Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson
Читать онлайн книгу.Racism, Billy Wayne Worl); Neo-Confederates; New Christian Crusade Church; John T. Noonan; Noontide Press; North Carolina (Fort Bragg, church-state, militia, slavery, Greensboro Massacre, confederate flag, Eddie Hatcher, Timothy Jacobs); Oliver North; Gary North; Oklahoma City Bombing (Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols); Revilo P. Oliver - IHR; Omni Christian Book Club, Anti-Semitic; The Order; Our Savior's Church, Gordon Winrod, Winrod Letter, NSRP, RW Radio; P (Ron Palacioz, Joseph Pearce, Richard Pollard, Anthony Premo, Progressive Friends of Rayosun, Patriot, Michael Pipkins, Roger Pearson, Leonard Peltier, Prosper International League, Elmer Pratt, Charles Pannell, William Pepper, Billy Roy Pitts, Peace Culture, Perspectives on Anarchist, Clarence Pendleton, Earl Paulk, Populists, People Recognizing Individuality & Dignity/Diversity for Everyone PRIDE, "Patriotic Liberator"); Ron Paul; Roger Pearson; Pete Peters; J. Howard Pew; William Pierce (Neo-Nazi Church, Cosmotheist Community Church, The Order); William Pierce (Andrew McDonald); "Neo-Nazi Skinheads and Youth Information packet" (Atlanta, GA: Center for Democratic Renewal, [1990]) (including the "Revolutionary Recruitment Issue" (Aryan Youth Movement/White Student Union); Pioneer Fund, Scientific Racism; R. Carter Pittman; Plain Talk; Populist-Conservative Tax Coalition, Richard Viguerie, Paul Weyrich, Tax PROT, Howard Phillips; Populist Party; Promise Keepers; Promise Keepers (Paul Edwards, Bill McCartney); Protocols of Zion; Fletcher Prouty - Liberty Lobby - LaRouche - Movie "JFK"; Karl Prussion; PTL/Praise the Lord (Jim Bakker, Tammy Faye Bakker, Jessica Hahn); Carleton Putnam; Frank X. Ranuzzi; John Rarick; Redeem Our Country; Lawrence Reilly; Resistance, Harold Covington; Right Wing (Anti-Semitism, skinheads, Libertarians, Fundamentalists, Radical Religious, Jerry Falwell, Lee Bellinger, Martha Headley, Free Inquiry, The Barnes Review, Franklin Graham); Archibald Roberts, Committee to Restore the Constitution; GA Weekend Media; Wilmot Robertson, Dispossessed Majority, Howard Allen Enterprises, RW Publications; Pat Robertson; George Lincoln Rockwell, American Nazi Party, Gerald L.K. Smith; Manfred Roeder, Germany, Terrorists, Teutonic Unity, Keith Gilbert; E. Merrill Root; Alfred Rosenberg, "Race and Race History"; John H. Rousselot - John Birch Society; Eric Robert Rudolph; Phillip Rushton, Eugenics; S (Edwyn Silberling, Society of the Heritage Crest, Thom Satterlee, Bob Westphal, Duane Felix, David Guadalupe, Richard Schaefle, Dan Shoemaker, Harvey Spelkin, Craig Steinagel, Peter Stern, Tom Strassell, Bryan Adair, Michael Sullivan, Special Forces Underground, SS Action Group, Grugyn Silverbristle, George Augustus Stallings Jr., J.B. Stoner, James Sughrue, Self Determination Committee, Johnny Spain, James E. Shaver, Eugene B. Sebree, Society of Friends, Betty Shabazz, The Southern League); John Salvi; John Schlafly; Phyllis Schlafly, Eagle Forum, Anti-Women, Censorship; John Schmitz; Science, Right Wing Use Of - Intelligence Tests; Science, Right Wing Use Of - Genetics, Eugenics; Science, Right Wing Use Of - Biological Determinism; J. Creagh Scott - Hidden Government; Scrapbook (Edward R. Fields, J.B. Stoner, Cecil Cox, Marion Francis "Frank" Shirley, David Wayne Holland, Richard Barrett, Gene Hall, Jimmy Wynn, Lee Bates, Mark Lane Watts, Richard Ford, Mike Eddington, Jerry Lord, Don Willard Sanders, Robert "Bobby" Starnes, Willis, Cecil Reese, Steve Anderson, Avery Coors, Alan Varner, Gary Simms, Randall Wiley Smith, Richard Pounder, Danny/David Satterfield, Bill Roland, Tim McDonald, Vinnie, Charles Lee, James Rudeseal, James Farrands, Danny Carver, Darlene Carver, Reuben Edward Stephens Jr., Jim Blair, Loren Lowdermilk, Mary Chadwick, "Big Bill" Hendrix, Elmer Holland, James and Marilyn Spivey, Louis Ray Beam Jr., Hamilton Hogg, Danny Carver, K.A. Badynski, James Burford, Richard Butler, Jeff Shumate, Donnie Adams, Don Black (former Klan leader and founder of the racist website Stormfront), John Albert Land, James Brown, Greg Walker, Gordon Miller, Chris Webb, David McAndrews, Keith Smith, Robert Miles, Ron Doggett, Gordon Ipock, Willis Carto, William Shearer, Louis Baxter, Stanley McCollum, David Craig, Jarah Crawford, Ed Fields, Shade Miller, Carroll Crawford, Virgil Griffin, Gary Gallo, Joe Greco, Darlene Carver, Alan Werner, Dave Holland, Scott