Agape and Hesed-Ahava. David L. Goicoechea

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Agape and Hesed-Ahava - David L. Goicoechea

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3.2 Nourishing Agapeic Affection with Grammar

      I, 3.3 Nourishing Agapeic Eros with Rhetoric

      I, 3.4 Nourishing Agapeic Friendship with Logic

      I, 2.5 Nourishing Agape with the Quadrivium

      I, 2.6 Nourishing Agapeic Affection with Mathematics

      I, 3.7 Nourishing Agapeic Eros with Music

      I, 3.8 Nourishing Agapeic Friendship with Science

      I, 3.9 Nourishing Agapeic Mourning with History

      I, 4 Growing Vitally in that Seminary Seed-Bed

      I, 4.1 Nourishing Agape with Poverty, Chastity and Obedience

      I, 4.2 Nourishing Agapeic Affection with Poverty

      I, 4.3 Nourishing Agapeic Eros with Chastity

      I, 4.4 Nourishing Agapeic Friendship with Obedience

      I, 4.5 Nourishing Agape with the Moral Virtues

      I, 4.6 Nourishing Agapeic Affection with Justice

      I, 4.7 Nourishing Agapeic Eros with Temperance

      I, 4.8 Nourishing Agapeic Friendship with Prudence

      I, 4.9 Nourishing Agapeic Mourning with Fortitude

      I, 5 Growing Physically in that Seminary Seed-Bed

      I, 5.1 Nourishing Agapeic Health, Happiness, Wisdom, Holiness

      I, 5.2 Nourishing Agapeic Health with Physical Exercises

      I, 5.3 Nourishing Agapeic Health with Physical Work

      I, 5.4 Nourishing Agapeic Health with Physical Play

      I, 5.5 Nourishing Agapeic Health with Team Sport

      I, 5.6 Nourishing Agapeic Health with Track and Tennis

      I, 5.7 Nourishing Agapeic Health with Right Diet

      I, 5.8 Nourishing Agapeic Health with Right Hygiene

      I, 5.9 Nourishing Agapeic Health with Right Sleep

      I, 6 Growing in Excellence with the Liberal Arts

      I, 6.1 Growing in 1st Commandment Obedience with Better Reading

      I, 6.2 Growing in 2nd Commandment Obedience with Better Writing

      I, 6.3 Growing in 3rd Commandment Obedience with Better Speaking

      I, 6.4 Growing in 4th Commandment Obedience with Better Listening

      I, 6.5 Growing in 5th Commandment Obedience with Better Dreaming

      I, 6.6 Growing in 6th Commandment Obedience with Better Thinking

      I, 6.7 Growing in 7th Commandment Obedience with Better Wonder

      I, 6.8 Growing in 8th Commandment Obedience with Better Gratitude

      I, 6.9 Growing in 9-10th Commandment Obedience with Better Empathy

      I, 7 Faith seeking understanding at St. Thomas

      I. 7.1 Father Gustafson taught us the history of philosophy

      I, 7.2 Growing in love with the Greek’s love of wisdom

      I, 7.3 Growing in faith with the Medieval’s wisdom of love

      I, 7.4 And he taught us systematic philosophy

      I, 7.5 Helping Jesus be in our mind with metaphysics

      I, 7.6 Helping Jesus be in our heart with psychology

      I, 7.7 Helping Jesus be on our lips with epistemology

      I, 7.8 So that he might be in our hands for others

      I, 7.9 And always in our vision with his logic of love

      I, 8 Believing that We Might Understand in the Seminary

      I, 8.1 How modernity separated faith and reason

      I, 8.2 With the Reformers Choosing Faith Alone

      I, 8.3 And the enlightenment thinkers reason alone

      I, 8.4 Contemporary philosophy puts them together again

      I, 8.5 The Dying Face of Stephen Reveals a New Ethics

      I, 8.6 By Revealing the Vision of the Dying Face of Jesus

      I, 8.7 And the Logic of a New Cosmology

      I, 8.8 By Revealing the Loving Face of God

      I, 8.9 And the Logic of Its New Natural Theology

      II. With Levinas and Derrida

      II, 1 Levinas’ Ethics as First Philosophy

      II, 1.1 Levinas Grew up with the Jewish Religious Ethics

      II, 1.2 Philosophy’s Love of Wisdom and the Wisdom of Love

      II, 1.3 By Letting my Totality Welcome your Infinity

      II, 1.4 With a “me voici” Beyond Buber’s “I and Thou”

      II, 1.5 And a Transcendence Beyond Plato’s Divine Madness

      II, 1.6 And an Infinity Beyond Descartes’ Infinite

      II, 1.7 And a Face Beyond Heidegger’s Ontology

      II, 1.8 And a Responsibility Beyond Kierkegaard’s Subjectivity

      II, 1.9 And beyond Nietzsche’s Philosophizing with a Hammer

      II, 2 Derrida’s Deconstruction of Totality and Infinity

      II, 2.1 With a Jewish Aporetic Ethics that Deconstructs

      II, 2.2 Levinas’ Logic of Exclusive Opposites

      II, 2.3 And Levinas’ Deconstruction of Buber’s I and Thou

      II, 2.4 And Levinas’ Deconstruction of Husserl’s Phenomenology

      II, 2.5 And Levinas’ Deconstruction of the Heidegger’s Ontology

      II, 2.6 And Levinas Destruction of Plato’s Metaphysics

      II, 2.7 And Levinas’ Destruction of Aristotle’s Metaphysics

      II, 2.8 And Levinas’ Destruction of Descartes’ Infinite

      II, 2.9 And Levinas’ Destruction of Kierkegaard and Nietzsche

      II, 3 The Wisdom of Love in Otherwise Than Being

      II, 3.1 How the Notion of the Third Opens Levinas

      II, 3.2 To the Double Responsibility of Love and Justice

      II, 3.3 With a Wisdom of Love at the Service of Love

      II, 3.4 Which Goes from Loving Widows, Orphans and Aliens

      II, 3.5 To being the Suffering Servant

      II, 3.6 Who Loves the Enemy in a Proximity

      II, 3.7 That Lets me Lovingly Substitute for Him

      II, 3.8 With a Glory that Manifests the Unmanifest

      II, 3.9 Even in its Unmanifestness

      II, 4 Derrida’s Ethics as First Philosophy Demands

      II, 4.1 Improving Demonstrations with deconstruction

      II, 4.2 Improving Definitions with Dissemination

      II, 4.3 Improving Distinctions with Differance

      II, 4.4 Improving Dialectics with a Double Dissymmetry

      II, 4.5 Improving Decisions with Indecidability

      II, 4.6 Improving Desires with Donation

      II, 4.7 Improving the Death of Debt with Divine Redemption

      II, 4.8 Improving Delirium with Dream Work

      II, 4.9

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