Double Your Mind Power: Improve Concentration and Confidence With Power Within You. Michelle Inc. Steven

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Double Your Mind Power: Improve Concentration and Confidence With Power Within You - Michelle Inc. Steven

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Double Your Mind Power: Improve Concentration and Confidence With Power Within You


      © 2012 by Michelle Steven

      ISBN 9781456611828

      All rights reserved. The reproduction or utilization of this work in whole in part, in any form by any print, electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

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      Terms of Use

      Any information provided in this book is through the author’s interpretation. The author has done strenuous work to reassure the accuracy of this subject. If you wish you attempt any of the practices provided in this book, you are doing so with your own responsibility. The author will not be held accountable for any misinterpretations or misrepresentations of the information provided here.

      All information provided is done so with every effort to represent the subject, but does not guarantee that your life will change. The author shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages that result from reading this book.



      Master Your Mind

      See It and Achieve It


      Focus and Stability

      Concentrate on Success

      Learning to Concentrate

      More Exercises

      Think Strong, Stay Positive

      Physical Nature of Confidence

      Habits to Cultivate


      Set Backs

      Areas to Improve


      Think and Be Positive

      Business and Society



      We all want to be the best that we can be and to live up to our potential. We want professional success and personal success as well. The problem is that in this busy world that we often lose sight of what is important, we lose focus and end up filled with doubts. In order to achieve success, one must have two things: the ability to focus and concentrate in order to get things done and self-confidence.

      This book will help you work on both areas. The first half of this book will help you with your concentration and your focus. Having an organized desk is not enough to keep on track, you must have an organized mind and the willpower to focus and get things done. You must learn to visualize your goals and keep them in mind in order to ensure success. Nobody find success by tripping over it. They work for it, they want it, and they find it. So can you.

      When you utilize your focus and concentration to make your goals and ideas get accomplished, it means that you are focusing your mind on concentrating on the right things, and that leaves no room for the bad things in your mind. The power of thought and how to apply it is a vital key to living up to your potential. Learning to concentrate will improve the following in yourself: your efficiency, your attitude, your willpower, your influence, your inner energy, your confidence, and your memory.

      All of the above will carry over onto your professional and personal success. When you start achieving your goals, you will be more confident and thus, happier. Do not just dream of what you want, concentrate on it. Money does not make success, but your concentration and determination does. Learn to apply yourself to gain what you want.

      The second half of the book will help you boost and build your confidence. Nobody is perfect but the trick to self-confidence is to accept yourself, and your flaws. Self-doubt is the downfall of many people. You can have the best ideas but if you doubt yourself and never speak up, success will never be yours.

      The root of low confidence is fear. Fear of rejection, fear of mockery, and fear of failure are three main causes of low confidence. Low confidence will manifest as shyness and indecision. To be so afraid to make a wrong step that we take no steps, that is in itself, failure.

      With practice and concentration, you can build up your confidence and face those fears. You will learn to self-exam yourself and see what areas might need improving and to have the focus and willpower to do so. You will learn to master those doubts.

      You will learn to be confident and with that have the personal and professional success that comes with confidence. There is no room for wishy-washy decision making when it comes to business. You will learn to focus your mind on your goals and to go after them with confidence. Learn to not let mistakes fill you with fear or doubt; but instead tighten your will so that you learn and overcome.

      Master Your Mind

      To be open to learning and improving yourself is a secret of success. We can always improve somewhere, somehow. Success is not bought with money; it is bought with effort. Effort is a price that only you can pay. Nobody else can put forth effort into your own success and have it work; only you can do that. Test yourself constantly, challenge yourself daily. Success is yours and all you have to do to get it is to put your mind to it and not give up. Concentrate on doing what you can, when you can and as much as you can. Doing the minimum or just skating by is not success; you are not putting forth the effort or the focus.

      The person who finds success is not the smartest man, nor the richest man, nor the most talented man; but he is the most determined man. He does not let failure define him or get him down and knows that by applying his mind, that he will overcome any hurdle.

      The untrained mind will act without logical thought on many things: passions, emotions, impulses, and outside events. We let our automatic thinking take over instead of applying rational and logical thought. These actions are never going to be our best course of action.

      To ensure success and solid decision making, that sort of thinking must go out the window. As humans, we are impulsive and emotional. When we are full of excitement, passion, intense emotions, or stress, we are in such an excited state that we are not able to concentrate.

      Training your mind to be able to overcome such an excitable state and to be able to restrain those emotions and impulses will enable you to pull your concentration and focus onto making the best decisions. We are not suggesting that you close down or not be emotional or have impulses, we are suggesting that you train yourself to handle them rationally.

      The successful people are the ones that can stay cool under pressure, not lose their heads over a heated situation, or panic in a crises. They have learned to keep their feelings in check and trained themselves to take stock of the situation and to focus on the correct course of action instead of acting upon the first impulse or emotion that they felt.

      Concentration allows you to focus your mental and physical energy and put it to good use. It keeps your mind from wandering or being forgetful. Being scatterbrained, being anxious, and daydreaming will only waste energy that had better uses.

      Concentration will give you focus, calm you and direct your energy in the way in which you need it to go. You must train yourself to keep focused on your goals, your plans, and your wishes. Monitor yourself closely for several weeks. When you find yourself making decisions, stop to reflect before acting on it.

      Are you about to act on impulse or emotion? See your goals and what you want clearly in your head; is the action you are about to take in line with these? Pull your mind towards only achieving what you want to achieve, make your decisions based on that. When we act on emotions only, we are letting ourselves get flustered. Being flustered will cause us

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