Apocalypse of the Alien God. Dylan M. Burns

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Apocalypse of the Alien God - Dylan M. Burns

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71) Def. Defensio (Or. 45) Exil. De exilio (Or. 13) Grat. Gratitudo (Or. 44) Hom. Socr. De Homero et Socrate (Or. 55) Rec. Mag. Recusatio Magistratus (Or. 49) Rhod. Rhodiaca (Or. 31) Diog. Laer. Diogenes Laertius Diogn. Diognetus Disc. 8–9 Discourse on the Eighth and the Ninth DK Diels and Kranz, Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker Emp. Empedocles 1 En. 1 Enoch (Ethiopic Apocalypse) 2 En. 2 Enoch (Slavonic Apocalypse) 3 En. 3 Enoch (Hebrew Apocalypse) Ephr. Ephrem Syrus Comm. Gen. et Exod. In Genesim et in Exodum commentarii Epiph. Epiphanius of Salamis Pan. Panarion Eug. Eugnostos the Blessed Eunap. Eunapius of Sardis Hist. univ. Historia universalis VS Vitae sophistarum Euseb. Eusebius of Caesarea Dem. ev. Demonstratio evangelica Hist. eccl. Historia ecclesiastica Praep. ev. Praeparatio evangelica Ex. Soul Exegesis of the Soul Ezek. Trag. Ezekiel the Tragedian Ex. Exagōgē Gal. Galen Praen. De Praegnotione ad Epigenem Usu De usu partium corporis humani Gell. Aulus Gellius NA Noctes Atticae Gos. Eg. Egyptian Gospel Gos. Jud. Gospel of Judas Gos. Phil. Gospel of Philip Greg. Naz. Gregory of Nazianzus Or. Orationes Hekh. Rab. Hekhalot Rabbati Hekh. Zut. Hekhalot Zuṭarti Herm. Shepherd of Hermas Herodot. Herodotus Hist. Historia Hes. Hesiod Theog. Theogony Hipp. Hippolytus of Rome Haer. Refutatio omnium haeresium Hist. Rech. History of the Rechabites Hom. Homer Il. Iliad Od. Odyssea Hyp. Arch. Hypostasis of the Archons Hypsiph. Hypsiphrone Iamb. Iamblichus An. De anima Comm. Tim. In Timaeum Platonis commentarii Myst. De mysteriis Plat. Dial. Dillon, Iamblichi Chalcidensis Prot. Protrepticus Vit. Pyth. De vita Pythagorica Interp. Know. Interpretation of Knowledge Ir. Irenaeus Haer. Adversus haereses Jer. Jerome Comm. Gal. Commentariorum in Epistulam ad Galatas libri III Jov.
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