Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson

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Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives - Archie Henderson

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Crusade; Christian Anti-Communism Crusade: Dr. Fred C. Schwarz; Church League of America; Roy Cohn; "Communism on the Map"; Communist Party, Legislation to Outlaw; Communist Propaganda; Concerned American Citizens Association, U.S.A.; Connally Amendment; Conservatives of West Virginia (Ballot Case); "Containment or Liberation?" (James Burnham); Corporate Anti-Communist Programs: Notes on the Industrial-Military Complex; "Counter Attack" Counter Attack on Author Millard Lampell; Cox Committee Investigating Tax-Exempt Foundations; Dan Smoot Report Attack (Fairness Doctrine), Station Responses; Defense of Right Wing Groups; Right of Assembly: Ku Klux Klan Meeting Ban; Dirksen Prayer Amendment; Hilaire du Berrier; Education: Governor Talmadge - Georgia: Remarks; Englewood Anti-Communist League (NJ) (charged Mary McLeod Bethune with Communist affiliations in 1952); "Euthanasia Controversy," Dr. Hermann Sanders; Facts Forum Panel; Myron Fagan - Blacklisting in Hollywood Materials; Fascism Curbs; Father Feeney Religious Books: Ban on Sale; Flanders' Resolution to Strip Senator McCarthy of Committee Chairmanship; Fluoridation; Foundations - House (Reece) Investigation; Free Speech by Military Personnel - Sen. John Stennis: Speech; Free Speech: Dismissal from Army, Right Wing Speech: Maj. A.E. Roberts; Fund for the Republic (sponsor): Cancellation of Henry Cabot Lodge, ABC Interview with Mike Wallace (1958); Genocide Convention; William S. Girard case; Girl Scout Handbook - "Internationalist" References; Goldwater Anti-Communist Labor Bill (1953); Group Libel; Group Libel Legislation; Group Research Inc.: Wesley McCune; Gwinn Amendment - Banning Subversives from Public Housing; Rev. Billy Hargis: Broadcast Transcript, Warren Commission; Hate Legislation; Hate Literature Bill; Hate Propaganda through the Mails; Highlander Folk School: (TN) (Integrated Highlander School Raided by Ku Klux Klan; Tennessee Efforts to Close; Tennessee Legislative Hearing); Alger Hiss; House Un-American Activities Committee (ACLU Criticism of; ACLU Statement on Abolition HUAC; Dr. John Haynes Holmes - Testimony of Benjamin Gitlow; Ku Klux Klan Investigation; Letter to Congressman Walter; Operation Abolition; Report on "Hate" Groups (1954); Subpoenaing of Truman, et al. to Testify on Harry Dexter White Case); House of Representatives: Reece Subcommittee Report Attacking Foundations; William Huie (Contempt Case Rule); Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1953 (McCarran-Walter); Japan-MacArthur Dismissal Comments; John Birch Society; John Birch Society Members in Police Forces; Joseph Kamp - Lobbying Activities 1948; John Kasper - Contempt Case Related to School Integration; August Klapprott (De-naturalization); Ku Klux Klan; Owen Lattimore; David Lawrence Columns Attacking Supreme Court Rulings; David Lawrence and Osmond K. Fraenkel Correspondence Debates on Congressional Investigations; Legislation: Challenges to "Right to Work" Laws; Legislation: Study of Right to Work Laws; Let Freedom Ring: Automatic Telephone Service, Smear Messages; Letters from FBI to ACLU (J. Edgar Hoover); Fulton Lewis - Libel Indictment; Louisiana "Right to Work" Law; Kurt Ludecke; A.B. Magil; Harvey Matusow v. U.S. (Government Witness-Perjury); McCarran Act - Internal Security Act of 1950; McCarthy (Army Report on Cohn-Schine Affair; Cohn and Schine - McCarthy Anti-Semitism Charge; Democratic Digest Article; "McCarthyism" - J.B. Matthews - Resignation; Miscellaneous; The Progressive Magazine - Documentary on McCarthy ["McCarthy: A Documented Record." The Progressive, April 1954; online at]; Resolution to Oust from Senate Seat; Voice of America Hearings; World Telegram Series on McCarthy 1954 [Frederick Woltman, "The McCarthy Balance Sheet," New York World Telegram, July 1954]; Lucille Miller - Due process/commitment; Minute Women of America; NAACP: "Birth of a Nation"; Nazi Handbill Distribution