Continuing Korean. Ross King

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Continuing Korean - Ross  King

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마일 mile 마일수〔-쑤〕 mileage (lit.: number of miles) 면허증〔-쯩〕 license, certificate 운전면허증 driver’s license 보증금 deposit 보험 insurance 보험료〔-뇨〕 insurance fee, insurance charge 보험(을) 드-ᄅ- take out insurance, insure 서류 document 설명서 brochure, pamphlet, piece of explanatory literature 주유소 gas station 택시요금 taxi fare Other 기타 guitar 기타(를) 치- play the guitar 모임 gathering, meeting 내일 모임에 못 가겠어요. I won’t be able to go to tomorrow’s meeting. 몸 body 소용 use; utility, usefulness 소용(이) 없- be useless 약국 pharmacy, drugstore 약사 pharmacist, chemist 오해 misunderstanding 오해(를) 하- misunderstand something 오해하지 마세요. Please don’t misunderstand/take it wrong. 이해 understanding 이해(를) 하- understand something 이해(가) 가- one understands it; it is understandable 이해가 안 가요. I just don’t get it. 자리 seat, place 제- ordinalizer (makes ordinals like “first,” “second,” etc., for Sino-Korean numbers 하느님 (Catholic), 하나님 (Protestant) God 하늘 heaven; sky Verbs Verbs That Take Obiects 결정 decision 결정(을) 하- decide it 그만하- quit, stop doing it 그만해요! Stop it! 그만두- quit, stop doing it 아직도 골프를 배우세요? Are you still learning golf? 아니요,그만뒀어요. No. I stopped. 때리- hit, strike, beat 바꾸- (ex)change it, trade it 이것을 새 것으로 바꿉시다. Let’s exchange this for a new one. 자리를 바꿉시다. Let’s trade seats. 뵈w- humbly see or meet; have an audience/interview with. Note that the spelling of this verb is irregular: 봬도 or 뵈어도 for expected *뵈워도,뵐 for expected 뵈울, etc. 처음 뵙겠습니다. How do you do [on being introduced]. 그럼,내일 뵐게요. See you tomorrow, then. 야단(을) 맞- be/get scolded [for “from” use 한테] 야단(을) 치- scold, give a scolding to [use 한테 or 을 ~ 를 ] 어울리 - spend time with [= 하고], hang around with, associate with 외우- memorize it 단어를 외우고 있어요. I’m memorizing words. 찾아가- call on; visit, go calling on 찾아뵈w- call on sb. esteemed; visit, come calling on sb. esteemed 만나뵈w- meet [with] sb. esteemed; see sb. esteemed 찾아오- call on; visit, come calling on Descriptive and/or Sensory Verbs 기-ㄹ- be long 가난하- be poor, indigent 따뜻하- be warm 오늘은 따뜻하고 좋아요. Today is nice and warm. 무더w- be hot and muggy 복잡하- be complicated; crowded 이 문제는 참 복잡해요. This problem is really complicated. 어제는 지하철이 아주 복잡했어요. Yesterday the subway was very crowded. 불쌍하- be pitiful; “poor thing” 쌀쌀하- be cool,
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