The Feelings Book (revised). Dr. Lynda Madison

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The Feelings Book (revised) - Dr. Lynda Madison

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      I've been feeling a wave of emotions lately, and I can't control

      it. Last week I felt grouchy and angry for no reason. But this

      week I've been crying a lot, even when I'm not sad. I've never

      felt this way before, and it's scaring me.

      What's Happening Here?

      The pituitary (pi-too-i-tare-ee) is a tiny, pea-sized gland in

      your brain that releases hormones. Some hormones cause

      you to grow, while others are responsible for the changes

      maturing girls go through, such as starting their periods.

      As your body changes during puberty, these hormones will

      also start to affect how you feel emotionally. Premenstrual

      syndrome (PMS) is a group of emotional and physical symp-

      toms that some girls—and women—experience a few days

      to a few weeks before their menstrual period begins each

      month. Hormonal changes can give you PMS and make you

      feel irritated or cry more easily. They can also cause head-

      aches, tiredness, backaches, or sore breasts. Not every girl

      experiences PMS, and these feelings usually decrease or

      disappear within the first two days of your period.

      What Can You Do?

      The good news is that your amygdala and hormones

      don’t act on their own. There are lots of things you

      can do to feel more in charge of your feelings.

      Another part of your brain, the cerebrum (ser-ee-brum),

      works with the amygdala to help you manage your emotions.

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