Continuing Korean. Ross King

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Continuing Korean - Ross  King

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actual speech, however, past base plus -고 forms are uncommon; they appear only in the first usage described in section 16.2 in the meaning . . . and . . .to anticipate a past-tense verb at the end of the sentence; even here, they are used only in long sentences and could still be replaced, just as correctly, by a plain base plus -고.

      You can add -고 to an honorific base in -(으)시-.

Plain Base 가- go
Honorific Base 가시-
Honorific -고 form 가시고 [someone esteemed] goes, and

      In the past tense, you add -고 to the past honorific base:

Plain Base: 가- go
Honorific Past base: 가셨-
Honorific Past -고 form: 가셨고 〔가셔꼬〕 [someone esteemed] went, and

      16.1.2. The Meaning of -고 Forms

      The Korean -고 form is used for joining sentences, and can take on two meanings.

      a. does or is [so-and-so], and . . . [i.e., and also]

      b. having done or been [so-and-so], and . . . [i.e., and then]

      16.1.3. Uses of the -고 Form: And

      A - 고 form is a way of breaking a sentence into parts and linking the parts with and. The implication may be that the separate actions happen more or less alongside each other [. . . and also], as in:

1. 나한테는 책을 줬고,어머니한테는 꽃을 드렸어요. He gave me a book and gave my mother some flowers.
You could also do this sentence without the past base in the first clause.
2. 나한테는 책을 주고, 어머니한테는 꽃을 드렸어요. He gave me a book and gave my mother some flowers.
Or it may imply that one action happens necessarily in sequence after/later than the other [. . . and then], as in:
3. 나는 세수하고 면도했어요. I got washed up and (then) shaved.
4. 옷을 입고 머리를 빗어요. I get dressed and (after that) comb my hair.

      When a -고 form is used in the middle of a sentence we have a situation that is common in Korean: a word or phrase that is a compact unit in Korean corresponds to things that in English may be separated from each other. For example, a noun with the particle 도 must be pronounced as a unit—나도 I, too—though the English equivalent may place these parts at opposite ends of the sentence: I [do so-and-so], too. Another example is the -지만 construction you have learned: 가지만 goes, but. . . , for example, is an indivisible unit in Korean that may however be translated in widely separated English equivalents: He goes to the movies every evening in the week, but . . .

      The same is true of Korean -고 forms, and as you will see, it is true also of nearly every other Korean verb form that is used in the middle of sentences.


       The -고 form has no tense of its own.

      The -고 form gets its tense meaning from the next verb in the sentence that carries any tense—usually the verb at the end of the sentence.

5. A. 어제 뭘 했어요? What did you do yesterday?
B. 아침을 먹고 학교에 갔어요. I ate breakfast, and [then] went to school.
6. A. 언제 학교에 가요? When do you go to school?
B. 날마다 아침을 먹고 학교에 가요. Every day I eat breakfast, and [then] go to school.

      In a similar way, a final command or suggestion usually carries through onto any preceding -고 forms.

7. 아침을 먹고 학교에 갑시다! Let’s eat our breakfast and [then] go to school!

      16.1.4. Negative - 고 Forms

      To make a - 고 form negative, you attach the -고 ending to the negative verb (or you just use the short negation pattern with 안).

사고 buys, and . . . 사지 않고 or 안 사고 doesn’t buy, and . . .
사지 못 하고 or 못 사고 can’t buy, and . . .
팔고 sells, and . . . 팔지 않고 or 안 팔고 doesn’t sell, and . . .
팔지 못 하고 or 못 팔고 can’t sell, and . . .
많고 many, and . . . 많지 않고 or 안 많고 aren’t many, and . . .

      Since the copula does not normally take the long negation pattern, we find only:

내 책이고 내 책이 아니고
It is my book, and . . . It is not my book and (nor) . . .


       Negative -고 forms in this use have flexible English equivalents and tend to translate as instead of . . . ing, or without . . . ing.

8. 공부하지 않고 잡지를 읽었어요.
I didn’t study — (but) I read a magazine instead. or:
Instead of studying, I read a magazine. or:
I read a magazine without doing my studying.
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