Survival: The Ultimate Mission. Robert M.D. Skaf

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Survival: The Ultimate Mission - Robert M.D. Skaf

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to anything that had been wiped out. In that, to link the age of the universe to the oldest galaxy or star would be akin to stating that a particular species is one year old since this was the age of its oldest member. Even if one was to agree with current theories, many astrophysicists now believe that the age of universe is much older than we ever thought. Initially, the assumption was that the universe has been around for fourteen billion years. But someone decided to multiply this number by four, since our planet is surrounded by lights from four directions. The number grows larger as more powerful equipment is discovered farther away stars and galaxies. In my opinion, according to the current methods, scientists could only determine the age of the universe if they succeed in finding the oldest matter that ever existed - be it dark or visible. An impossible mission? One more point: theoretically speaking, splitting the atom could go on forever, which leads me to speculate that forming the atom has also gone forever. Moreover, the future of science and consequently the future of the human race is going to greatly depend on learning more about the components of the atom. Although, we have not even scratched the surface we were able to unleash nuclear powers, one cannot even imagine what other powers or forces humans can discover from controlling and manipulating sub-atomic particles or dark energy or dark matter. I can only say this: fusing an atom requires a great deal of energy and yet releases greater energy, therefore, it would be safe to speculate that sub-atomic particles require enormous amount of energy to fuse, yet the energy released is by far greater than anything known to us. Conversely, as far as discovery goes, the same can be said about biology. The more we discover about the gene the more control we accomplish. As is the case with the atom, the same can be said about mapping the human genome: it is only the beginning. Next let’s go over what we know about massive matters. Wimp is an acronym that stands for weakly interactive massive particles. As we all know, scientists don’t create words for romantic reasons; they must have observed that massive matters are destined to become active even when they may appear to be passive. In essence, one cannot separate energies or forces from matter, particles or sub-particles. (In fact wimps can also be called dark energy.) The tiny battery we buy off the shelf happens to be the perfect illustration of how this synergy takes place. With tiny bit of energy, the user can power an electric motor or illuminate a light. The tasks performed are seemingly easy; however, when one looks at the science behind them he or she may observe how an infinite universe happens to behave. In a blink of an eye, many conversions take place. Energy is transformed into electro-magnetic force or light. We may not know much about the dark matter but we have every reason to assume that -due to their enormous mass- they also spin forces of their own. We do not notice them because like the forces known to us, they also happen to neutralize each other. Eventually, they become active as different unknown matters get into the mix. The first person to observe the evidence of an invisible force that can be created out of a massive coalescence of matters was Sir Isaac Newton who is considered by many scholars to be the father of modern science. In simple terms, his theory states that any large object is able to attract other smaller objects to its surface by a force called gravity. To this date we still don’t know why and how this force is formed, all we know is that it is there wherever there is a huge mass. The fact that tidal waves are created by the gravity of the moon is a good indication of how a force can be created from the simple existence of a huge mass. Earlier on we talked about the dark matter where every celestial object is floating. In most cases the dark matter does not appear to be active. However, (without any intentional planning and just for the fact that mass and inaction never coexist in space or anywhere else), on occasions different systems with different dark matters collide generating an incredible amount of energy. Unknown matters spin a new mysterious force that is able to generate a number of forces that work together to fuse sub-atomic particles into atoms. Based on the fact that the dark matter in our universe forms a small part of a huge cluster of universes or an infinite universe, one may be justified to theorize that this energy ought to be much greater than any energy produced by our own universe. In fact, there are scientists who believe that the conditions to fuse sub-atomic particles can only be met by introducing a force from outside our universe. In general, most astrophysicists believe that black holes are also capable of fusing subatomic particles, yet they do not deny that atoms can also be fused into shape by an enormous multi-universal force. Whether one can prove this theory is a different topic for a different study. All we can say is that somewhat a phenomenon takes shape in the universe and becomes the breeding ground for new particles that would eventually bind together into a huge stellar cloud that could be the size of a galaxy or even a universe; it all depends on the size of the black hole. The one thing scientists do agree on is that the heat required to fuse sub-atomic particle must be substantially greater than the one that is able to fuse hydrogen into helium. To put things into perspective, in nature, only stars are able to fuse hydrogen. Here on earth, only a hydrogen bomb has practically achieved this goal. Basically we are looking at temperature in the million degree range. The heat needed to fuse sub-atomic particles could be as high as billion degrees. Basically, one needs enough heat to fuse the infusible. The existence of heavy atoms such as uranium is but one indication on how enormous this energy has to be. Curiously enough, some scientists believe that other regions of the universe may even harbour larger heavier atoms, which in this case, leads us to envisage an even greater force or heat. (Actually, at some point, the fusion of super heavy metals ends up absorbing more energy than it releases). The most fascinating thing about all these theories is in how a dead star or a galaxy or even a universe can somewhat get resurrected by this process. In theory, our universe or other universes could be reduced to a single atom. In fact, this is what the big bang is all about. Personally, I do not believe in this theory. As long as we can observe black holes in the skies, I am more inclined to speculate that the big bang was a black hole that gave birth to our galaxy. Without pretending to know much about black holes, I cannot see them exploding and contracting at the same time. I suspect that once the process of fusing heavy atoms begins, another one kicks in at the same time. Unlike anything observed in our history, this process is triggered by the enormous heat generated by the fusion of large atoms that keep getting larger and larger until everything around them cools off or is scattered away. This is what goes on inside the black hole, however, outside the black hole; another chain reaction is taking place. The enormous heat has turned the entire dead star into an atom forming furnace which feeds on dark matter and dark energy, the elements that make most of our universe, yet we hardly know anything about. We need an Einstein to figure out the temperature which could be into the billions of degrees, something unimaginable for sure. Here is another way to look at this phenomenon, temperatures of our own sun can reach millions of degrees, yet even at this enormous heat, we are told that no atom formation occurs. This theory is supported by another one which assumes that the sun is continuously losing mass, something which they believe to be typical of all other stars. As a lay person, I am not embarrassed to speculate that things are a lot more complicated than we ever thought. In my view the atomization process is very common in the universe. (Perhaps atomization is not the right word. Particlation as in particles or plasmation as in plasma would be more accurate; however, those words have never been used before to describe the process we are referring to. So, for the time being, atomize and atomization will have to do, although, they might convey the opposite meaning of what we are trying to describe.) Even stars are able to atomize dark matter and dark energy. Having trouble accepting this theory, take a look at nuclear fusion. From what I understand, three steps are involved in the process. To reach the temperature required to fuse the hydrogen atom, fission resulting from thermo explosion must take place. On a small scale, fusing atoms may not be able to atomize any dark matter, or if it did it would be of an insignificant amount. Things could be different on a large scale. Even a small star may be able to atomize dark matter. The enormous heat emitted by solar flares could only be traced to this process. There is no other explanation to the enormous difference in the temperature between the separate layers of the sun. Even if the mass loss theory is correct, it cannot be the proof to deny atom formation. For, what could be taken place is a combination of both. Actually, in some cases the sun could be gaining mass. It is possible that giant stars end up exploding as a result of the atomization process which allows their mass to grow beyond a star. Again, one may speculate that without this process, the life of stars, and ours in particular, would be more predictable. Logically speaking, the life of a giant star should be much longer than a small one. However, in most cases, it is the other way around. It all depends on the speed and level of atomization that is taking place. The life of our sun could be shortened
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