Case: George Lincoln Rockwell and Kenneth Morgan; Reitman Neier and William F. Buckley Correspondence on Unionism and Free Speech; Operation Abolition, Film to Counteract Operation Abolition; L.H. Oswald; "Oswald and the Law" Documentary; O. Otepka - Saturday Evening Post Article 1964 [Ben H. Bagdikian, "Big Brother is Listening," Saturday Evening Post (June 6, 1964,]; Panama Canal; Drew Pearson v. Senator Joseph McCarthy (Defamation Suit); Poll Tax Amendment; Poll Tax Bills; Poll Tax, Discrimination: Virginia; Poll Tax Issue (Texas); Post Office: Anti-Jewish Week Mail; Post Office: G. Sokolsky: Saturday Review of Literature [George Sokolsky, "Open Letter to the Post Office," Saturday Review of Literature, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 17, April 23, 1955]; Post Office: Ezra Pound Book Ban; Ezra Pound: Commitment at St. Elizabeth's Hospital; Press: Easton Express and Congressman Francis Walter: Refusal to Print, Pennsylvania; Protest Movement: SCLC Opposed Ku Klux Klan in South; Public Schools: Regent's Prayer [Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962), prohibiting the use of a Regent's prescribed prayer in New York public schools] - George Sokolsky's Column; Radical Right: Report on Attacks on UNICEF; Reapportionment: Dirksen Amendment; Red Channels; Regent's Prayer - George Sokolsky's Column; Alan Reitman Correspondence on Buckley Lawsuit against TV Union (AFTRA); Victor Riesel: Article Attacking ACLU Labor Policy; Right to Work Committee Workers Defense League; Right Wing Groups; Right-Wing Movement: Printed Documents; George Lincoln Rockwell; Rogge-Ebey Controversy, Board of Education, Houston, Texas; School Integration; Rosika Schwimmer; Senate: Senate Committee Investigating Charges Against Senator McCarthy; Shockley Incident (1973); Smith Act; Status of Forces Treaty; Sterilization Bill - North Carolina; Subversive Activities Control Bills (Mundt-Nixon); Swain (Martin) et al. v. Florida: Father Feeney Books; Taft Hartley Act; Governor [Herman] Talmadge -Georgia (1950); Tax Exemption Denial Case, U.S. v. Armstrong Foundation; Tenney Committee - California; Harold K. Thompson; Emmett Till Murder Case; "Tokyo Rose" - Mrs. Iva Toguri d'Aquino; Treaty Making Powers - Bricker Amendment; Moïse Tshombe - President of Katanga; (Ultra) Right Wing: Documents; Ultra-Right Organizations: Report, Alan Reitman; George S. Viereck; General Edwin A. Walker: Confinement without Due Process, Controversy re: indoctrination of troops; and Gov. Wallace: Disclosure by Senator Wayne Morse.

      Finding aids:


      [0086] American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 2, Audiovisual Materials Series, 1947-1995, MC001.02.06 [films]

      Location: Dept. of Rare Books and Special Collections, Public Policy Papers, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University, 65 Olden Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08544

      Description: The American Civil Liberties Union Records document the activities of the Union in protecting individual rights from 1920 through 1995. Series 6, Audio-Visual materials, circa 1920-1995. Subseries Film, 1950 December 13-1983. Sub-subseries 16mm Film, 1952-1982, contains "Operation Abolition," a 1960 documentary produced by the House Committee on Un-American Activities (a.k.a. House Un-American Activities Committee or HUAC), [which] focused on an incident on May 13, 1960, when the Committee convened in San Francisco's City Hall. While the committee met, students protested in the hallways and outside the building, leading to clashes with the police and the arrest of 64 students. Operation Abolition shows footage of the incident taken from subpoenaed San Francisco TV station newsreels, using that footage to allege that the students were Communists and/or instigated by Communist agents. The film's narrators, Representative Francis E. Walter, Chairman of HUAC, and Fulton Lewis III, son of a prominent anti-Communist radio commentator, suggest that the protesters were members of and/or 'duped' by groups whose ultimate goal was to destroy the committee,

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