Advanced AutoCAD 2016 Exercise Workbook. Cheryl R. Shrock

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Advanced AutoCAD 2016 Exercise Workbook - Cheryl R. Shrock

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AutoCAD default workspace.

      1. Open the Customize User Interface dialog box as shown on the previous page.

      2. Duplicate the Drafting & Annotation workspace as follows:

      A. Right click on Drafting & Annotation and select Duplicate.


      3. Rename the duplicate workspace as follows:

      A. Right click on Copy of Drafting & Annotation 1 and select Rename.


      4. Enter the New Workspace name Class Workspace Demo <enter>

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      6. The New Workspace should now be displayed as shown below.


      7. Select Apply and OK buttons located at the bottom of the CUI dialog box.


       Now you have a workspace to customize. The following pages will guide you through:

       1. Creating a new Ribbon tab.

       2. Adding a new Ribbon Panel to the new tab.

       3. Adding Commands to the new Panel.

      1. Open the Customize User Interface dialog box (Refer to page 2-2)

      2. Select Class Workspace Demo

      3. Click on the [ + ] beside Ribbon to expand.

      4. Right Click on Tabs

      5. Select New Tab


      6. Enter a name for the new tab and press <enter>. (Note: I entered Class Tab)


      7. Select the Apply and then OK button at the bottom of the Customize User Interface box.


       New Tabs are not automatically added to the workspace.

       You must tell AutoCAD that you want to display this new tab in your workspace.

       Follow the steps on the following page to “Add a Ribbon Tab to a Workspace”.

      1. Open the Customize User Interface dialog box (Refer to page 2-2)

      2. Select Class Workspace Demo

      3. Click on Customize Workspace button. (It will change to Done)

      4. Click on the [+ ] beside the Ribbon and the Tabs to expand.


      5. Scroll down the list of tabs and click the check box beside the Class Tab.


      Notice the Class tab was added to the Workspace Contents also.


      6. Click on the Done button.


      7. Select the Apply and OK button.

      The New Tab should now appear in the Ribbon.

      8. Select the Class Tab


      1. Open the Customize User Interface dialog box. (Refer to page 2-2)

      2. Select Class Workspace Demo

      3. Select the [+] beside Ribbon to expand.

      4. Select the [+] beside Tabs to expand.

      5. Select the [+] beside Panels to expand.


      6. Scroll down the list of Panels and select the one you wish to add to the tab.

      7. Right click on the Panel and select Copy. from the menu.


      8. Scroll up and find the Tab to which you wish to add the panel.


      9. Right Click on the Tab name and select Paste.


      10. The Panel should now be listed under Class Tab


      11. Select Apply and OK buttons located at the bottom of the Customize User Interface box.

      12. Select the Class Tab. (The added Panel should appear)


      The previous page showed you how to add an existing Ribbon Panel to a tab.

      The following will guide you through creating a New Ribbon Panel to which you will add commands and then you will add it to a Ribbon tab.


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