Christmas. Adam C. English

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Christmas - Adam C. English

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Bible sketches the holy nativity scene in sparse and iconic prose while gathering together a truly eclectic cast of characters. Mother and father, angels and shepherds, farm animals, wise men, and ordinary townspeople clump and conglomerate around the manger. The manger represents bricolage in action. We see a microcosm of the church and of the wide-ranging kinds of members who make up each local congregation in the body of Christ. Each character in the biblical story in some way represents each of us—the community of faithful believers who carry on the story today.

      Let us take a peek at the actors in this company.

      At the center lies the Christ child, meek and mild. In some ways he is easily overshadowed by everyone else in the frame, but if we keep our eyes on him, if we keep moving toward him, if we keep him at the heart of worship, all else will come into focus. And here especially is where we might learn from the example of children. Children pay particular attention to the baby Jesus. In the living room display sets, it is the baby Jesus figurine that is most often swiped by toddlers and preschoolers. Straining on tippy toes, pudgy little fingers feel around until they grasp the baby and then carry him off to other play sets and other adventures. Martin Luther (1483–1546) once complained about his theology students, saying that he wished he could get them to pray the way his dogs went after meat. He might well wish the Christians of today would strain and grasp for Jesus the way toddlers do.

      If we peer in at the infant asleep in the manger, what will we see? Not all see with the same eye, but for those who can see, there is a vision of greatness tucked away in the smallness of the crib. In a sermon delivered by Ælred of Rievaulx (1109–1167) we find this lilting passage about the Son of God in the manger.

      If we step back from the manger crib we might take note of the angels. We must not forget the angels, even though their translucent bodies tend to fade in and out of view. Are they part of our world or not? Are they ever-present or do they only make intermittent appearances? They seem always to be in transition between this world and the next.

      They come bearing news. What does the angels’ announcement sound like? Like a scream or a growl or a bark? No. It sounds like laughter—“joy to the world!” And indeed, the angelic beings who crowd around the birth stall remind us that the work of Christian living should be marked by joy and happiness. They also remind us that our work is not ours alone; we never operate by ourselves. A cloud of witnesses surrounds us. The ministering angels of God watch and rejoice over the one sinner who repents. They remind us that in our acts of mercy, earth and heaven join hands.

      Who else appears in this portentous scene besides the Christ child and the angels? There is the blessed mother Mary who said yes to the angel Gabriel’s announcement, and the kindly Joseph who stayed with her on that long night. Even as we look to the child we cannot quite take our eyes off Mary. Neither can Joseph. I imagine Joseph stealing looks at his wife, amazed, as if seeing her for the first time. In wonder he ponders her just as she ponders in her heart the soft-skinned infant in her arms.

      At the very least, the presence of Mary and Joseph at the nativity scene reminds us that in every church there are those who bear Christ to us and become for us our spiritual mothers and spiritual fathers, the rocks of faith and boulders of prayer.

      Churches would not exist without sheep herders, the ordinary Joes and Marthas who take care of their families, work responsibly and loyally in the different ministries of the church. The kingdom of God is made up of shepherds like these who have looked on the Lord Jesus and carry the good news into the most mundane of places, the most necessary of places.

      Mr. Claus’s Ministry

      I have had the joy and privilege of devoting some of my professional career to studying

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