Portraits of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Robert P. Lightner

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Portraits of Jesus in the Gospel of John - Robert P. Lightner

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there can be no doubt they heard him say he was not the Messiah but was His forerunner. “He must increase but I must decrease “ must have come to their minds many times. There was no mistaking what John meant when he said that Jesus was “the Son of God” (1:34).

      These bent on getting rid of Jesus also knew how much the Jewish people at large respected John the Baptist. They had also to contend with these people if they should succeed in killing Jesus. John had a large following, many gathered to hear him and many responded to his message, “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

      Apparently, Jesus’ critics on this occasion went to consult with John and he told them the truth about Jesus. It would be hard for the Jews to receive only part of what he preached. After all, these people had responded positively to John’s message. They even rejoiced for a time in the light John had brought them

      The next acclaim or witness which Jesus made in defense of His being equal with God was the witness of His own works (v. 36). The “works” Jesus said He did were works given to Him by God the Father. These many works, He said, send forth loud proclamation that He was indeed sent by the Father. Thus “works” show the character of the one who performs them.

      These “works” seem to be a reference to the miracles Jesus performed. The Jews to whom He was speaking had already been made aware of His miracle-working power. There was the water-into-wine miracle (chap. 2). Then the healing of the nobleman’s son (chap. 4). The miracle of healing at the pool of Bethesda (5:1–18) was another mighty miracle. These and the miracles Jesus would perform later were a great testimony than even John gave. These works of His were given to Him by the Father according to His own testimony (5:36).

      Then came the acclaim of God the Father of His Son Jesus (vv. 37–38). The evidence was mounting and His critics must have been squirming. Jesus’ heavenly Father was the God of the Old Testament Scriptures. They knew very well whom Jesus was referring to as His Father, the One who had sent Him. At Jesus’ baptism at the hands of John, God the Father’s voice was heard: “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well please” (Matthew 4:17). Also as Jesus told the Jews a number of times their Old Testament gave testimony that He was equal with God.

      A sharp piercing word was uttered by Jesus to His accusers. That word was that they did not have God’s Word abiding in them because they did not believe His Father—God—who had sent Him into the world. Unbelief, in other words, was the reason they did not have eternal life. That always has been the reason why people will be eternally separated from God.

      Fourthly, Jesus said the Scriptures gave acclaim, gave witness, that He was equal with God (vv. 39–47). What this really means is that Jesus—the Living Word of God—and the Bible—the Written Word of God—both testify to the full deity of Jesus Christ.

      What would the Jews do with this acclaim from Jesus? What could they say about it since they and He both believed the Old Testament Scriptures were the Word of God.

      Jesus continued His piercing remarks to His accusers. Their attitude toward the Scriptures, He told them, was that they thought in them they had eternal life (v. 39). Yet, several times in His discourse with them He told them eternal life would come only to those who placed their faith in Him. At first glance it appears that Jesus was saying the Jews were wrong in thinking the Scriptures gave direction on how to gain eternal life. Instead, He said they were wrong in thinking just because they were students of Scripture, they therefore had eternal life. Their problem was they had not searched the Scriptures correctly. If they had, they would have seen how the Scriptures pointed to Jesus as the Savior.

      The Old Testament Scriptures were quoted and referred to often by Jesus. He affirmed the full inspiration of the Old Testament and therefore also its authority. He in fact called even small portions of Scripture the very Word of God. There are literally dozens and dozens of times when Jesus appealed to the Scriptures then available when rebuking sin and when comforting His people.

      Only the Old Testament part of our Bible was written when Jesus was here on earth and He used it extensively in His ministry. Near the end of His life on earth Jesus made provision for the New Testament. Before He left His disciples, He told them He had many more things to teach them but they were not able to know them at that time (16:12). They were promised divine guidance into other truths to be given by the Holy Spirit after His departure (15:26–27; 16:13). Furthermore, Jesus promised His disciples the aid of the Spirit in what they would say. The Spirit, He said, would teach them and cause them to remember the things He taught them (14:27).

      Jesus knew the Old Testament far better even than the Jews who studied it daily and could quote large portions of it from memory. Yet these Jews whom Jesus was talking to had missed Him in the Scriptures. They therefore missed the only way of salvation through Him. They were simply unwilling to come to Him for salvation (v. 40). They refused to come, no doubt, because they were self-righteous and saw no need for His salvation. That, by the way, is why many today do not come to Jesus. They think they are doing the best they can and do not need Jesus. Their hope is that in the end the good they do will outweigh the bad. How sad!

      The criticism of these Jews continued. They did not have the love of God in them, Jesus said. They stubbornly refused to receive Him even though He came in His Father’s name. They received glory from each other. We would say they patted each other on the back but adamantly refused to seek God’s glory (v. 44).

      Jesus concluded His acclamations of equality with God by reminding the Jews that even Moses who was highly revered by them accused them. They had set their hopes on Moses. He was their hero, their savior. Jesus told them they really did not believe everything Moses wrote. If they had, they would have believed Jesus because Moses wrote of Him. Jesus concluded with, “If you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?” (v. 47).

      Personal Applications

      How is it with you? Do you believe that Jesus is equal with God, that He is just as much God as God the Father is?

      Since Jesus possesses divine authority equal with God’s authority, we need to acknowledge it and submit ourselves, place ourselves under His authority in our daily lives. In short, that means we need to live according to Scripture. We are exhorted to do this, but not so we can earn salvation or work to keep it, but because we have it.

      When the Lord Jesus Christ is received as the Substitute for our sins, He becomes our Savior and wants to be our Lord as well. Someone is on the throne of our lives; either God is or we are. Many of us want to be on the throne ourselves without any concern for God unless, of course, some awful tragedy befalls us, our family, or even our friends. Then suddenly we want God to be in charge and bring healing or any other kind of help we may need at that time. Jesus the Son of God who is equal with God longs to be not only our Savior, but also our Lord.

      Study Questions

      1. In this portrait of Jesus what do we see Him doing that demonstrates He is equal with God?

      2. Who was Jesus speaking to as this portrait developed?

      3. From whom did Jesus say His power came?

      4. What are the four testimonies to Jesus’ equality with God?

      5. What steps could you take this week to be more submissive to God, to make Him Lord of your life? You might be surprised if you start making a list.

      Provision and Protection

      Portrait 8

      John 6:1–21

      Come up close so you can see clearly this portrait of Jesus. Notice surrounding Him are many people. There seems to be a lot more men than women or children. I wonder why that is the case. The disciples are standing close by Jesus. They seem to be disturbed about something. Some of them look nervous and on edge. Why? Jesus is talking to them. Oh, there is Peter elbowing his way to Jesus. He is talking to Him. Now the large crowd is seated. They all seem to be very orderly. Let’s look at the account of this incident in the Bible, John chapter 6. In this chapter we will witness two miracles performed by Jesus. One is on the land and the other on the sea.

      The Miracle on the Land, vv. 1–15

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