Silenced and Sidelined. D Lynn D Arnold

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Silenced and Sidelined - D Lynn D Arnold

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      Praise for Silenced and Sidelined

       “Carrie Lynn Arnold delivers a gift!”

      “If you have lived the experience her title describes, you’ll want to read this book for the perspective and framing Arnold offers. If you don’t get the title, then you need to read the book to understand better what you can do to help create a workplace and world where every voice is equally valued and heard.” —Scott Eblin, author of The Next Level: What Insiders Know About Executive Success

       “This is eye-opening.”

      “Arnold shines an illuminating light on a phenomenon that impacts all of us and opens a new way forward for men and women in positions of leadership at all levels. The world we live in demands that all of us more fully contribute, and this requires that we more fully understand the ways in which we have been silenced, as well as the ways in which we have silenced ourselves. Arnold provides an eye-opening look at where we’ve come from and where we’re going . . . and does so with courage, clarity, and commitment. Well done!” —Chalmers Brothers, author of Language and the Pursuit of Happiness and Language and the Pursuit of Leadership Excellence

       “A much-needed conversation is emerging.”

      “Arnold’s profound and moving research with women leaders is refreshing, poignant, and timely. The need to raise awareness—and the voices of powerful women—is more important than ever. I am thrilled to hear that Arnold’s voice will soon be added to the public discourse in a larger way: she has something important to say . . . and the world needs to hear her voice.” —Jeffrey W. Hull, PhD, Director of Education and Business Development, Institute of Coaching; Instructor in Psychology, Harvard Medical School; author of Flex: The Art and Science of Leadership in a Changing World


      “Arnold has captured a phenomenon that so many women have experienced but have seen as being caused by something lacking in themselves. Written with empathy in an upbeat, down-to-earth style, this is a must-read for women who aspire to any level of leadership and for their coaches who are committed to helping them be successful.” —Carol Vallone Mitchel, PhD, author of Breaking Through “Bitch”: How Women Can Shatter Stereotypes and Lead Fearlessly

       “Forcefully written and solution-oriented . . .”

      “Success requires leveraging all our talent. This can’t happen when women in our workforce are silenced. This book tells us how silencing happens at work and what we, as leaders, can do about it. This is a book to share and use.” —Katrina S. Rogers, PhD, president, Fielding Graduate University

       “Anyone who is a leader needs to consider Arnold’s ground-breaking research.”

      “Gut-wrenching in candor and anchored in research, this book is a game-changer and life-giver by unveiling the toxicity of silencing. Every leader—female and male—will grow in their ability to influence and lead a healthier organization by understanding the dynamics of being silenced. Arnold’s work as a scholar, practitioner, and author is pivotal!” —Jacquie Fedo, PCC, leadership and influence coach; founder and CEO, Coaching410; past-president, ICF Colorado


      “As a female in an executive role, I’m glad to see this particular phenomenon named in a way that makes sense. It is not just about improving our competencies or competing like a man. Arnold has put her finger on something, and by doing so, she is opening up a new way to see, hear, explain, and identify with an issue of silencing that has long eluded women in leadership. This book belongs in the hands of every executive.” —Amy Hanlon-Rodemich, Chief People Officer at a digital product engineering services company

       “Reflective and Deep!”

      “As a person who has experienced this phenomenon, this book helped me learn some things about myself. I am much more sensitive to the issues of silencing, and I found myself laughing out loud, saddened, inspired, informed, and enlightened by the content. Arnold is a gifted writer with an impressive focus; she writes in a conversational and vulnerable way that will emotionally move you.” —Ann Holland, PhD, owner and practitioner of Strive Performance Coaching

       “Authentic, passionate, and important.”

      “Arnold has captured a feeling so many women leaders know but for which they have not had a term to explain it. This work demonstrates that Arnold has found her voice. Loud and clear, she provides compelling ideas and rich stories about the process of being silenced, silencing oneself, and recovery. This is an important work that all leaders should read, distribute, and follow. Following the recommendations will help empower women leaders and to make needed change in organizations.” —Kerry Mitchell, PhD, SHRM-SCP, Moxy Solutions, LLC

       “This book is an awareness invitation!”

      “I wish I had read this material on silencing twenty years ago. As an executive who loves to see others grow, I believe every emerging leader, seasoned manager, and c-suite executive should peruse this material. Arnold writes in a way that challenges your thinking while inviting you to go deeper with your understanding of what it means to have voice. This book is practical, relevant, and critical. Given the complexity of our society and organizational environments—this is one to add to the nightstand!” —Mary Shepler, senior vice president and chief nursing officer

       “A remarkable hallmark study.”

      “There are no villains here. Everyone can experience silencing, and in this book, the hard data on silencing women is compelling and eye-opening. Arnold’s research has given birth to a book of stories, perspectives, and insights that will help anyone recognize silencing, which may be pervasive on a bigger platform in our culture, making this timely in ways that go beyond the research here. There are ways to uncover it, stop it, and heal from it, thanks to Carrie’s highly readable and fascinating book.” —Christine Wahl, MCC, Miro Group Consulting; founder, Georgetown University Leadership Coaching Certificate Program

      Silenced and Sidelined

      Silenced and Sidelined

      How Women Leaders Find Their Voices and Break Barriers

      Carrie Lynn Arnold


       Lanham • Boulder • New York • London

      Published by Rowman & Littlefield

      An imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.

      4501 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 200, Lanham, Maryland 20706

      6 Tinworth Street, London SE11 5AL, United Kingdom

      Copyright © 2020 by The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote passages in a review.

      British Library Cataloguing in Publication Information Available

       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Names: Arnold, Carrie Lynn, 1970– author.

      Title: Silenced and sidelined : how women leaders find their voices and break barriers / Carrie Lynn Arnold.

      Description: Lanham : Rowman

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