Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson
Читать онлайн книгу.Eugene Davidson Collection, ca. 1917-2002, Mss 185
Location: Department of Special Collections, Davidson Library, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Description: Eugene Davidson (1902-2002) was an historian, editor of Yale University Press, and editor of Modern Age (Chicago, IL), 1960-1970. The collection contains drafts, correspondence, research files, dealings with publishers, and reviews primarily relating to 20th century German history, including the Weimar Republic, Third Reich, Holocaust, Nuremberg trials, international war tribunals, and the Cold War period. Series I. Biographical/Personal Files, contains correspondence with America First Committee, Charles A. Beard (as subject), Grand Admiral Dönitz, The Freeman, Arthur R. Jensen, Adm. Husband E. Kimmel (as subject), and Modern Age. Series II. Editor's Files, contains a file on Modern Age - Editorials and Index, 1961-1969. Series V. Subject Files, contains files on Eichmann [Adolf] Trial - includes transcripts, minutes of sessions, articles, and related ; Speer [Albert] Files - correspondence (incl. some with Speer), research files, reviews, articles and other related material; Goebbels, 1937; Holocaust; Pearl Harbor; and Ernst Röhm.
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[0752] Philip and Rosamund Davies U.S. Elections Campaigns Archive, 1840-2010, MSS. Amer. s. 33
Location: Oxford, Bodleian Library, Vere Harmsworth Library Rothermere American Institute, University of Oxford, 1a South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3UB, United Kingdom
Description: The archive contains campaign material collected by Professor Philip Davies. The material covers all levels of elections. It comprises a wide range of material, from buttons, posters, bumper stickers, flyers and leaflets to more unusual examples of campaign ephemera such as t-shirts, caps, dolls, rain bonnets, jewellery, bars of soap, rain bonnets, playing cards and commemorative plates. Materials on American Independent Party, Tom Anderson (American Independent Party), T. Coleman Andrews (States Rights), Gary Bauer, John Bricker, Pat Buchanan, Conservative Caucus, David Duke, Newt Gingrich, Barry Goldwater, Jesse Helms, Herbert Hoover, Jack Kemp, Alf Landon, Lyndon LaRouche, Trent Lott, Douglas MacArthur, Lester Maddox (American Independent Party), Moral Majority (Jerry Falwell), National Rifle Association, National Tax Limitation Committee, New York State Right to Life Party, Oliver North, Ron Paul, Howard Phillips (Constitution Party), John Rarick (American Independent Party), Ronald Reagan, Pat Robertson, Lincoln Rockwell (American Nazi), John G. Schmitz (American Independent Party), Joseph Sobran (Constitution Party), Robert Taft, Strom Thurmond (States Rights), George C. Wallace, Thomas Werdel (States Rights), Burton K. Wheeler (Progressive Party), and Wendell Willkie.
Philip Davies, "American Elections," Resources for American Studies, Issue 52, August 2001, http://www.baa Elections.
