Let Us Be Muslims. Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi

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Let Us Be Muslims - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi

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the Self — Adherence to Society and Culture — Imitating Other People

       The True Faith

      Abstinence From Alcohol — Confession of Crime — Severance of Familial Ties — Giving Up Cultural Norms and Customs

       The Way to God’s Pleasure

       Muslims of Today

       9. Are We True Muslims?

       Two Types of Islam

      Legal Islam — True Islam

       Two Kinds of Muslims

      Partial Muslims — True Muslims

       What Kind of Muslims God Desires

       Supreme Loyalty to Allah

       Where Do We Stand?

       10. Why Obey God?

       Our Well-being

       Obeying Others Besides Allah

       The Only True Guidance

       How to Benefit

       No Blind Obedience

       11. Difference Between Din and Shari‘ah

       Meaning of Din

       Meaning of Shari‘ah

       Nature of Differences

       Juristic Differences Between Muslims

       Ignoring the Nature of Differences


       12. True Meaning of ‘Ibadah

       Meaning of ‘Ibadah

       Misunderstanding ‘Ibadah

       ‘Ibadah, Lifelong Service


       13. Meaning and Blessings of the Prayer

       Remembering God

       Blessings of the Prayer

       Constant Reminder

       Sense of Duty


       Knowledge of God’s Law

       Collective Life

       14. What We Say in the Prayer

       Adhan and its Effects

       Wuḍū’: Ablution

       Niyyah: Intention

       Tasbīḥ: Glorification

       Ta’awwudh: Seeking Refuge

       Bismillah: In His Name

       Ḥamd: Praise and Thanks

       The Qur’ān Reading

      Surah al-Mā ‘ūn — Surah al-Humazah

       Rukū’: Bowing Down

       Sujūd: Prostration

       At-taḥiyyāt: Salutation

       Ṣalāt ‘ala ’n-nabiy: Blessings Upon the Prophet

       Seeking Protection

       Salām: Greetings

       Du‘ā’ qunūt


       15. Blessings of the Congregational Prayer

       Private Worship of God

       Assembling on One Call

       Purposeful Assembly


       The Sacred Purpose


       Uniformity in Movements

       Uniformity in Prayers


       Nature and Qualities of Leadership

      Piety and Virtue — Majority Representation — Sympathy and Compassion — Vacating Office — Obedience to Leaders — Criticizing and Correcting Mistakes — No Obedience in Sin

       16. Has the Prayer Lost its Power?

       Parable of the Clock

       Aim of Muslim Ummah

       Wholeness of Islamic Teachings

       Abusing the Clock

       Why Worship Rites are Ineffective

       Our Deplorable Condition

       PART IV: SAWM

       17. Meaning and Blessings of the Fasting

       Life of Worship

       Rituals Lead to a Life of Worship

       How Does Fasting Develop Us?

      Exclusively Private Worship — Sure Sign of Faith — Month-long Training — Practising Obedience — Communal Fasting

       Where Are the Results?

       18. True Spirit of the Fasting

       Spirit and Form

       The Outward Replaces the Real

       Wrong View of Worship

       Fasting as a Way to Piety

       Conditions of True Fasting

      Abstention From Falsehood — Faith and Selfscrutiny — Shield Against Sins — Hunger for Goodness

       PART V: ZAKAH

       19. Fundamental Importance of Zakah

       Meaning of Zakah

       Zakah, a Test

       Early Practice

       Categorical Imperative

       The Sign of Faith

       Foundation of the Ummah

       Conditions for God’s Help

       Warning to Muslims

       Fate of Zakah Defaulters

       20. Meaning of Zakah

       Becoming God’s Friends

      Wisdom and Understanding — Moral Strength — Obedience and Dutifulness — Sacrificing Wealth

       Requirements for Admittance to God’s Friendship

      Large-heartedness — Magnanimity — Selflessness — Purity of Heart — Giving in Adversity — Giving in Affluence — Giving for Allah Alone — Stressing Benevolence — Amassing Wealth — Making Excuses — Spending Reluctantly and Resentfully — Considering Spending a Fine — Niggardliness

       The Real Test

       21. Zakah, a Social Institution

       Allah’s Unique Beneficence

       Man’s Selfishness


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