Loved from Eternity. D. E. Young

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Loved from Eternity - D. E. Young

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      their Savior did confess

      and to the end did persevere

      in mockery of pain.

      In self-abasement, these the Sad

      received eternal gain.

      January 2012

      But the Greatest of These is Love

      How strong is Faith and stalwart!

      How vast is Hope and free!

      But Love is still the greatest

      of these, the greatest three.

      January 2012

      On the Marriage of a Friend

      I did not think I’d live to see

      this day become reality.

      So hard this world, so sad and ill—

      who would have guessed that grace would fill

      the deepest, saddest voids that ache

      with peace that love and kindness make.

      October 29, 2011

      Canticles 8:6, 7

      How strong is Death, the murderer,

      that sweeps all men away,

      but just as strong is gentle Love

      that can its force allay.

      No flood can drown sweet Charity,

      nor waters wash away,

      nor can a man obtain her

      or for her favor pay.

      Beyond all price, enduring still,

      the greatest of the three,

      first Faith, then Hope, then Charity,

      that shall forever be.

      February 14, 2012

      For the Rev. Dr. Henry Krabbendam

      (From Psalm 92:14)

      Now you are old, but glory shines

      brighter and brighter on your way,

      the evidence of Love Divine

      which shall shine to the perfect day.

      Mercy that’s come to age, and faith,

      peace, love, and virtue, hotly tried,

      hope that’s more near fulfillment now

      than when your soul was justified.

      About to feast on Heaven’s joy

      more than your little taste below,

      still full of sap and very green

      that shall eternal Glory know.

      So shall the cold, refreshing chill

      of Grace from Heaven streaming down,

      quench the hot, fiendish fires of Hell

      with Mercy flowing all around.

      February 2012

      The Unintended Blessing of Balaam

      How can I curse when God has blessed

      His very own, though vile and weak

      In their own selves, yet strong in Him

      The mighty, holy, and the meek.

      I see him from the highest rocks,

      God’s Israel dwelling safe below,

      A sprawling city, tent on tent,

      That shall eternal Glory know.

      Who can the dust of Jacob count,

      A quarter of their army see?

      O let me die like one of them,

      A righteous end give Thou to me!

      This people all shall dwell alone,

      No other folks shall venture nigh.

      No unclean soul may enter in

      Unto the holy city high.

      For God has sworn to bless His own

      Who will not change His holy will,

      Who cannot lie like sons of men,

      But will His purposes fulfill.

      In Israel He sees no sin,

      No wickedness and evil will.

      Shouts of the King are in his camp,

      And God will bless his dwelling still.

      How fair thy dwelling, my belov’d!

      How good thy tents all spread abroad!

      No longer bound in slavery

      But dwelling ever with thy God.

      March 2012

      Naaman’s Maid

      (II Kings 5ff)

      I would I were like Naaman’s maid,

      The little captive unafraid

      Who would her captor’s blessing see

      More than her own sweet liberty.

      No faith the king had like the child,

      In Providence she rested mild,

      Content to serve, a captured slave,

      And longed the mighty man to save.

      Her faith a fearsome valor knew,

      And so the weak, the poor, the few

      Can topple battlements so high

      When stronger folk dare not draw nigh.

      This little maid, so poor and mean,

      Beheld the warrior made clean.

      Her faith a blessing was to those

      Whom in eternity God chose.

      If Providence should seem to frown

      Let me embrace the thorny crown

      And know that He works all things well

      Who has redeemed my soul from Hell.

      March 2012

      On Folks Joining the Church

      Come ye sheep and come ye lambs

      Out the darksome night and cold

      To the Gentle Shepherd’s arms,

      To the safety of the fold.

      Strong the wolf’s ferocity

      And the lion’s threatening roar,

      You beside your mighty King

      Shall be safe forevermore.

      Fed and sheltered, safe and warm,

      Free and freer yet to be,

      Nestling in the refuge sure,

      You shall Christ’s protection see.

      April 2012


      (From Hosea and Romans 9–11)

      He loved her, and He married her,

      Though she would faithless prove to be.


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