Shepard, Matt Malone, Art Jones, Kirk Lyons, Terry Boyce, Robert McCurry, Tom Metzger, Paul Hollis, William Pierce, Tony Butler, Jackie Quinn, Don Romine, Maureen Salaman, Tupper Saussy, David Bradshaw, Keith Smith, John Stanring, Randall Wiley Smith, James Spivey, Charlie Tate, Will Williams, Ronnie Vining, Ralph Mask, Amy Wharton, Jim Yarborough, John Ingram, Robert Brannen, Sr., Darvin Purcell, Kelly Durden, Jack Poole, Ray Harrelson, Bobby Norton, Randall Smith, Matt Kuhnen, Gerhardt Lauck, Sam Dickson, John Tyndall, Bob Weems, Jerry Lord, Robert Campeau, John McLaughlin, Dave Mehus); Hans Sennholz; Marjorie Shearon; Robert Shelton, KKK, UKA, Minutemen, Southern Poverty Law Center, AL, Donald, Murder; William Shockley, Eugenics; John Singlaub, Contragate, WACL, US Council on World, Freedom, Tom Posey; Skinhead Nazis and Youth Skinheads; W. Cleon Skousen; Gerald L.K. Smith, Christian Nationalist Party, Aryan nations, Wesley Swift, Dan Smoot; Joe Sobran; Sons of Liberty (see also: CDL; NCCC); Sons of Liberty (Bo Gritz, Eric Rudolph); South Carolina (KKK, Confederate flag, The Citadel, Orangeburg Massacre); The Spotlight; Alan Stang, Tax Protestors, Alan Stang RPT, JBS, CA; Lothrop Stoddard; Stone Mountain Rally, 1991; Willis Stone; Stone Mountain, GA, KKK Labor Day March, Marc Comfort City Hall Press Conference; J.B. Stoner; John Stormer, Liberty Bell Press; Stormfront (see also: Computers); Kevin Alfred Strom; Herman E. Talmadge, Segregation; Charles Tansill; Teutonic Unity - Erlanger - Roeder; Euro-American Thule; Ned Touchstone; Truth at Last; Turner Diaries; U.S. Constitution (constitutionalist movement, common law movement), James Van Fleet; Harold Varney; James R. Venable - KKK, National Knights; Edwin Vieira; Richard Viguerie; B.F. Von Stahl; W (White Citizens Council, Nelson Waller, Ryan Wilson, ALPHA HQ, Ralph Wirkus, Wilfred Benzing, Alex Witmer, Jason Powell, Perry J. Watkins, Hosea Williams, George Wallace, Robert Welch, White Patriot Party, White Student Union, Charles Wilson); Chester Ward; James Warner, Christian Patriots, League, CDL; We The People, Tax Protestors, Harry Everingham, AL, OR, MI; Randy Weaver; Randy Weaver, Neo-Nazi, ID; A.C. Wedemeyer, Prisons, Menard Correctional Facility, State - IL; R.R. Welch; Robert Welch; Western Destiny - W.A. Carto; Western Goals; Paul Weyrich, Free Congress PAC, New Right, RW PACS; Robert White; James Wickstrom, Posse Comitatus, Life Science Church; Alice Widener; C.A. Willoughby; Gordon Winrod, Our Saviors Church, MO, Winrod Letter, RW Radio, NSRP; Wise Use Movement; Women and the Far Right; World War II/Holocaust/Nazis (Holocaust denial, Nazi war criminals, Holocaust Memorial Museum); World Church of the Creator (Matthew Hale, Joseph Ferguson, Mike Curtis, Sisterhood of the WCOTC, The Struggle: Dedicated to the Survival, Expansion and Advancement of the White Race); World War II/Holocaust Denial (Yaron Svoray, Ron Furey, Franciszek Piper, Ernst Zündel, David Irving, revisionism, Institute for Historical Review, Willis Carto, Arthur Butz, David McCalden, Mel Mermelstein, "Did Six Million Really Die?", Simon Wiesenthal Center, Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust); Francis Parker Yockey ("America's Hitler," Willis Carto, American Nazi Party); Francis P. Yockey, Willis Carto, Imperium, RW Publications; Young Americans for Freedom; They Dare To Speak Out, by Paul Findley (1985); Allen A. Zoll; and Ernst Zündel.
Cheryl Oestreicher, "The Center for Democratic Renewal," Emory Libraries Blog, September 28, 2011,; Cheryl Oestreicher, "Center for Democratic Renewal Records – 'When Hate Groups Come to Town,'" Emory Libraries Blog, October 20, 2011,
Websites with information:
Finding aid:
[0508a] Center for Libertarian Studies records, 1961-1986 (bulk 1977-1984), Coll. 96043
Location: Hoover Institution Archives, 434 Galvez Mall, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-6010
Description: The Center for Libertarian Studies (CLS), an American non-profit organization for the promotion of libertarianism and libertarian research, was founded in 1976 by Murray N. Rothbard and Burton S. Blumert. The CLS published The Journal of Libertarian Studies from 1977 to 2000. The collection includes correspondence, reports, conference papers, journal articles and drafts, proposals, organizational rosters, mailing lists, agenda, ephemera, budgets and financial records, photographs, and printed matter relating to libertarianism and its socio-political impact, covering