A Jewish Story. Sheldon Cohen

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A Jewish Story - Sheldon Cohen

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be in for a surprise, if he tried to implement that policy. Is he so stupid that he thinks anyone would sit still for that?” asked Mikhail.

      “No, not stupid, just blinded by ambition and by his own belief in Aryan superiority and the Aryan’s destiny as the world leaders,” added Leah. “Also if we go on to the next page he explains how he answered the question from some people about why a revolution was necessary and why there was no collaboration with parties in Germany that were already in existence,” said Leah; his answer is lame and makes me sick.”

      “What do you mean?” asked Mikhail.

      “He says that the old ways never helped the people. This comes back to his hatred for parliamentary democracy, which in his mind is a sure recipe for paralysis in government. Never mind that it works in many countries. It can’t work in Germany because it counters his own thoughts and beliefs that only a strong man can run countries…period. Nothing else can work. Look what he says here. ‘It doesn’t work…and it must be eradicated.’ And, believe me, that’s just what he did. In his mind only a revolution can change it, and that is a revolution patterned only after his thoughts.”

      Mikhail added, “He and Stalin think alike. We have a megalomaniac here just like the Germans do.”

      Ben added, “He also says that during a parliamentary democracy, the people are not considered, because the politicians jockey for position for their own benefit. On the other hand, he’s quick to point out that he considers what’s best for the people in all his decisions. What a joke.”

      Leah said, “If we go on further in his speech, he states that the old government is incapable of making changes that benefit the people. It will take a radical transformation, a revolution as he keeps calling it, and one that will sacrifice life and blood. He’s proven that to be the case because that’s just what he’s done—shed blood to cement his power. It’s all justified to bring him into control. Only he knows what’s best for the people. God knows how many will have to die to keep this maniac in power.”

      “To me, everything he says is to justify his grab for power. Such people who live to control others will bring ruin to the world,” said Ben.

      Leah added, “Further in his speech he also justifies everything on the basis of…and let me read this,‘that this is probably the first time and this is the first country in which people are being taught to realize that, of all the tasks which we have to face, the noblest and most sacred for mankind is that each racial species must preserve the purity of the blood which God has given it.’ That’s what it’s all about…his obsession with racial purity. With that one statement, he damns everybody and everything that could pollute the super race…ugh. He goes so far as to say that anyone who is not interested in preserving racial purity is going against God’s gift and God’s handiwork.”

      “Quite a way with words, huh? It’s amazing what crazies will do and say to justify their own warped thinking,” said Mikhail.

      “Amen,” added Ben. Leah, do you think that, in his blaming the Jews for everything, it would be possible for a man like that to be talked out of such folly?”

      “That’s an easy one. Not a chance. When you have a crazy man whose whole belief rests upon a conspiracy theory, such as the Jews are out to take over the world, anyone trying to talk him out of it would run up against total and blind opposition.”

      “What do you mean?” asked Ben.

      “I can think of two reasons,” said Leah. “First because a believer such as Hitler, and I suppose Stalin too, have to believe that any contradictory evidence against their way of thinking has been placed there by the conspirators themselves to mislead the world. That’s how they explain any opposing thought away. They have to think of such contradictory evidence as nonsense. Second, and even if others besides Jews try to debunk Hitler’s conspiracy theories…their thoughts are explained away by saying they are secretly allies of the conspirators, the Jews.”

      “That’s good thinking, Leah, I’m sure you’re right,” said Mikhail.

      “You were talking about Hitler’s ideas of racial purity, Leah,” said Ben.

      “Yes, back to that,” said Leah, “On the next page he states that Germany is now doing research justifying the doctrine of racial purity. And further, he says that the whole world needs to adopt this creed, so as to prevent the Jews from their destructive attempts to control the world by destroying racial purity,” said Leah.

      Ben smiled, turned to Mikhail, and said, “This is all so beyond common sense that one almost can only make a joke out of such folly. I pledge to you, Mikhail that I have no desire to abolish the concept of racial purity in order to take over the world.”

      “I’m glad, Ben, and I am pretty confident that my grandfather and grandmother also were not part of such a plot,” said a smiling Mikhail shaking his head.

      “We just have to pray that the power that Hitler now has will not lead the world to ruin,” said Leah, “also, I like the way he says that since he came from the people, the future leaders of Germany will also come from the people. Never mind that the selection depends on their adherence to his way of thinking. This is racial purity at its best. There will be no room for diversity among those who hold any position of power in his Third Reich. They will have to adopt Hitler’s thoughts. If not, they will be lucky to be allowed to resign rather than getting a bullet or a knife in their hearts, just like the Night of the Long Knives when he had his best friend Roehm and his followers killed.”

      “No doubt,” said Ben. “Look at the next part. It’s is a bit confusing to me. It speaks to what I believe is his concept of the law and the judiciary. “It looks like he’s saying that the system has led only to confusion in Germany since it didn’t reflect German character. Translated into Hitler-speak, I think he means it didn’t reflect his way of thinking.”

      “Like everything else in his brain,” added Mikhail.

      “Right,” said Leah. “I think I get what he’s saying. Whereas, in the past, the law has been set up to protect individual rights and property, under his realm, that thesis is inconsistent with Nazi philosophy, and now that he is in power, he will place the nation above persons and property. And to ensure that is the case, there will be one legislator and one executive. Does that mean that he is taking on the responsibility for the legal system himself? Sometimes I think he deliberately engages in double talk to confuse everyone.”

      “Here’s the sentence that maybe clears it up,” said Ben. “I’ll read it. ‘In the German penal code, which has been drawn up with this wide general perspective in view, German justice will be placed for the first time on a basis which ensures that for all time to come its duty will be to serve in maintaining the German race.’”

      “There we go again. That’s his underlying theme,” said Mikhail.

      “I think he has another one,” said Leah.

      “What is that?”

      “His anti-bolshevism, his hatred of what he calls the Jewish-Communist, or Jewish-Bolshevik menace. For him, the word Jewish and Communist is the same. He doesn’t separate them at all. His hatred of Communism is a nebulous one in the minds of his people, but his hatred of Jews puts a face on it for his subjects, the German people, to see and touch. Dictators need that to focus their people. The Czar of Russia was no different. He did the same. Hatred killed my husband’s father. We know it first hand,” said Leah.

      Ben added, “Yes, that’s why I worry about his relationship with Russia. After World War I, the control of Germany was a battle between Hitler’s fascism and German Communism. There was blood in the streets as both of these forces tried to take over the Weimar Republic formed after the war. Hitler won that battle as you can see. What is the feeling here in Byelorussia, Mikhail?”

      “We’re a little country never strong enough to have its own independence. Neighboring powers control us with their whims and battles all throughout our history. Right now, we’re a member of

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