Survival: The Ultimate Mission. Robert M.D. Skaf

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Survival: The Ultimate Mission - Robert M.D. Skaf

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it is of utmost importance to all sectarian cultures. Most human conflicts happen to be caused by religion. It is for this reason that the first part of this essay was devoted to this subject.)

      The accomplishments of the human race are very impressive and astounding - particularly when one looks at the great discoveries and inventions of the twentieth century. However, when compared to those of any civilization that was able or will be able to colonize new planets, these accomplishments will only amount to tinkering. It takes the collective and genius minds of many scientists and engineers to build a rocket powerful enough to escape the earth gravity. The collaboration of thousands of workers is needed to make a tower soar close to nine hundred meters above the ground. However, it takes a miracle, the cooperation and collaboration of billions if not trillions of members of any particular species, and billions of years of evolutionary adaptation to create a humble living form capable of surviving and reproducing on its own. We may understand the anatomy of our body, yet our race - regardless of the degree of intelligence we may reach - will never be able to create something that can self-duplicate, a creature that can live and breathe, much less discover a way to produce from scratch a tiny little egg and program it to turn into a wonderful living form. However, the miracle of evolution does not end with the birth of biology, life and intelligent beings. As, we have seen, evolution never stops, nor does the process of continuous creation. We have demonstrated how biology is capable of creating forces of its own such as creative thinking, emotions, vision and subconscious. Next we are going to examine how mankind, through the evolution of arts and science, has been able to create something immortal, something beyond the physical universe which could be called the abstract, the invisible, or spiritual universe.

      In view of the complex work and the endless efforts involved in creating a living form that is able of surviving and reproducing on its own, it is only logical to conclude that all living forms are compelled to keep their respective species alive, whether any particular species has or will be able to succeed is a matter that can neither be proven or denied. As humans, our obsession with the afterlife is only one indication of how this powerful force has programmed us to seek immortality. However, much to our determent, we failed to understand that we may only be immortal as a species and we may never be immortal as single individuals. In nature nothing stays alive on its own. All living things survive as a part of a huge ecosystem. It is for this reason that they do instinctively cooperate and collaborate with other elements or species - directly or indirectly - to keep alive this huge combination and complex body we call ecosystem. Based on this observation, one may easily deduce that things are not different when it comes to the invisible or spiritual universe. Our individual spirit cannot flourish on its own; it can only be part of a different huge and complex system - as is in a universal system. We all have a spiritual and mental side that exists in parallel to our biological form. The proof is simple: we all have thoughts, dreams and imagination. Yet still, on daily basis, we feel the need to connect intellectually and mentally with other individuals to feel alive. And one can safely conclude that this need is going to be greater in the spiritual universe or the afterlife.

      It is for this reason that as humans we have always been wondering about ourselves, the other living things we share this planet with, and the universes that surrounds us. Our inquisitive mind keeps searching forever trying to unlock many perplexing puzzles which lie beyond the reach of physics and science. Insofar, we have not been able to find anything conclusive about the purpose of our existence and it is doubtful that we ever will. We still don’t know what role we are playing in this intense drama that’s taking place in a huge complex universe which itself is a mystery to us. With all the knowledge acquired over the years, we are still unable to figure out what goes beyond our short visit to this planet we call earth. Of course we are told by many religions to prepare every day for the moment of truth, the time when we meet our creator who will decide what’s to become of our souls. If you believe in this theory you have nothing to worry about. As a matter of fact, most people are satisfied with this explanation. They don’t concern themselves with the afterlife, the size of the universe, its shape or what lies beyond it. After all why should anyone of us grapple with questions that are unfathomable to us? Why should anyone put himself or herself in an unhappy situation? If you are not in water you don’t worry about drowning or being devoured by sharks - nor should you worry about what is after death if you’re not there yet. As long as this is the case, invest your energy on improving your existing conditions. If you are going to spend some time as a human being why not make the best of it. Forget the whole issue of eternal life and focus on learning as much as possible about life. Don’t be greedy, be thankful and think of life as a gift bestowed upon you from a supreme being. This could be the paradise you are longing for. Look around you, there are so many things to see and discover. You may be missing something that might provide you with the key to happiness and contentment. We should all be grateful for this opportunity to experience life even if it all ends with death. This is how most religious authorities want their followers to deal with death.

      My answer to all of this is simple: although I value and appreciate life, I can’t help but think and believe in the afterlife; not only don’t I find an interrupted existence to be a complete waste, but more importantly because I am totally convinced that there is an afterlife. Not because of religious beliefs, but perhaps that I happen to be the only person who has a scientific explanation for the afterlife. Furthermore, from a logical perspective, it makes sense for an intelligent species to believe in the afterlife. Actually, even if the afterlife does not exist, it is only natural for any intelligent species to invent it. Without the hope for an eternal life, an intelligent species is bound to lose interest in the very physical life we all work so hard to preserve. An atheist or secular person should not be close minded nor feel embarrassed when discussing this topic. After all no one can be certain to prove or deny the existence of an afterlife. Later on, we shall observe how everything we do is somewhat connected to ensuring the survival of our species and as a result ensuring the survival of the abstract universe which is perpetual… which is immortality. Surviving is never easy. Only a minority of the world population is known to enjoy a happy trouble free life. Most people struggle and suffer for their entire life, yet, hoping for a better life keeps them going. There is no logical explanation nor is there any justice in subjecting anyone to this cruelty. The only justification would be in offering something better after this phase is over. Even when life is beautiful, without a greater outcome, there would be no meaning to it. What is the sense of going through all the trouble of living if everything is going to come to an abrupt end? There ought to be more to it than that. Yes some people may consider living even one day to be a gift from God, but when the time comes to part this earthly world, I don’t believe anyone is prepared to leave without a fight. The thing to remember is that without conscious and awareness - faculties thus far only acquired by humans - the whole universe does not make any sense at all. In the least there will be no one to know it even exists. Not only are we part of this Continuous Creation, we are also essential to its raison d'être. According to the Continuous Creation theory, nothing exists all by itself. In it, everything is connected to everything else and as long as one understands the logic of the Continuous Creation, an explanation can be found. Our creative mind, our imaginative thoughts, our hungry desires to invent, our compelling drive to discover, all that and more happen to be a spiritual version of the Continuous Creation, and we shall exist forever, because the continuous creation never dies. In a sense, we happen to be a continuous creation of a different sort. Another parallel of a multifaceted continuous creation. By having new ideas, by dreaming of new images, by longing for different desires, we are constantly transforming ourselves from one state to another and thus continuously re-creating ourselves. Even though, we face the prospect of biological death every moment, individually and collectively we manage to create new spiritual and intellectual eternal universes. Looking at thing from this perspective, we all know that as biological beings our lives will end and no one can escape death; yet, despite this fact, most of us still manage to be caring, helpful and creative. This type of activities may not seem much on the surface; however, a deeper look would reveal that this is all it takes to transfer a biological being into an eternal spirit. Thus, in a very bizarre and paradoxical fashion we transform - or at least attempt to transform - our perishing body into a spirit. I do strongly believe that as human beings, we are able to become spirits, by the same continuous creative force that enable us to convert biology into energy, and in turn transform energy into thoughts, imagination

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