Стрелы кентавра. Кибервойна по-американски. Леонид Савин

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Стрелы кентавра. Кибервойна по-американски - Леонид Савин

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      Allardice, Robert and Topic, George. Battlefield Geometry in our Digital Age. From Flash to Bang in 22 Milliseconds. PRISM 7, No. 2, 2017. p. 79.


      Ibidem. p. 80.


      Ibidem. p. 82.


      The Joint Chiefs of Staff, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. Washington, D.C.: Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2017. p. 58.


      Lee, Robert M. The Interim Years of Cyberspace // Air & Space Power Journal, January-February 2013. p. 63.


      Trias, Eric D. and Bell, Bryan M. Cyber This, Cyber That. . So What? // Air & Space Power Journal. Spring 2010. p. 96–67.


      Stewart, Kenneth. Cyber Security Hall of Famer Discusses Ethics of Cyber Warfare. America’s Navy, 6/4/2013. http://www.navy.mil/submit/display. asp?story_id=74613


      Alfonso, Kristal L. M. A Cyber Proving Ground. The Search for Cyber Genius // Air & Space Power Journal. Spring 2010. p. 61


      Ibidem. p. 64–66.


      Arquilla J. Cyberwar Is Already Upon Us // Foreign Policy, March/April 2012. http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/02/27/cyberwar_is_already_ upon_us


      Trias, Eric D. and Bell, Bryan M. Cyber This, Cyber That. . So What? // Air & Space Power Journal. Spring 2010. p. 91.


      Ibidem. pp. 92–97.


      Reed, Thomas C. At the Abyss: An Insider’s History of the Cold War. NY: Random House, 2004. https://archive.org/details/atabyssinsidersh00reed


      Sebenius, Alyza. Writing the Rules of Cyberwar // The Atlantic, June 28, 2017.



      Hersh, Seymour. The Online Threat. Should we be worried about a cyber war? // The New Yorker, November 1, 2010. http://www.newyorker.com/report-ing/2010/11/01/101101fa_fact_hersh?currentPage=all


      Cyber Leaders: A Discussion with the Honorable Eric Rosenbach, panel discussion, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC, October 2, 2014. http://csis.org/event/cyber-leaders.


      Shachtman N. Military Networks ‘Not Defensible,’ Says General Who Defends Them. January 12, 2012. http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2012/01/ nsa-cant-defend/


      A New Information Paradigm? From Genes to “Big Data” and Instagram to Persistent Surveillance…Implications for National Security. 8th Annual Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment (SMA) Conference, Joint Base Andrews, 28–29 October 2014.


      Стратегическая многоуровневая оценка (Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment, SMA) – обеспечивает поддержку планирования командам со сложными эксплуатационными императивами, требующими мультидисциплинарных и межведомственных решений, которые не входят в компетенцию службы / агентства. Решения и участники запрашиваются в правительстве США и других структурах. SMA принимается и синхронизируется Объединенным командованием.


      Manning, Robert A. ENVISIONING 2030: US Strategy for a Post-Western World. Atlantic Council. Washington DC, 2012. pp. 55-56


      Chen, Jim. Cyber Deterrence by. Engagement and Surprise // PRISM 7, NO. 2, 2017. Р. 6.


      Singer, Peter W. and Friedman, Allan. What about deterrence in an era of cyberwar? // Armed Force Journal, January 9, 2014.



      Lewis, James A. and Timlin, Katrina. Cybersecurity and Cyberwarfare. Preliminary Assessment of National Doctrine and Organization. Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2011.


      Richards, Julian. Cyber-War: The Anatomy of the Global Security Threat. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. p. 19.


      Botnets, Cybercrime, and Cyberterrorism: Vulnerabilities and Policy Issues for Congress. January 29, 2008. p. 3–4.


      Courtney, William and Libicki, Martin C. How to Counter Putin’s Subversive War on the West. RAND, August 1, 2016. http://www.rand.org/blog/2016/08/ how-to-counter-putins-subversive-war-on-the-west.html


      Internet of things, IoT – концепция вычислительной сети физических предметов («вещей»), оснащённых встроенными технологиями для взаимодействия друг с другом или с внешней средой…


      Marks, Joseph. Lawmakers to Pentagon: Tell Us When You Use Cyber Weapons. June 8, 2017.




      authorizes-offensive-cyber- operations-to-deter-foreign-adversaries-bolton-



      Klare, Michael T. Cyber Battles, Nuclear Outcomes? Dangerous New Pathways to Escalation. November 2019.






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