Email "Messages". Steven A. Crane

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word to try to make sense of what is taught in Scripture. Having clarified that, I need also admit—I struggle with the doctrine of the Trinity (the tri-unity of God), while firmly believing that it is both scriptural and rational. On the surface, it would seem that God must be one and not three, or conversely, three and not one—but how could God be both three and one at the same time? The very idea seems at first blush to be a violation of the most fundamental law of thought—the law of noncontradiction.

      But a closer examination shows that a Christian belief in unity of “three persons” in “one God” is not a contradiction. A contradiction occurs when something is both “A” and “not A” at the same time and in the same sense. God is both three and one at the same time, but not in the same sense. God is three persons, but one in essence. God is three persons, but only one in nature.

      It would be a contradiction to say that God had three natures in one nature, or that God was three persons in one person. But it is not a contradiction to claim that God has three persons in one nature.

      I have heard many helpful (and yet still lacking) explanations. For example: God is like a triangle. At the same time it has three distinct corners and yet it is only one triangle. With a scalene triangle, each corner is not the same as either of the other corners, or the same as the triangle as a whole, but it is a part of the whole triangle. They are distinct and different, but the same.

      Or, for the mathematicians among us, maybe God is like “one to the third power” (13), 1 x 1 x 1 = 1. One thing is for sure, God is not 1 + 1 + 1 = 3, which is tritheism or polytheism. God is one God—completely, simultaneously, congruently in three distinct persons. God is: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

      I have heard other examples as well. Water takes three forms: vapor, liquid, and ice. Eggs contain three parts: white, shell, and yolk. The problem with all of these illustrations is that they fall short of providing an adequate explanation. If I’m honest (and I try to be), the Trinity goes beyond any explanation I can give it. It goes beyond reason without going against reason. It can be apprehended, but not fully comprehended. I believe in the Trinity, not because I understand it, but because it is biblical.

      If I thought it would help, I would give an explanation of the differences in thought between those who hold an ontological view of the Trinity and those who hold an economic view of the Trinity—but I’m not even sure which one I hold.

      Someone once said, “If we try to understand God completely, we may lose our mind. But if we do not believe in the Trinity, we may very well lose our soul.”

      Scriptural references: Matthew 1:21–23; 3:3 (Isaiah 40:3 of God), 16–17; 11:25; 12:31; 16:16–17; 17:5; 28:18–20; Mark 1:9–11; 2:7–10; 12:36–37; 14:33; 15:39; Luke 1:30–35; 3:21–22; John 1:1–3, 14, 18; 3:16, 18; 5:21–26; 8:24, 28, 58; 10:30; 11:25; 14:1, 9–10, 16; 16:15; 17:5, 21–23; 20:28, 31; Acts 2:21 (Joel 2:32 of Jesus), 33–36, 38; 5:3–9; 7:59; 10:36; Romans 5:1–5; 8:9–11; 9:5; 15:6, 30; 1 Corinthians 1:24; 2:4–16; 3:16–17; 6:11, 19–20; 8:6; 12:4–6; 16:22; 2 Corinthians 1:20–21; 3:17; 5:19; 12:8; 13:14; Galatians 1:1; 3:20; 4:4–6; Ephesians 1:22; 2:18; 3:14–17; 4:4–6; Philippians 2:5–11; Colossians 1:3–8, 15–17 (Psalms 89:27 calls the Messiah the “first-born,” i.e. highest of all kings); 2:9; 1 Thessalonians 3:11–12; 5:18–19; 2 Thessalonians 2:13–14; Titus 1:3; 2:13; 3:4–6; Hebrews 1:1–4, 5–10 (Psalms 45:6–7); 8:58; 9:14; 10:30; 13:8; 1 Peter 1:1–2; Jude 20–21; 1 John 4:13–16; 5:20–21; Revelation 1:4, 8; 3:13; 4:8; 5:8–13; 17:14; 19:16; 21:5–6; 22:1–5, 13.

      Email “Messages”

       Inbox [7/70]

      To: Dr. Crane []

      Subject: Do You Really Believe in Miracles?

      ---Original Message---

      I believe in God and most of the Bible, but I have trouble with the miracles. Its seems illogical to believe that Jesus could walk on water. Do you really believe the miracles of the Bible?


      If you believe in God, it is only logical to believe in miracles! To demonstrate this, I would love to ask you three questions. First, is your God able to act? Second, if he is able to act, what do you call acts of God? Third, from our perspective, wouldn’t all acts of God be miracles? Logically, miracles are only impossible if there is no God.

      I’d like to tell you a fable. In order for this story to work, you need to pretend inanimate objects and animals can talk. A dog and a hunter were out by a tree near a lake on a warm, fall day. The dog was resting under the tree when the hunter called for the dog to come. The tree said to the dog, “You can’t go over there, it’s impossible.” For the tree to get up and walk—that would be impossible. But the dog got up and walked over to the hunter (there is nothing problematic about a walking dog).

      The man told the dog, “I am going to get a gun, load it with ammunition, and shoot some dinner out of the sky.” The dog said, “You can’t shoot something out of the sky.” But the man got up, loaded his rifle, and shot a duck. For the dog—that would have been impossible, but not for the man (there is nothing problematic about a man loading and shooting a gun).

      Unfortunately, the duck landed in the middle of the lake. It would be possible for either the man or the dog to swim out to retrieve the duck, but no one would suggest they walk across the top of the water—that would be impossible. But for God, who created the water, there is nothing problematic about it.

      If there is a God, why can’t he walk on water, heal the sick, make the lame walk, give sight to the blind, cure the leper, multiply fish and loaves, and make wine from water (just to name a few)? For man, these are all impossibilities. But none are problematic if there is a God. Actually, it is only logical that if there is a God, he could in fact do these things and more. Miracles are only miracles from man’s perspective, not from the vantage point of God.

      All the above mentioned events pale in comparison to the most significant miracle in the history of the world—the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Without it, Christianity offers no hope. But again, there is no reason to dismiss it. God is the one who created life, he can certainly restore it. It is precisely because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ that I am a Christian and believe in God. I believe in God because he has acted miraculously and revealed himself in history through his Son Jesus Christ and his Word.

      Section Two

Questions about Christ

      Email “Messages”

       Inbox [8/70]

      To: Dr. Crane []

      Subject: How Do You Know that Jesus Even Existed?

      ---Original Message---

      How do you know that Jesus even existed?


      I know of no reputable scholar who would deny that Jesus is an actual historical figure. Still, let me try to answer your question.


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