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[0753] James C. Davis papers, 1919-1966, MSS 507
Location: Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library, Woodruff Library, Emory University, 540 Asbury Circle, Atlanta, GA 30322
Description: Correspondence, audio-visual materials, speeches, subject and fact files of James Curran Erskine Davis (1895-1981), attorney, judge, Georgia representative to the United States Congress (1947-1963), and segregationist. Series 5: Correspondence, 1946-1960. Subseries 5.1. General correspondence, 1946-1960, contains files on Bricker Amendment, Communism, Eugene Cook, Fluoridation, Foundations, Genocide Treaty, Marvin Griffin, Katyń Massacre, Ku Klux Klan, General MacArthur, Malmedy, Moral Rearmament, Mundt-Nixon Bill - H.R. 5852, Poll Tax, Carleton Putnam - Letter, Segregation, Segregation in Public Schools, Segregation, Little Rock, Socialism, States' Rights, Supreme Court, Taft-Hartley Act, Voice of America, World Government, and Yalta Papers. Subseries 5.4: Personal, 1946-1956, contains three copies of letter sent to Eisenhower re: Civil Rights Bill, July 12, 1957 [online at] and a copy of the Augusta Courier. Series 7. Fact Files, 1937-1966, contains files on Africa - Segregation; Alabama - Segregation; American Legion; American Nationalist; American States Rights Association; Americanism, Clarence Manion; Americans for Constitutional Action; Apartheid (Africa's Segregation); Arkansas - Little Rock; Arkansas - Segregation (Little Rock); Augusta Courier; Better America; Bombings; Bricker Amendment; British Segregation; Bus Segregation; Citizen's Council; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Bill; Civil Rights - Legislation; Common Sense; Communism; Cross and the Flag; Dan Smoot Report; Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR); Disarmament; Dixie - American; Dixie Religious Review; Economic Council Letter; Eisenhower; England and Segregation; Exclusive, Fulton Lewis, Jr.; Facts Forum; Orval Faubus (Arkansas Governor); Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); Federation for Constitutional Government; Florida - Segregation; Fluoridation; For America; Ford Foundation; Foreign Aid; Free Men Speak; Freedom Agenda (Carrie Chapman Catt Memorial Fund, Inc.); Fund for the Republic; Georgia Segregation; Georgia Segregation Laws; Georgia Tribune (Parson Jack); Georgians Unwilling to Surrender; William S. Girard - Case; Barry Goldwater; Marvin Griffin (Governor); Roy Harris; Highlander Folk School; Housing Segregation; Human Events; Independent American; Integration; Integration Arguments (Pro); Integration in Colleges; Intermarriage; Interposition; Interracial Marriage; John Kasper; Koinonia Farm; Ku Klux Klan; Liberty Ledger (rating of Congressmen); Life Lines; Louisiana Citizen's Council Newsletter; Loyalty Oath; Manion Forum of Opinion; Manion Letters; Ralph McGill, Editorial on Integration; Methodist Challenge; Military "Muzzling"; Militant Truth; Monroe Doctrine; Moral Re-Armament (MRA); National Review; National Association for the Advancement of White People; National Council of Churches of Christ of USA; North Carolina - School Integration; North Carolina - Segregation; Ohio Segregation; Panama Canal; Carleton Putnam - Letters; Radio Free Europe; Ronald Reagan (copy of address by); Red China; Right to Work; Right to Work Laws; Richard B. Russell (Senator); School Desegregation; Schools - Segregation Laws and Legislation (Georgia); segregation; Segregation Cases (Brown, '54-June 20, 1958); Segregation in North; "Sensing the News" (Southern States Industrial Council); Dan Smoot; Socialism; South Africa - Segregation; Southern Conservative; Southern Manifesto; States Rights Council of Georgia; States Rights; Statesman; Straight Talk; Subversive Activities Control Board; Supreme Court; Taft-Hartley; Herman E. Talmadge; Tennessee, Clinton; Tennessee Segregation; Texas Integration; Un-American Activities; Un-American Activities Committee; United Nations; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); United States Day; United World Federalists; Veterans Committee against Communism; Vigilant Reporter; Virginia Plan (Gray Report); The Virginian; Washington, D.C. - Integration; Washington School Desegregation; Western Voice; White American News; White Sentinel; and Yalta. Series 12. Speeches, 1948-1964, contains speeches by Eugene Cook and John Bell Williams and speeches and writings on segregation. Series 13. Subject Files, 1946-1959, contains files on American Legion; American Nationalist, October, 1959; American Economic Foundation; Americanism, copy of American Defense newsletter; letter sent to JCD from The American Defense Society, Inc., 1947; Bricker Amendment; Common Sense, 1959; Communism, printed material - report from Subversive Activities Control Board; Conservative Newspapers, Copy of The Solid South and The Texas Councilor, 1959; Cross and Flag,