Sound Bites. Victor L. Cahn

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Sound Bites - Victor L. Cahn

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      “She says what she thinks.”

      “Didn’t I just say that?”

      “Could I just add—”

      “But don’t be fooled. This is a very smart woman—”

      “Did somebody claim that she’s not—”

      “It’s easy to jump to that conclusion—”

      “You mean just because she’s attractive, we should assume that—”

      “Could I just say—”


      “I’m only trying to point out that she’s very bright and articulate, in addition to being a real charmer—”

      “Are you surprised that a woman can be attractive and articulate—”

      “COULD I JUST SAY . . .”


      “Could I just say . . . that here is a woman to watch.”

      “Do you mean—?”

      “I mean that she has all the credentials, plus a lot of ability, political and otherwise—”

      “You think she’s a comer—”


      “You think she’s going places.”

      “If I were a betting woman—”

      “And you are, or so I’ve heard—”

      “She definitely has a future—”

      “You heard it here—”

      “And I fully expect her to establish herself on the national level sooner rather than later.”

      “On that optimistic note, we’ll be right back.”

      ¶ ¶ ¶

      “Coach, what’s your prediction?”

      “Biff, in big-time football games, big-time football teams with big-time football players make big-time football plays. And the Wolverines have more big-time football players. That’s why they’ll win this football game by at least a touchdown.”


      “Crossing patterns by the Vultures’ backs and receivers will split the defense. There’s no way the Wolverines can cover them—”

      “Maybe not man-to-man—”


      “Rasheed Johnson can out-jump everyone—”

      “If Merrill can get him the ball—”

      “That depends on the protection—”

      “They’ll also take away the slot—”

      “That’s their bread and butter—”

      “Their go-to play—”

      “But with a zone they can blanket the field—”

      “They still can’t take away the outside—”

      “And Merrill can always go to the short pass—”

      “But without a running game—”

      “Hinson runs a four-five forty, he’s stays low to the ground, and when you hit him, it’s like you’ve hit a brick wall—”

      “With his moves, there’s no way anyone can tackle him one-on-one in the open field—”

      “He can’t get free if the blocking isn’t there—”

      “They’ve got a terrific front line—”

      “But Skorianski’s out at left tackle—”

      “And they’re not fast enough to control the linebackers—”

      “Taylor’s knee still isn’t right—”

      “Look, here’s the bottom line. The game plan for this football game—”

      “And Hinson doesn’t have the hands to work the flat—”

      “But after last week’s loss, the Wolverines are a hungry football team. And hungry football teams—”

      “Give me a break! Their kicking game stinks—”

      “I’m telling ya’. Merrill is a big-time quarterback. And in big-time football games, big-time quarterbacks always come up big—”

      “24-17. Vultures.”

      “He’s got the arm, he’s got the legs, and he’s got the leadership—”


      “The offensive line is huge, the defense is full of hard-hitters—”

      “Speed beats size—”

      “It’s gonna be one heckuva a football game by two great football teams.”

      ¶ ¶ ¶

      “Our guest tonight is Vance Harrington, senior Senator from our state, who’s enjoying a brief respite at home while Congress is in recess. Senator, it’s an honor to have you with us.”

      “Happy to be here, Ben. And of course it’s always a pleasure to share time with family and friends.”

      “Thank you, sir. Well, you’re in the middle of your fifth term in the United States Senate, and I’m sure many viewers are speculating about your plans.”

      “Ben, I wish I could give you a firm answer one way or the other, but right now that decision is a couple of years away.”

      “You must have thought about it.”

      “Of course I have, but in truth nothing’s been decided yet.”

      “Do you expect to run for another term?”

      “You say ‘another term’ sound as if I’ve been around since the Civil War.”

      “No offense, Senator—”

      “Of course not—”

      “But quite a few of us can’t remember when you didn’t represent our interests in Washington.”

      “It’s been a privilege.”

      “And, of course, so many iconic images of you remain in our minds.”

      “I’m glad I’m still here to remember them—”

      “Marching through the South for civil rights.”

      “Frightening times, Ben. We never knew if we would come back alive. But also some of the most inspiring times of my life.”

      “Leading protests against military intervention all over the world.”

      “Sadly, that’s a cause that never seems to end.”

      “Fighting in the courts for the rights of workers.”

      “Another endless battle.”

      “Voter registration. It’s been quite a career.”

      “Thank you.”

      “Plus along the way you’ve met some remarkable people.”

      “Many, many of them, Ben. I’ve seen this country up close, and I remain awestruck by its greatness.”

      “Sometimes we forget that.”

      “But we never should.”

      “Well said.”

      “Thank you.”


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