The House of God. Rev. John Peter Bodner

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The House of God - Rev. John Peter Bodner

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ordinance, as the Savior told us,

      Baptised in water, have we made our vows;

      And as disciples, let Thy grace uphold us,

      To do and teach whate’er the Scripture shows.

      8 Gathered around the Table we remember,

      How Jesus died, to bring us back to God:

      Here do we meet, of Bread and Cup partaking,

      In pledge and sign, the Savior’s flesh and Blood.

      9 Thee would we fear, and keep the Sabbath holy,

      Meeting upon the first day of the week;

      Resting from all our works, and in Thee solely

      Finding our hearts’ delight, Thy ways to seek.

      10 And every day, in labor and in leisure,

      Our sweet communion with Thee would we keep:

      Grant that Thy Word, and prayer may be our pleasure,

      Alone, in family, when we wake and sleep.

      11 Eternal Father, who in love hast sought us,

      Eternal Son, who bought us with Thy Blood:

      Eternal Spirit, who in mercy taught us

      Worship in truth and spirit , Thou art God!

      Preparatory Reading: Old Testament: Exodus 7 New Testament: Romans 3 Psalm: 31

      1 Timothy: Reading over Chapter 2

      The chapter I have completed has aimed to preserve the purity of worship, both in letter and spirit, both in form and fervor. Let me review and reflect on this chapter, calling on God to embody its precepts and principles in me and my hearers as that true circumcision who worship God in the Spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh.

      Prayer before Worship in the Congregation

      The Lord is in His holy temple:

      Let all the earth keep silence before Him!

      Heaven is Thy throne, O LORD, and earth is Thy footstool:

      Where is the house man shall build to Thee? Where is Thy rest?

      To this man dost Thou look

      Even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit,

      Who trembles at Thy Word.

      But wilt Thou indeed dwell on the earth?

      Behold, the heavens and heaven of heavens cannot contain Thee:

      There is no God like Thee

      In heaven above or on earth beneath

      Who keepest covenant and mercy with Thy servants

      Who walk before Thee with all their heart:

      Thou dwellest not in temples made with hands

      Neither art Thou worshipped with men’s hands

      As though Thou needest anything.

      But the hour is come, and now is

      When Thou, O Father, seekest true worshippers

      And they that worship Thee must worship Thee

      in spirit and in truth

      Now Thou hast brought us nigh who once were afar off

      Without God and without hope in the world,

      Nigh by the Blood of Christ

      For by Him we have access to Thee in one Spirit

      We are the circumcision which worship God in the Spirit

      And rejoice in Christ Jesus

      And have no confidence in the flesh.

      Now we are fitly framed together an holy temple,

      An habitation of God by the Spirit

      Built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets

      Jesus Christ Himself the chief cornerstone.

      Now hast Thou called us out of darkness into Thy marvelous light

      Us which had not mercy, but now have obtained mercy

      Which were not a people, but are now the people of God.

      Now are we Thy chosen generation

      A spiritual house, a royal priesthood and holy nation

      To offer up spiritual sacrifice acceptable to Thee

      By Jesus Christ.

      Worthy is the Lamb that was slain

      Who hast redeemed us to God by His Blood

      Out of every kindred, nation, tongue and people,

      Who loved us and loosed us from our sins,

      And has made us kings and priests unto Thee

      O God our Father!

      Open our lips, O Lord

      And our tongues shall shew forth Thy praise!

      Draw nigh to us as we draw nigh to Thee

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