely forbear from spending on the spot. Hearing approaching footsteps he immediately made his way to his own room, and bolting the door, he tore off his trousers. Doubling up the pillow, he inserted his erect prick between the folds, and straining it tightly between his thighs, threw himself forward on the bed, and thinking of his darling sister, with a few heaves backwards and forwards, spent deliciously. He then lay down and pondered over the best means of attaining his desires, for he resolved that he would enjoy his sister in every conceivable manner, let the consequences be what they might.

       His meditations were interrupted by the luncheon bell. He descended to the dining room, and the sight of his sister aroused his desires with redoubled force; he devoured her with his eyes, and she again exhibited the same restless and uncomfortable symptoms that possessed her in the morning; her colour rose, her bosom rose and fell tumultuously, she squeezed her thighs together, sighed deeply, and seemed altogether unlike herself.

       Seeing this he averted his gaze, and commenced talking on indifferent subjects. When the servants had left the room, he suggested

       another stroll on the grounds, as it was such a lovely afternoon. She consented with delight, and they set forth.

       After rambling some distance from the house, she said, "Frank, my darling, there is such a lovely summer house in this thicket where

       I often come and read, shall we go in and rest?"

       Frank was delighted at the idea. It was a charming little retreat, completely hidden by trees, and furnished most luxuriously--a velvet couch, an easy chair, and a lounge occupying the whole of one side invited to repose.

       They sat down, and Frank's arm wound round his sister's enticing waist, and he could not resist kissing those lovely pouting lips. She

       trembled like an aspen, and as he gazed into her moist and humid eyes, the strange symptoms reappeared.

       Frank could no longer resist, but holding her thumbs he commenced the magnetic passes, and she speedily fell into his arms, apparently in a deep slumber. He now sought to see if he was entirely successful in his attempt to produce the effect he desired, and therefore taking her in his arms and laying her on the couch, he said, "Ethel, do you know where you are?"

       "With my darling brother," she replied. "Do you love him?"

       "Madly," was the reply.

       "What would you like to do to prove that love?" "Anything he desires."

       "Stand up." She did so.

       "Unfasten your dress; take it off." She complied immediately.

       "Loosen your petticoats and take them off; now your slippers and your stockings."

       The dear girl did exactly as requested, still in the same dreamy, languid manner. She now stood in her chemise and drawers only, and Frank felt as if he would faint. This splendid girl standing before him; lovely ankles, calves, and bare feet and those enchanting breasts peeping over her embroidered chemise, constituted a most voluptuous sight.

       "Now, my darling," said he, "remove your drawers."


       She did so, and he snatched them up and covered them with kisses. "Now the chemise."

       That also was taken off with alacrity, and she was before him perfectly naked. Heavens! What a sight! The whiteness of her skin, which shone like alabaster, the exquisite contour of her limbs, and the tremulous motion which pervaded every muscle, formed a combination of lustful excitement that utterly baffles description.


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