John. Jey J. Kanagaraj

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John - Jey J. Kanagaraj

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good wine in contrast to the usual custom of offering the best wine first so that the guests would appreciate the host’s provision, and then, after too much drinking, offering the wine of lesser quality (2:10).9 The master thus never understood the work of Jesus.

      By following the Jewish rite of purification to do his first sign (literally “beginning of the signs”), Jesus brings out the truth that the real meaning of the Jewish religious customs is fulfilled only in him, who transforms the old ceremonial system into something that human beings can experience. Jesus replaces the old Jewish ritual order with his own new order.

      After this sign, Jesus went to Capernaum with his mother, brothers, and disciples and stayed a few days there (2:12). This is a symbol of the corporate life of the new community, which includes men and women, centered in Jesus.

      Jesus’ revolutionary act in the temple (2:13–22)

      In 2:13 there is an abrupt shift from Capernaum (2:12) to Jerusalem. In the Synoptic accounts, Jesus enters into Jerusalem only once, at the end of his ministry, but in John Jesus makes four visits to Jerusalem, mainly during the Passover (2:13; 5:1; 7:10, 14; 12:9, 12). During one of his visits Jesus cleansed the Jerusalem temple and subsequently confronted the Jewish leaders (2:13–22). In the Synoptic Gospels this event is narrated nearly at the end of Jesus’ ministry (Matt 21:12–17 par.), whereas in John it is placed in the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. One cannot prove that Jesus cleansed the temple twice. For John chronology has only marginal significance. In both 2:1–11 and 2:13–22 Jesus transforms the Jewish legal custom to do good to people by fulfilling their need.

      Jesus went up to Jerusalem just before the Passover, a Jewish festival celebrated every year in commemoration of God’s deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, having passed over their houses without killing the first-born by seeing the blood of a lamb on their lintels and doorposts (Exod 12). All who went up to Jerusalem used to go to the temple to offer sacrifices and worship God (cf. Ps 122). Naturally Jesus, as a Jew, first went into the temple.

      In the temple, Jesus did not see an atmosphere of worship, but a business trend. He found those who were selling oxen, sheep, and pigeons, and money changers sitting (2:14) for exchanging the currency brought by pilgrims who came from other countries into Tyrian coinage, which was the prescribed currency to pay temple dues (m. Bek. 8:7). The oxen, sheep, and pigeons were required by the Law to be sacrificed (Lev 1 and 3). Surprisingly, sale of “lambs,” the actual Passover sacrifice, is not mentioned in the narrative. The temple authorities apparently did not give priority to the sacrificial lambs, but were primarily concerned with the trade that would bring them economic profit. That is why Jesus became zealous for the house of God and made a whip of cords to chase out the animals and to pour out the coins of the money changers by overturning their tables (2:15). He rebuked them by stating that they should not use “my Father’s house” for the purpose of trading (John 2:16; cf. Jer 7:11 and Isa 56:7; see also Matt 21:13 par.).

      The narrator comments that Jesus’ disciples remembered what is written in the Scripture, “The zeal for your house will consume me” (John 2:17; cf. Ps 69:9). They realized that Jesus’ vehement action to preserve the purification of the house of the Lord was due to his consuming zeal for the Father’s house (cf. Luke 2:49). Psalm 69 actually speaks of the suffering of a righteous one and it was used by first-century Christians to proclaim the suffering and death of Jesus (cf. Ps 69:21 with Matt 27:34, 48; Luke 23:36; John 19:30; Rom 11:9–10). Jesus’ words “will consume me” anticipate his suffering and death in order to build a new temple, that is, a community with a new life to worship the Father in spirit and in truth (4:23–24).

      The resurrection of Jesus opened the eyes of Jesus’ community to see the reality behind his signs and symbolic acts. The comment “his disciples remembered” (2:17, 22) means an unveiling of truth by the Spirit after the death

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