Alphabet of the Human Mind – 2. Global Psychotherapy. Nikita Mikhailovich Danilov

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Alphabet of the Human Mind – 2. Global Psychotherapy - Nikita Mikhailovich Danilov

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own symptoms and working on them is the key to successful personal psychotherapy, which can make treating the psyche a simple, understandable, and transparent process. There is another catch phrase from the time of punitive psychotherapy. “A fool never pleads himself a fool.” There were precedents when people with mental illness recognized their presence and immediately forgot about it. That is, it happens. Moreover, when the level of psychoanalysis begins to increase and the experienced master indicates the symptoms, then recognition of the symptoms by patient, and also the diagnosis is possible. It all depends, again, on the context. It is important that recognizing the symptoms or diagnosis without working on them does not produce a positive effect. But the systematic recognition of symptoms and competent study can make the treatment very simple, effective and interesting.

      It is important to understand that for an accurate diagnosis of your personality type (psychotype) or diagnosis, which anyone can have, a sufficiently high level of psychic literacy is required.

      Let’s repeat one more important point from this chapter. Any talks and thoughts about the psyche, and the symptoms of PPM and signs of GCM affect precisely the Level of the Psyche, require the maximum return of the mental energy of the PPE (Person’s Psychic Energy). Processing PPJ of the 1st degree is usually inexpensive, the 2nd – much more expensive, and the 3rd degree – the entire supply of PPE for a day can be spent in one discussion or in one situation!

      Recommendations for a generalized psychotype, not personal:

      – The main recommendation is to maximize the level of Psychic Literacy without creating dangerous situations for yourself. This is the path of observations and Experimental Non-Contact Psychotherapy predominantly.

      – Before you make the first attempt to determine your psychotype, read the first book of AHM to the end! This is a prerequisite.

      – Better to read the available chapters or the second book of the AHM in full.

      – Read the video and other materials that are presented on the Internet and on the official website of the book series. All this with the unconditional acceptance of the AHM license agreement, of course.

      – To fully understand the difference between symptoms of PPM and signs of GCM.

      – Try it into practice when viewing and decoding the hidden world experience in films.

      – Identify the psychotypes of people from your environment.

      – Pass AHM tests that helps determine your psychotype.

      – To get acquainted with a person with a fairly high level of psychoanalysis or AHM PRO. Talk about the Human Mind.

      – And only after all this do self-analysis.

      These recommendations do not apply to a specific psychotype and the specific context of a situation in which there may be many psychotypes and internal/external psychic flows. There are a huge number of aspects that most often it is easy to take into account with generalized-complex type of thinking and very difficult with particularly-primitive type of thinking. PPM is therefore called so because it cannot take into account several factors at once. In the chapter on the projection of GCM on PPM from AHM1 are more details. For the GCM structure, this is natural and normal.

      The recommendations are given to a generalized adequate psychotype and will work for each personality type a little differently. And if the personality type is very different from the generalized psychotype, then, according to the terms of the license agreement, first you need to work on the psychotype, and only then it is possible to use the resources of the AHM and reading books.


      Self-analysis is possible and no less effective than third-party provided if a healthy psychotype is engaged in self-analysis. Including a temporary increase of psychotype. And also the level of objective psychoanalysis skill of this person is quite high. In this case, we can talk about the advantages and disadvantages of introspection and third-party psychoanalysis. Both types of psychoanalysis will have their own advantages and disadvantages.

      Psychoanalysis is not something for granted, but labor. The higher the skill, the easier and more enjoyable this work, but still labor. For beginners in psychology, we use such a crude abstraction. Compare psychoanalysis with the planning, calculation and purchase of materials for repairs in a five-room apartment. And psychotherapy – with repair. It became clear to everyone that both stages require labor, skills and other resources. And the final result depends on all these points.

      Forced necessity of AHM

      In order for the readers of AHM to feel their involvement in the New History of World Psychology, we publish this one of the first chapters! Here is the text of the answer to the question that won the “Question of the Week” quiz of the series “Psyche As Is” from the author of the AHM, Nikita Danilov. The text of the answer is given with minimal changes. The answer is available in video format. Thanks to this question, a very clear scheme emerged, which in the answer was called the “Forced Necessity of AHM Scheme”. So it will be remembered by all world psychology!

      The flow of interest about AHM is growing rapidly, and so many things are moving AHM forward to even greater accuracy and efficiency, which, it seemed before, have no limits. The limit and possibilities are almost limitless.

      AHM is not only a series of books, but also a Community of People who need AHM. And as we found out from the question, it is necessary for everyone today. The text of the answer is further. This is what the AHM Community is doing now: a flash mob with a book or logo of the AHM (printed / electronic), the new psychological game “It’s Not Me”, the new unique regular flash mob “Psychotype In 3 Seconds” that seriously increases the level of psychoanalysis and normalizes the flow of healthy aggression in psyche, which are no less important than the flow of blood to the body. It is also an opportunity to ask a question to which the Authors or other Members of the AHM Community with the legendary expert level of Psychic Literacy will answer! The Convention of Psychology, which is addressed to ordinary citizens, professional employees, lawyers and representatives of structural authorities. The main recommendations for each role are how to prevent the commission of crimes due to a low or zero level of psychoanalysis and to prevent bad psychoanalysis from happening in general. Legal methods, of course. And much more…

      AHM is a fundamental section of psychology. In psychology, there are many sections and new ones are constantly being added. Each of the areas of psychology is a huge scope for research! Simple rule “Just add AHM” from imperfect theories and methods in psychology that do not have a clear causal relationship can turn into very effective methods with full awareness of what is happening. Ideas for the first books: “Freud’s Thoughts. Just add AHM!”, “What is useful in the books of Liz Burbo. Just add AHM!” And much more. The higher the level of psychoanalysis, the deeper, more accurate and effective the research will be. Each of them may not be limited to one book. Each Participant of the AHM Community can try Himself in the role of the Author – this has become possible today. If there will be many such attempts, then we have plans to open an imprint, an integrated publishing house only for those who promote world science using AHM classifications. Now back to the question.

      Schema 1. Forced Necessity of AHM.

      Answer text:

      Hello! Rubric “Question of the Week”, cycle “Psyche As Is”.

      Today the question from Victor won, with which we congratulate him!

      The question sounds like this.

      I think a very popular question:

      “I have 3 minutes! Convince that I need AHM”.

      Hello, Victor! You are an extremely free person.


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