Airedale Terrier. Bardi McLennan

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Airedale Terrier - Bardi  McLennan

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should be small, round and compact with a good depth of pad, well cushioned; the toes moderately arched, not turned either in or out.

      Coat: Should be hard, dense and wiry, lying straight and close, covering the dog well over the body and legs. Some of the hardest are crinkling or just slightly waved. At the base of the hard very stiff hair should be a shorter growth of softer hair termed the undercoat.


       Correct front.


       Undesirable front with toes turning out.


       Correct body.


       Incorrect body, too long.

      Color: The head and ears should be tan, the ears being of a darker shade than the rest. Dark markings on either side of the skull are permissible. The legs up to the thighs and elbows and the under-part of the body and chest are also tan and the tan frequently runs into the shoulder. The sides and upper parts of the body should be black or dark grizzle. A red mixture is often found in the black and is not to be considered objectionable. A small white blaze on the chest is a characteristic of certain strains of the breed.


Head 10
Neck, shoulders and chest 10
Body 10
Hindquarters and tail 10
Legs and feet 10
Coat 10
Color 5
Size 10
Movement 10
General characteristics and expression 15
Total 100

      Size: Dogs should measure approximately 23 inches in height at the shoulder; bitches, slightly less. Both sexes should be sturdy, well muscled and boned.


       Correct tail.


       Incorrect tail; too long.


       Incorrect tail; curled over.

      Movement: Movement or action is the crucial test of conformation. Movement should be free. As seen from the front the forelegs should swing perpendicular from the body free from the sides, the feet the same distance apart as the elbows. As seen from the rear the hind legs should be parallel with each other, neither too close nor too far apart, but so placed as to give a strong well-balanced stance and movement. The toes should not be turned either in or out.


       Male and female Airedale Terriers, showing off their distinctly masculine and feminine heads. The female, slightly smaller and more delicate, is in the foreground.

      Faults: Yellow eyes, hound ears, white feet, soft coat, being much over or under the size limit, being undershot or overshot, having poor movement are faults which should be severely penalized.

       Approved July 14, 1959


       The Airedale Terrier should move freely, with legs placed to give strength and balance. In the show ring, the handler must gait the dog to demonstrate correct movement as described in the standard.



      All puppies are adorable, including Airedale Terrier puppies, even though at times they may seem unable to maneuver all four legs in a recognizable trotting sequence. Like other black and tan breeds, Airedales are born almost entirely black. The tan markings spread over the legs and head as the pup matures and as the puppy coat is replaced by the correct wiry adult coat.


       Although you’ll certainly lose your heart when you meet a litter of adorable Airedales, the selection of your puppy should be a serious undertaking.

      It is a sound investment to buy your puppy from a breeder who has been at it for some time and has a good reputation. A good breeder will select a puppy that will fit well into your family and your lifestyle. You’ll be given complete information about the pup’s life so far, including the quantity and brand of dog food and the puppy’s daily routine (rising with the dawn is normal!). Of course, you will be able to ask questions pertaining to your very special puppy.

      The litter will have been raised with loving care, which is important whether you’re looking for a companion or a show dog. The breeder won’t know for many months which pup will be the big winner, so all are given the same attention. When the litter reaches six or eight weeks of age, the breeder will begin to sort out which ones have show potential and which are pet quality. A pet is not a second-rate citizen, but simply does not fit some aspect of the breed standard well enough to be considered for the show ring.

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