American Bulldog. Abe Fishman

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American Bulldog - Abe Fishman

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deep and moderately wide with ample room for heart and lungs, and visible musculature.


      The chest is deep and moderately wide with ample room for heart and lungs. The ribs are well sprung from the spine and then flatten to form a deep body extending at least to the elbows, or lower in adult dogs. The topline inclines very slightly downward from well-developed withers to a broad muscular back. The loin is short, broad and slightly arched, blending into a moderately sloping croup. The flank is moderately tucked up and firm. Serious faults: Swayback; sloping topline.


       The shoulders should be strong and well muscled, with legs parallel and strong.


      The hindquarters are well muscled and broad. The width and angulation of the hindquarters is in balance with the width and angulation of the forequarters. The thighs are well developed with thick, easily discerned muscles. The lower thighs are muscular and short. Viewed from the side, the rear pasterns are well let down and perpendicular to the ground. Viewed from the rear, the rear pasterns are straight and parallel to one another. Faults: Cowhocks; open hocks. Serious faults: Narrow or weak hindquarters.


      The feet are round, medium in size, well arched and tight. Fault: Splayed feet. The seriousness of this fault is based on the amount of splay in the feet.


      The American Bulldog may have a natural or a docked tail, but the natural tail is preferred. The natural tail is very thick at the base, and tapers to a point. The tail is set low. A “pump handle” tail is preferred but any tail carriage from upright, when the dog is excited, to relaxed between the hocks is acceptable. Serious fault: Tail curled over the back; corkscrew tail; upright tail when the dog is relaxed.


      The coat is short, close and stiff to the touch. Disqualifications: Long or wavy coat.


       More important than the height and weight is the dog’s overall appearance of strength, agility and balance.


      Any color, color pattern or combination of colors is acceptable, except for solid black, solid blue and tricolor (white with patches of black and tan). Some dark brindle coats may appear black unless examined in very bright light. A buckskin color pattern, where the base of the hair is fawn and the tips are black, may also appear solid black. A judge should not disqualify an American Bulldog for black color unless the dog has been examined in sunlight or other equally bright light. Disqualifications: Solid black with no white markings; tricolor (white with patches of black and tan).


       A well-developed foot of a young American Bulldog, rounded and tight.


       The American Bulldog has quite a range in height and weight, depending upon gender and bloodline.


      The American Bulldog must be sufficiently powerful and agile to chase, catch and bring down free-ranging livestock. Dogs capable of doing this come in a rather wide range of height and weight. Males are typically larger with heavier bone and more muscle than females. Both sexes, however, should have a well-balanced overall appearance.

      Desirable height in a mature male ranges from 22 to 27 inches; in a mature female, from 20 to 25 inches. Desirable weight in a mature male ranges from 75 to 125 pounds; in a mature female, from 60 to 100 pounds.


      When trotting, the gait is effortless, smooth, powerful and well coordinated, showing good reach in front and drive behind. When moving, the backline remains level with only a slight flexing to indicate suppleness. Viewed from any position, legs turn neither in nor out, nor do feet cross or interfere with each other. As speed increases, feet tend to converge toward center line of balance.

      Poor movement should be penalized to the degree to which it reduces the American Bulldog’s ability to perform the tasks it was bred to do.


      Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchid. Viciousness or extreme shyness. Unilateral or bilateral deafness. Cowardice. Overshot. Long or wavy coat. Albinism. Solid black with no white markings. Tricolor (white with patches of black and tan).

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